

2016 Subaru WRX CAN BUS Ids

CAN BUS ids sniffed from a 2016 Subaru WRX


The following outlines CAN BUS ids and data I've discovered while sniffing the (high speed, 500KB/s) CAN BUS on my 2016 Subaru WRX.

Some of these are certain, some are still only suspicions. These are my personal notes that can hopefully help anyone else looking at the CAN network for this particular car.

CAN IDs and Data

I'm generally only highlighting the data that is significant. 00 indicates either observed 00 data, or unknown/irrelevant data.

CAN ID 0x152

Byte 8


0x152-------80 (10000000)Lights off
0x152-------84 (10000100)Parking lights
0x152-------8C (10001100)Full headlights
0x152-------98 (10011000)High-beams

Turn signal:

0x152-------00 (00000000)Off
0x152-------10 (00010000)Left signal
0x152-------20 (00100000)Right signal

Windshield wipers:

0x152-------C0 (11000000)Active

Byte 7

Parking/hand brake and brake pedal:

0x152------00 (00000000)-None
0x152------08 (00001000)-Parking/hand brake
0x152------10 (00010000)-Brake pedal engaged
0x152------18 (00011000)-Brake pedal and parking brake

CAN ID 0x140

Bytes 6 & 7

Accelerator pedal pressure:

0x140-----FFFF-B6 & B7, little endian

CAN ID 0x0D1

Bytes 1 & 2

Vehicle speed:

0x0D1FFFF------------------------B1 & B2, little endian

For example, if B1 and B2 are 0x0F and 0x04 respectively:

(4 * 256) + 15 = 1039
1039 * 0.05625 = ~58 km/h

Byte 3

Brake pedal pressure:

0x0D1--00-----No pressure
0xOD1--53-----Some (full?) pressure

I wasn't able to observe a value higher than about 0x53 for byte 3 for brake pressure while casually stomping on the pedal.

CAN ID 0x0D4

Bytes 1-8

Individual wheel speeds:

0x0D1FFFF------B1 & B2, little endian, left front
0x0D1--FFFF----B3 & B4, little endian, right front
0x0D1----FFFF--B5 & B6, little endian, left rear
0x0D1------FFFFB7 & B8, little endian, right rear

See 0x0D1 above for speed calculation.

CAN ID 0x375

Byte 1

Door locking state:

0x37500 (00000000)-------Driver and passenger doors locked
0x37501 (00000001)-------Passenger door (RF) only locked (bit 1)
0x37502 (00000010)-------Driver door (LF) only locked (bit 2)
0x37503 (00000011)-------All doors unlocked

Byte 2

Door open state:

0x375-00 (00000000)------All doors closed
0x375-01 (00000001)------LF (driver) door open (bit 1)
0x375-02 (00000010)------RF (passenger) door open (bit 2)
0x375-04 (00000100)------RR door open (bit 3)
0x375-08 (00001000)------LR door open (bit 4)
0x375-08 (00100000)------Trunk open (bit 6)

CAN ID 0x002

Bytes 1 & 2

Steering wheel position:

Combination of two bytes used for steering wheel position.

0x002[01-19][00-FF]------Turning wheel left (CCW)

B1 and B2 are used together to get a pretty high definition value of steering wheel motion. From a position of dead centre (00,00), turning the wheel left: 00,01 -> 00,02 -> ... -> 01,00 -> 01,01 etc

Cranking the wheel hard left, I was only able to observe the first byte go as high as 0x19.

Turning the wheel right from a centered position shows a reduction in values:

0x002[FF-E6][FF-00]------Turning wheel right (CW)

I didn't test with the wheel all the way right, but I assumed B1 would range from 0xFF to about 0xE6.

I used a calculation such as below to determine steering wheel position as a percentage, from -100% (right) to 0 to 100% (left), assuming conversion to decimal:

LEFT: (B1 * 255 + B2) / 26*255
RIGHT: (((255 - B1) * 255) + B2) / 26*255 * -1
* where the max observed was B1 and B2 were 0x19 (25 in dec) and 0xFF respectively

I saw previously somewhere that this is actually a measurement of degrees, but I can no longer find the calculation.

CAN ID 0x0D0

I observed very similar data on bytes 1 and 2 from CAN ID 0x0D0 for steering wheel position but didn't not investigate further on maximum values.

CAN ID 0x281

Byte 1

Climate control fan speed (bits 5-8):


Fan speed shows increases on byte 1 by 0x20 for each level (20, 40, 60, ..., E0), utilizing the last 4 bits:

Air direction/vent modes (bits 3-4):

Byte 2

Appears to be used for combinations the automatic climate control modes, by bit:


Byte 3

Climate control temperature:

0x281--00-----'LOW' setting (18°C)
0x281--B0-----'HIGH' setting (32°C)

CAN ID 0x282

Byte 6

Seatbelt buckle (inverse) state for driver and passenger (bits 1 and 2)

0x28203 (00000011)-------Both unbuckled
0x28202 (00000010)-------Driver buckled
0x28201 (00000001)-------Passenger buckled

CAD ID 0x6D1

Odometer reading:

0x6D10D0C0B0A----Little endian

Calculation per OBD PID A6 spec

(A*2^24 + B* B*2^16 + C*2^8 + B) / 10


The following are some log files I obtained using candump with certain events. It's helpful to run these through canplayer on a virtual device. These were done with the ignition on but without the car running (unless otherwise specified)


I've used the following tools to perform my sniffing in various ways:


These are the resources I used either when I was getting started or to dig a bit deeper: