

Absolute Series Scanner (ASS):

If all video files are showing in plex at the right season and episode number, the scanner did its job. Please view ASS readme here: https://github.com/ZeroQI/Absolute-Series-Scanner/blob/master/README.md

HTTP Anidb Metadata Agent (HAMA)

HAMA was initially created By Atomicstrawberry until v0.4 [2015-08-31] included. Here are HAMA agent features:

* Both Movies and Series Agent
* AniDB ID to TVDB/TMDB ID matching (with studio and episode mapping list) with ScudLee's xml mapping file
* Posters from TVDB (assign a poster to each anidb id in anidb to tvdb mapping file to avoid poster duplicates)
* TVDB episode screenshots
* Episode summary (in English only) courtesy of TVDB through ScudLee's XML episode mappings
* Uses studio from mapping file then AniDB (as often missing from AniDB)
* Search part entirely local through AniDB HTML API database file anime-titles.xml
* Separate language order selection for the series name and episode titles in Agent Settings (Supports Kanji characters in folders, filenames, titles)
* Warnings in html report files (no poster available, episode summary empty, TVDB id not in mapping file) to allow the community to update more easily the mapping XML or TVDB, list of missing episodes
* Collection mapping from ScudLee's movie collection ammended with AniDB RelatedAnime field
* Unique posters by using the anidbid rank in the mapping to rotate the posters
* when a serie is not found in AniDB, search TVDB and TMDB automatically
* Trakt scrobbling supports Hama guids

Local Media Assets

This Plex written agent is responsible for loading from the user folder the following local data if present:

Its tickbox is located in Settings > Server > Agents > Shows > HamaTV | HamaMovies > "Local Media Assets (TV|Movies)"

Put this agent before HAMA to prioritize local files. Here is a table summarizing naming conventions:<BR />

<TABLE> <THEAD> <TR> <TH> Data type </TH> <TH> Source </TH> <TH> Comment </TH> </TR> </THEAD> <TBODY> <TR> <TD> fanart </TD> <TD> art/backdrop/background/fanart-1.ext </TD> <TD> -1 can be ommited </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> Serie poster </TD> <TD> Serie folder: Show name-1/folder/poster/show.ext</TD> <TD> (jpg, jpeg, png, tbn) </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> Season poster </TD> <TD> Season folder: Season01a.ext </TD> <TD> (jpg, jpeg, png, tbn) </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> Banner </TD> <TD> banner/banner-1.jpg </TD> <TD> (jpg, jpeg, png, tbn) </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> Theme song </TD> <TD> theme.mp3 </TD> <TD> (mp3) </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> Subtitles </TD> <TD> file name.ext </TD> <TD> (srt, smi, ssa, ass) </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> Trailers </TD> <TD> MovieName-Trailer.ext or in "Trailers" folder </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> Plexignore files </TD> <TD> .plexignore </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE>


Subtitle files are supported through that

"Local Media Assets (Movies)" in the HamaMovies agent list, any files you name as MovieName-Trailer.ext or place in a 'Trailers' folder inside the movie's folder are picked up by Plex as trailers. I've done this for a few things where I have the trailer as file, but I agree - it'd be even better if we can get Hama to add any S0E2xx as a 'trailer' extra too.

Plex's trailer feature also supports displaying trailers from a URL - the metadata agent just needs to add the relevant URL at which Plex can reach the trailer. If we added support for this, it'd mean that user who don't have the trailer as a file can also benefit from having the trailer available.

