

<br /> <div align="center"> <a> <img src=".github/ganymede-logo.png" alt="Logo" width="80" height="80"> </a> <h2 align="center">Ganymede</h2> <p align="center"> Twitch VOD and Live Stream archiving platform with a real-time and rendered chat experience. Files are saved in a friendly format allowing for use without Ganymede. </p> </div>





Ganymede allows archiving of past streams (VODs) and live streams with a real-time chat playback along with a archival-friendly rendered chat. All files are saved in a friendly way that doesn't require Ganymede to view them (see file structure). Ganymede is the successor of Ceres.



For in-depth documentation on features visit the wiki.


Visit the docs folder for the API docs.




Ganymede consists of four docker containers:

  1. API
  2. Frontend
  3. Postgres Database
  4. Nginx

Feel free to use an existing Postgres database container and Nginx container if you don't want to spin new ones up.

  1. Download a copy of the docker-compose.yml file and nginx.conf.
  2. Edit the docker-compose.yml file modifying the environment variables, see environment variables for more information.
  3. Run docker compose up -d.
  4. Visit the address and port you specified for the frontend and login with username: admin password: ganymede.
  5. Change the admin password or create a new user, grant admin permissions on that user, and delete the admin user.


The API container can be run as a non root user. To do so add PUID and PGID environment variables, setting the value to your user. Read linuxserver's docs about this for more information.

Note: On startup the container will chown the config, temp, and logs directory. It will not recursively chown the /data/videos directory. Ensure the mounted /data/videos directory is readable by the set user.

Environment Variables

The docker-compose.yml file has comments for each environment variable. The *_URL envionrment variables must be the 'public' URLs (e.g. https://ganymedem.domain.com) it cannot be a URL to just the docker service.

ENV NameDescription
DEBUGEnable debug logging true or false.
VIDEOS_DIRPath inside the container to the videos directory. Default: /data/videos.
TEMP_DIRPath inside the container where temporary files are stored during archiving. Default: /data/temp.
LOGS_DIRPath inside the container where log files are stored. Default: /data/logs.
CONFIG_DIRPath inside the container where the config is stored. Default: /data/config.
DB_HOSTHost of the database.
DB_PORTPort of the database.
DB_USERUsername for the database.
DB_PASSPassword for the database.
DB_NAMEName of the database.
DB_SSLWhether to use SSL. Default: disable. See DB SSL for more information.
DB_SSL_ROOT_CERTOptional Path to DB SSL root certificate. See DB SSL for more information.
JWT_SECRETSecret for JWT tokens. This should be a long random string.
JWT_REFRESH_SECRETSecret for JWT refresh tokens. This should be a long random string.
TWITCH_CLIENT_IDTwitch application client ID.
TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRETTwitch application client secret.
FRONTEND_HOSTHost of the frontend, used for CORS. Example:
COOKIE_DOMAINOptional Domain the cookie is valid for. This is used with a reverse proxy and should be the top level domain (e.g. domain.com). You may need to tinker with this variable depending how your reverse proxy is setup. Typically it is the root where ganymede is or the level up-one.
OAUTH_ENABLEDOptional Wheter OAuth is enabled true or false. Must have the other OAuth variables set if this is enabled.
OAUTH_PROVIDER_URLOptional OAuth provider URL. See https://github.com/Zibbp/ganymede/wiki/SSO---OpenID-Connect
OAUTH_CLIENT_IDOptional OAuth client ID.
OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRETOptional OAuth client secret.
OAUTH_REDIRECT_URLOptional OAuth redirect URL, points to the API. Example: http://localhost:4000/api/v1/auth/oauth/callback.
MAX_CHAT_DOWNLOAD_EXECUTIONSMaximum number of chat downloads that can be running at once. Live streams bypass this limit.
MAX_CHAT_RENDER_EXECUTIONSMaximum number of chat renders that can be running at once.
MAX_VIDEO_DOWNLOAD_EXECUTIONSMaximum number of video downloads that can be running at once. Live streams bypass this limit.
MAX_VIDEO_CONVERT_EXECUTIONSMaximum number of video conversions that can be running at once.
ENV NameDescription
API_URLHost for the API. Example:
CDN_URLHost for the Nginx serivce. Example:
SHOW_SSO_LOGIN_BUTTONtrue/false Show a "login via sso" button on the login page.
FORCE_SSO_AUTHtrue/false Force users to login via SSO by bypassing the login page.
REQUIRE_LOGINtrue/false Require users to be logged in to view videos.

Ensure these are the same in the API environment variables.

ENV NameDescription
POSTGRES_PASSWORDDatabase password
POSTGRES_USERDatabase username.
POSTGRES_DBName of the database.


/data/videosMount for video storage. This must match the VIDEOS_DIR environment variable./mnt/nas/vods:/data/videos
/data/logsMount to store task logs. This must match the LOGS_DIR environment variable../logs:/data/logs
/data/tempMount to store temporay files during the archive process. This is mounted to the host so files are recoverable in the event of a crash. This must match the TEMP_DIR environment variable../temp:/data/temp
/data/configMount to store the config. This must match the CONFIG_DIR environment variable../config:/data/config
/data/videosMount for video storage, same as the API container volume./mnt/nas/vods:/data/videos
/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:roPath to the Nginx conf file./path/to/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro



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