

SharedChamber Kotlin Android

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<b>Project :</b> SharedChamber on top of SharedPreferences using Facebook Conceal<br> <b>Description </b> <br> Conceal provides a set of Java APIs to perform cryptography on Android. It was designed to be able to encrypt large files on disk in a fast and memory efficient manner. Implementation on SharedPreferences of Android would be great data Encryption and Decryption. Currently supported Facebook Conceal V2.0



dependencies {
        api 'com.github.afiqiqmal:SharedChamber-Kotlin:2.5.1'


        api 'com.github.afiqiqmal:SharedChamber-Kotlin:2.5.1' {
            exclude group: 'com.google.code.gson', module: 'gson'




First of All

it needed to first init in Application class in oncreate method or on Base Activity Class. or everything is not working =D


Permission need to use in your project. Please Allow it first if you need to use file save, or it will affect .putImage and .putFile method

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
SharedChamber sharedChamber = new SharedChamber.ChamberBuilder(this)
        .setChamberType(ChamberType.KEY_256)  //ChamberType.KEY_256 or ChamberType.KEY_128
        .enableCrypto(true,true) //param 1 - enable value encryption , param 2 - enable key encryption
        .enableKeyPrefix(true, "walaoweh") //1- if false, prefix will be ignore
        .setPassword("Android") //default value - BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID
        .setFolderName("testing") //create Folder for data stored: default is - "conceal_path"
        .setPrefListener(this) // listen to data changes 

*setFolderName - folder will be hidden. To see, enable show hidden folder in storage
               - data stored here only images and files
               - sharedpreferences are not store here
               - created folder by default YOURSTORAGE/.conceal_path/images

               - for images - in folder /images
               - for files - in folder /files
Save data
sharedChamber.put(KEY, "Hello");
sharedChamber.put(KEY, 1000000);
sharedChamber.put(KEY, 100.00);
sharedChamber.put(KEY, ByteArray);
sharedChamber.put(KEY, HashMap<String, String>());

for complex object might need use putModel which use gson

sharedChamber.putModel(KEY, Gson().fromJson(loadJSONFromAsset(context, "users.json"), User::class.java));
sharedChamber.putModel(KEY, Gson().fromJson(loadJSONFromAsset(context, "users.json"), object : TypeToken<ArrayList<Task>>() {}.type).toString());

Files and Images

// Files and Images will be encrypted
// prefix of this encrypted images and files start with "conceal_enc_";
File getFile = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath()+"/testing.pdf");
sharedChamber.putFile(KEY,getFile,boolean deleteOldFiles);
// deleteOldFiles - true or false.. true - will delete choosen file and move to new path

//put images
sharedChamber.put(KEY, BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.mipmap.ic_launcher));
sharedChamber.put(KEY, File);
sharedChamber.putDrawable(KEY, Drawable ID);
<b>For Method Chaining</b>
new SharedChamber.Editor("PREFIX") // optional - get default from global prefix
                .put(KEY, "Hello")
                .put(KEY, 1000000)
                .put(KEY, true)
                .put(KEY, ByteArray)
                .put(KEY, getFile,boolean deleteOldFiles);
                .put(KEY, BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.mipmap.ic_launcher))
                .put(KEY, imageFile)
                .put(KEY, STRING_LIST)
                .put(KEY, FLOAT_LIST)
		.putModel(KEY, Gson().fromJson(loadJSONFromAsset(context, "users.json"), User.class));
                .apply(); //.commit();
<b>Get total data</b>
<b>Get all sharedpreferences data</b>
Map<String,String> getAll = sharedChamber.getEverythingInChamberInMap();
<b>Get all sharedpreferences data in List String</b>
List<String> getAll = sharedChamber.getEverythingInChamberInList();
<b>Get all encrypted Files inside created folder</b>
List<CryptoFile> getFiles = sharedChamber.getAllChamberFiles();
<b>Fetching data</b>
sharedChamber.getString(KEY, DEFAULT_VALUE);
sharedChamber.getInt(KEY, DEFAULT_VALUE);
sharedChamber.getDouble(KEY, DEFAULT_VALUE);

//using gson
sharedChamber.getModel(KEY, User::class.java).toString();
sharedChamber.getModel(KEY, object : TypeToken<ArrayList<Task>>() {}.type).toString();

Bitmap bitmap = sharedChamber.getImage(KEY);   //return String path
File enc_file = sharedChamber.getFile(KEY,true);    //return File
// this getImage and getFile will totally decrypted selected file/image. You need to encrypt it back.
// just call sharedChamber.putImage(KEY,bitmap); or sharedChamber.putFile(KEY,enc_file,true);
<b>Clear key and SharedPreferences</b>
sharedChamber.destroyChamber(); //clear key
sharedChamber.clearChamber(); // clear all

sharedChamber.remove(KEY1, KEY2, KEY3, KEY4) //String... keys
sharedChamber.removeFile(KEY); //delete assosiate file (images and files) return boolean
<b>Check if key exists</b>
sharedChamber.contains(KEY); // return boolean
<b>Get SharedPreferences</b>
<b>Listener Data Changes</b>
public class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements OnDataChamberChangeListener{
    public void onDataChange(String key,String value) {
         //code here
<b>Easier Save User Detail Preferences</b>
new SharedChamber.UserChamber()
.apply(); // need to apply() or commit()


SharedChamber.UserChamber().applyFirstName("Firstname"); //directly apply
SharedChamber.UserChamber().applyLastName("Firstname"); //directly apply
<b>Get User Detail</b>
new SharedChamber.UserChamber().getFirstName()
new SharedChamber.UserChamber().getLastName()
new SharedChamber.UserChamber().getEmail()
<b>Key prefix - Apply key with prefix</b>
new SharedChamber.UserChamber("KEY PREFIX").setFirstName("Firstname").apply();
new SharedChamber.UserChamber("KEY PREFIX").setLastName("Firstname").apply();

Extra Usage for Conceal Encryption and Decryption

SecretChamber secretChamber = new SecretBuilder(this)
                .setEnableValueEncryption(true) //default true
                .setEnableKeyEncryption(true) // default true
                .setChamberType(ChamberType.KEY_256) // ChamberType.KEY_256 or ChamberType.KEY_128
                .setPassword("Mac OSX")
secretChamber.vaultHash(plaintext); // SHA-256
secretChamber.lockVault(test); // encrypt using facebook conceal
secretChamber.lockVaultBase(test,4); // encrypt using basic base64 with iteration
secretChamber.lockVaultAes("Hello World is World Hello Aes Cryption"); // encrypt using AES

//1-parameter is original location of file..it will move to other location set as in initialization
secretChamber.lockVaultFile(File file,boolean deleteOldFile);

secretChamber.openVault(cipher!!); // decrypt using facebook conceal
secretChamber.openVaultBase(cipher!!,4); // decrypt using basic base64 with iteration
secretChamber.openVaultAes(cipher!!); // decrypt using AES

secretChamber.openVaultFile(File file,boolean deleteOldFile);


-keep class com.facebook.crypto.** { *; }
-keep class com.facebook.jni.** { *; }
-keepclassmembers class com.facebook.cipher.jni.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.facebook.**


  1. Set Preferences for specific user
  2. Able to switch Preferences between user


Facebook Conceal - Conceal provides easy Android APIs for performing fast encryption and authentication of data.<br> Documentation - Here


open source project that is licensed under the MIT license. Please refer to the license file for more information.

<a href="https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/mhi9388?locale.x=en_US"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/Y2gqr2j.png" height="40"></a>