


Release on 27/03/2019. This repository is built on the ICDAR 2015 evaluation code.

State-of-the-art Results on Total-Text and CTW1500 (TIoU)

We sincerely appreciate the authors of recent and previous state-of-the-art methods for providing their results for evaluating TIoU metric in curved text benchmarks. The results are listed below:


Methods on Total-TextTIoU-Recall (%)TIoU-Precision (%)TIoU-Hmean (%)Publication
LSN+CC [paper]48.459.853.5arXiv 1903
Polygon-FRCNN-3 [paper]47.961.954.0IJDAR 2019
CTD+TLOC [paper][code]50.862.055.8arXiv 1712
ATRR [paper]53.763.558.2CVPR 2019
PSENet [paper][code]53.366.959.3CVPR 2019
CRAFT [paper]54.165.559.3CVPR 2019
TextField [paper] 2019
Mask TextSpotter [paper]54.568.060.5ECCV 2018
SPCNet [paper][code]61.869.465.4AAAI 2019


Methods on CTW1500TIoU-Recall (%)TIoU-Precision (%)TIoU-Hmean (%)Publication
CTD+TLOC [paper][code]42.553.947.5arXiv 1712
ATRR [paper]54.961.658.0CVPR 2019
LSN+CC [paper]55.964.860.0arXiv 1903
PSENet [paper][code]54.967.660.6CVPR 2019
CRAFT [paper]56.466.361.0CVPR 2019
MSR [paper]56.367.361.3arXiv 1901
TextField [paper] 2019
TextMountain [paper]60.768.164.2arXiv 1811
PAN Mask R-CNN [paper] 2019


Evaluation protocols plays key role in the developmental progress of text detection methods. There are strict requirements to ensure that the evaluation methods are fair, objective and reasonable. However, existing metrics exhibit some obvious drawbacks:

<div align=center><img src="Readme_sources/1.png" width="80%" ></div> *Unreasonable cases obtained using recent evaluation metrics. (a), (b), (c), and (d) all have the same IoU of 0.66 against the GT. Red: GT. Blue: detection.

To address many existing issues of previous evaluation metrics, we propose an improved evaluation protocol called Tightnessaware Intersect-over-Union (TIoU) metric that could quantify:

We hope this work can raise the attentions of the text detection evaluation metrics and serve as a modest spur to more valuable contributions. More details can be found on our paper.

Clone the TIoU repository

Clone the TIoU-metric repository

git clone https://github.com/Yuliang-Liu/TIoU-metric.git --recursive

Getting Started

Install required module

pip install Polygon2

Then run

python script.py -g=gt.zip -s=pixellinkch4.zip

After that you can see the evaluation resutls.

You can simply replace pixellinkch4.zip with your own dection results, and make sure your dection format follows the same as ICDAR 2015.

Joint Word&Text-Line Evaluation

To test your detection with our joint Word&Text-Line solution, simply

cd Word_Text-Line

Then run the code

python script.py -g=gt.zip -gl=gt_textline.zip -s=pixellinkch4.zip

Support Curved Text Evaluation

Curved text requires polygonal input with mutable number of points. To evaluate your results on recent curved text benchmarks Total-text or SCUT-CTW1500, you can refer to curved-tiou/readme.md.

Example Results

Qualitative results:

<div align=center><img src="Readme_sources/1-2.png" width="100%" ></div> *Qualitative visualization of TIoU metric. Blue: Detection. Bold red: Target GT region. Light red: Other GT regions. Rec.: Recognition results by CRNN [24]. NED: Normalized edit distance. Previous metrics evaluate all detection results and target GTs as 100% precision and recall, respectively, while in TIoU metric, all matching pairs are penalized by different degrees. Ct is defined in Eq. 10. Ot is defined in Eq. 13. Please refer to our paper for all the references. <br/>

ICDAR 2013 results:

<div align=center><img src="Readme_sources/1-3.png" width="100%" ></div> *Comparison of evaluation methods on ICDAR 2013 for general detection frameworks and previous state-of-the-art methods. det: DetEval. i: IoU. e1: End-to-end recognition results by using CRNN [24]. e2: End-to-end recognition results by using RARE [25]. t: TIoU. <br/>

Line chart:

<div align=center><img src="Readme_sources/1-5.png" width="80%" ></div> *(a) X-axis represents the detection methods listed in the Table above, and Y-axis represents the values of the F-measures. <br/>

ICDAR 2015 results:

<div align=center><img src="Readme_sources/1-4.png" width="100%" ></div> *Comparison of metrics on the ICDAR 2015 challenge 4. Word&Text-Line Annotations use our new solution to address OM and MO issues. i: IoU. s: SIoU. t: TIoU. <br/>


If you find our metric useful for your reserach, please cite

  title={Tightness-aware Evaluation Protocol for Scene Text Detection},
  author={Liu, Yuliang and Jin, Lianwen and Xie, Zecheng and Luo, Canjie and Zhang, Shuaitao and Xie, Lele},


If you are insterested in developing better scene text detection metrics, some references recommended here might be useful.

[1] Wolf, Christian, and Jean-Michel Jolion. "Object count/area graphs for the evaluation of object detection and segmentation algorithms." International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 8.4 (2006): 280-296.

[2] Calarasanu, Stefania, Jonathan Fabrizio, and Severine Dubuisson. "What is a good evaluation protocol for text localization systems? Concerns, arguments, comparisons and solutions." Image and Vision Computing 46 (2016): 1-17.

[3] Dangla, Aliona, et al. "A first step toward a fair comparison of evaluation protocols for text detection algorithms." 2018 13th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS). IEEE, 2018.

[4] Shi, Baoguang, et al. "ICDAR2017 competition on reading chinese text in the wild (RCTW-17)." 2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). Vol. 1. IEEE, 2017.


Suggestions and opinions of this metric (both positive and negative) are greatly welcome. Please contact the authors by sending email to liu.yuliang@mail.scut.edu.cn or yuliang.liu@adelaide.edu.au.

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