Metadata sources

I use AniDB HTTP title database file and ScudLee's XML files with his approval. A new ScudLee fork is used for HAMA:

ScudLee's XMLs: https://github.com/Anime-Lists/anime-lists ScudLee's XBMC AniDB mod agent: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=142835&pid=1432010#pid1432010

* anime-titles.xml        AniDB HTTP API, contain all anime titles, downloaded from http://anidb.net/api/anime-titles.xml.gz
* anime-list-master.xml   ScudLee's AniDB to TVDB xml mapping file, give studio and episode mapping list for te episode overview, downloaded from [here](https://raw.github.com/ScudLee/anime-lists/master/anime-list-master.xml)
* anime-movieset-list.xml ScudLee's movie collection (Because XBMC only supports movie collection and the files were developed for AniDB mod XBMC plugin), downloaded from [here](https://raw.github.com/ScudLee/anime-lists/master/anime-movieset-list.xml)

HAMA downloads the XMLs from the internet (using Plex cache for 1 week), then local, then resource folder. For pictures and theme songs, it takes from the cache first, then the internet

The XMLs are downloaded (cached) and a copy is saved In the agent data folders and used in case of connection issues

* anime-titles.xml:	         http://anidb.net/api/anime-titles.xml.gz [API: http://wiki.anidb.net/w/API]
* anime-list-full.xml:	 Maps the AniDB ID to the TVDB ID, providing studio,episode mapping matrix, tmdb/tmdb id
* anime-movieset-list.xml: 	 Allows movies to be grouped together
* tvdb banner and serie xml: episode titles and summaries, screenshot, posters
* anidb serie xml:           Serie information, poster
* Plex theme song:           Serie theme song

Hama creates specific html log files with links to facilitate updating the metadata databases used, for everyone's benefits and even list missing episodes:

<pre><code><a href='http://thetvdb.com/?tab=series&id=101621' target='_blank'>101621</a> missing summaries: ['s0e1', 's0e2', 's0e3', 's0e4', 's0e5', 's0e6', 's0e7', 's0e8', 's0e9', 's0e10', 's0e11', 's0e35', 's1932e0', 's1932e1', 's1932e3', 's1932e4', 's1932e5', 's1932e6', 's1932e7', 's1932e8', 's1932e9', 's1932e10', 's1932e11', 's1933e12', 's1933e13', 's1933e14', 's1933e15', 's1934e1', 's1934e2', 's1934e3', 's1934e6', 's1934e7', 's1934e8', 's1934e9', 's1934e10', 's1934e11', 's1934e12', 's1934e13', 's1935e1', 's1935e2', 's1935e3', 's1935e4', 's1935e5', 's1935e8', 's1935e10', 's1936e2', 's1936e4', 's1936e5', 's1936e6', 's1936e7', 's1936e8', 's1936e11', 's1937e1', 's1937e2', 's1937e9', 's1937e10', 's1937e11', 's1937e12', 's1938e1', 's1938e2', 's1938e3', 's1938e4', 's1938e5', 's1938e6', 's1938e7', 's1938e8', 's1938e9', 's1938e10', 's1938e12', 's1939e3', 's1939e4', 's1939e6']<br /> </code></pre>

I did change the metadata id from the Anidb ID to "anidb-xxxxx" with xxxxx being the anidbid. You can use anidb.id file in series or Series/Extras folder or in the serie name " [anidb-xxxxx]" at the end of serie folder name, works also for tvdb " [tvdb-xxxxxxx]". Older agents before that need to re-create the library to have a metadata.id beginning with "anidb-"

Agents' update() method is called only when adding new items to your library or when doing a "Force Refresh" or a "Fix Incorrect Match".


Agents settings will have the Metadata source for each field customizable, but not all fields exists on all sources. Fields shared by both series and episodes can use '|' to split the series from the episode part Sources are:

The titles priority can have the usual languages 'en', 'fr', 'sp', 'ja', etc... and the following for asian languages The titles will be in the priority indicated first and secondarily by the metadata source

