

# KVCache-Facroty


Currently, our project is design to support diverse methods at three stages. Below is the currently supported methods:




Visualization: Inefficient Attention

./visualization-tools/vis.ipynb reproduces the visualization results in the paper. We provide more visualization tools under ./visualization that supports different levels of kv-cache visualization.

Model attention maps for different layers would be stored at ./attention


transformers >= 4.44
flash-attn >= 2.4.0.post1


git clone https://github.com/Zefan-Cai/PyramidKV.git
cd PyramidKV
pip install -r requirements.txt .

Install MInference

pip install -e .[minference] --no-build-isolation --no-deps


We support inference code on LongBench to repuduce our result.

Please refer to scripts/scripts_longBench/eval.sh to modify the parameters according to your requirements.

Our codebase support Flash Attention v2, Sdpa Attention, etc. The results presented in our paper in based on Flash Attention v2.


method=$2 # Support PyramidKV, SnapKV, H2O, StreamingLLM
max_capacity_prompts=64 # 128,2048 in paper
attn_implementation=$3 # Support "flash_attention_2", "sdpa", "eager".
save_dir=${source_path}"results_long_bench" # path to result save_dir

python3 run_longbench.py \
    --method ${method} \
    --model_path ${model_path} \
    --max_capacity_prompts ${max_capacity_prompts} \
    --attn_implementation ${attn_implementation} \
    --save_dir ${save_dir} \
    --use_cache True

After modifying parameters, run:

sh scripts/scripts_longBench/eval.sh

Needle in haystack

We support inference code on Needle in haystack to repuduce our result.

Please refer to scripts/scripts_needle/eval.sh to modify the parameters according to your requirements.

Our codebase support Flash Attention v2, Sdpa Attention, etc. The results presented in our paper in based on Flash Attention v2.

METHOD='pyramidkv'       # ['full', 'pyramidkv', 'snapkv', 'streamingllm', 'h2o']
MAX_CAPACITY_PROMPT=96  # [64, 96, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, ...]
attn_implementation="flash_attention_2" # Support "flash_attention_2", "sdpa", "".

# For Llama3-8b

python -u run_needle_in_haystack.py --s_len 1000 --e_len 8001\
    --model_provider LLaMA3 \
    --model_name /mnt/workspace/zhiyuanhu/yuliang/models/llama3-8b_raw \
    --attn_implementation ${attn_implementation} \
    --step 100 \
    --method $METHOD \
    --max_capacity_prompt $MAX_CAPACITY_PROMPT \
    --model_version LlaMA3_${METHOD}_${MAX_CAPACITY_PROMPT}_${TAG}
) 2>&1  | tee results_needle/logs/LlaMA3_${METHOD}_${MAX_CAPACITY_PROMPT}_${TAG}.log

To reproduce our results, run

bash scripts/scripts_needle/eval.sh

After inference, run

python scripts/scripts_needle/visualize.py

to draw the img, you should change FOLDER_PATH in visualize.py to your output path (the argument of --model_version in eval.sh).


If you find PyramidKV useful for your research and applications, please kindly cite using this BibTeX:

  title={Pyramidkv: Dynamic kv cache compression based on pyramidal information funneling},
  author={Cai, Zefan and Zhang, Yichi and Gao, Bofei and Liu, Yuliang and Liu, Tianyu and Lu, Keming and Xiong, Wayne and Dong, Yue and Chang, Baobao and Hu, Junjie and Xiao Wen},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.02069},
  title={Not All Heads Matter: A Head-Level KV Cache Compression Method with Integrated Retrieval and Reasoning},
  author={Fu, Yu and Cai, Zefan and Asi, Abedelkadir and Xiong, Wayne and Dong, Yue and Xiao, Wen},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.19258},


Thanks [SnapKV] SnapKV: LLM Knows What You are Looking for Before Generation for providing open-source code to support the expansion of this project.