<TABLE> <THEAD> <TR> <TH> Languages codes </TH> <TH> AniDB </TH> <TH> TheTVDB </TH> </TR> </THEAD> <TBODY> <TR> <TD> chinese (unspecified) </TD> <TD> zh </TD> <TD> zh </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> chinese (traditional) </TD> <TD> zh-Hant </TD> <TD> N/A </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> chinese (simplified) </TD> <TD> zh-Hans </TD> <TD> N/A </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> chinese (cantonese) </TD> <TD> zh-x-yue </TD> <TD> N/A </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> chinese (mandarin) </TD> <TD> zh-x-cmn </TD> <TD> N/A </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> chinese (taiwanese) </TD> <TD> zh-x-nan </TD> <TD> N/A </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> japanese </TD> <TD> ja </TD> <TD> ja </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> japanese (transcription) </TD> <TD> jap </TD> <TD> N/A </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> korean </TD> <TD> ko </TD> <TD> ko </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> korean (transcription) </TD> <TD> x-kot </TD> <TD> N/A </TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE>


ASS scanner is installation is hightly recommended: Place https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ZeroQI/Absolute-Series-Scanner/master/Scanners/Series/Absolute%20Series%20Scanner.py inside Plex main folder / "Scanners" / "Series" (folder needs creating).

To install Hama, it's like other Plex agents: Get the latest source zip in https://github.com/ZeroQI/Hama.bundle > "Code" > "Download Zip". Inside the Hama.bundle-master.zip you will have the folder "Hama.bundle-master" to rename to "Hama.bundle" and place in Plex plugin folder [https://support.plex.tv/hc/en-us/articles/201106098-How-do-I-find-the-Plug-Ins-folder-] or Plex main folder / "Plug-ins"

Plex main folder location:

* '%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plex Media Server\'                                        # Windows Vista/7/8
* '%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Plex Media Server\'         # Windows XP, 2003, Home Server
* (userdir)/library/Logs/Plex Media Server/PMS Plugin Logs                   # Mac OS
* '$PLEX_HOME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/',               # Linux
* '/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/', # Debian,Fedora,CentOS,Ubuntu
* '/var/lib/plex/Plex Media Server/',                                        # Arch
* '/usr/local/plexdata/Plex Media Server/',                                  # FreeBSD
* '/usr/pbi/plexmediaserver-amd64/plexdata/Plex Media Server/',              # FreeNAS
* '${JAIL_ROOT}/var/db/plexdata/Plex Media Server/',                         # FreeNAS
* '${JAIL_ROOT}/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins',                                 # FreeNAS 11.3 #skmagiik
* '/c/.plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/',                 # ReadyNAS
* '/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/PlexMediaServer/Library/Plex Media Server/',        # QNAP
* '/volume1/Plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/',            # Synology, Asustor
* '/raid0/data/module/Plex/sys/Plex Media Server/',                          # Thecus
* '/raid0/data/PLEX_CONFIG/Plex Media Server/'                               # Thecus Plex community    

Hama auto-creates some folders in the agent data folder ("Plug-In Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/DataItems")

I use these folders to cache all pictures, theme songs, since they are not cached by Plex. This way, even if you recreate the whole Plex anime folder entry, you do not have to download the same file again.

Synology DSM7- SSH and copy in /volume1/@apphome/PlexMediaServer/Plex Media Server

Specific instal procedures go in the wiki:

Install issue under linux are generally permission issues...

touch /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/._StoredValues

chmod 777 /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/._StoredValues

chown plex:plex /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Data/com.plexapp.agents.hama/._StoredValues

service plexmediaserver restart


If you ask for something already answered in the readme, or post scanner issues on the agent page or vice-versa, please donate (will be refered to as the RTFM tax)

If files and series are showing in Plex GUI with the right season, the scanner did its job If you miss metadata (serie title wrong, no posters, summary, wrong episode title or summaries, ep screenshot, etc...), that is the Agent doing.

If posters are missing, check that all the data folders are created and logs show no right issue. If subtitles are not loaded, check Settings > Server > Agents > Shows > HamaTV and please tick the "Local Media Assets (TV)" as is not by default.

To avoid already solved issues, and make sure you do include all relevant logs in one go, please do the following:

Support thread for agent:

Bugs Fixes

Feature Requests: ([X] to be included in next version)
