

Awesome Underwater Image Enhancement

This is a resouce list for underwater image enhancement

Network Structure

UWCNNUnderwater scene prior inspired deep underwater image and video enhancementPattern Recognition 2020PDF/Code
UWNetShallow-uwnet: Compressed model for underwater image enhancement (student abstract)AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2021PDF/Code
UResNetUnderwater image enhancement with a deep residual frameworkIEEE Access 2019PDF/Code
DUIRDeep underwater image restoration and beyondIEEE Signal Processing Letters 2020PDF
FloodNetFloodNet: Underwater image restoration based on residual dense learningSignal Processing: Image Communication 2022PDF
LAFFNetLaffnet: A lightweight adaptive feature fusion network for underwater image enhancementIEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2021PDF
UICoE-NetUnderwater image co-enhancement with correlation feature matching and joint learningIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2021PDF/Code
PUIE-NetUncertainty inspired underwater image enhancementEuropean Conference on Computer Vision 2022PDF/Code
WaveNetWavelength-based attributed deep neural network for underwater image restorationACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications 2023PDF/Code
ADMNNetAttention-guided dynamic multi-branch neural network for underwater image enhancementKnowledge-Based Systems 2022PDF/Code
LightEnhanceNetLiteEnhanceNet: A lightweight network for real-time single underwater image enhancementExpert Systems with Applications 2024PDF/Code
HAAM-GANHierarchical attention aggregation with multi-resolution feature learning for GAN-based underwater image enhancementEngineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 2023PDF/Code
MFEFMulti-view underwater image enhancement method via embedded fusion mechanismEngineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 2023PDF
PTTUnderwater image enhancement using pre-trained transformerInternational Conference on Image Analysis and Processing 2022PDF
U-TransformerU-shape transformer for underwater image enhancementIEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2023PDF/Code
UWAGAUnderwater image enhancement via adaptive group attention-based multiscale cascade transformerIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 2022PDF
WaterFormerWaterFormer: A Global--Local Transformer for Underwater Image Enhancement With Environment AdaptorIEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 2024PDF
SpectroformerSpectroformer: Multi-Domain Query Cascaded Transformer Network for Underwater Image EnhancementIEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 2024PDF
UHDUHD Underwater Image Enhancement via Frequency-Spatial Domain Aware NetworkProceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision 2022PDF/Code
WFI2-NetWavelet-based Fourier Information Interaction with Frequency Diffusion Adjustment for Underwater Image RestorationarXiv preprint arXiv:2311.16845 2023PDF/Code
TANetTANet: Transmission and atmospheric light driven enhancement of underwater imagesExpert Systems with Applications 2024PDF
UIE-INNUnderwater Image Enhancement and Super-Resolution Using Implicit Neural NetworksIEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2023PDF
SFGNetToward Sufficient Spatial-Frequency Interaction for Gradient-aware Underwater Image EnhancementIEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2024PDF/Code
UIE-WDA wavelet-based dual-stream network for underwater image enhancementIEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2022PDF/Code
EUIEExemplar-based underwater image enhancement augmented by wavelet corrected transformsIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops 2019PDF
MWENA multi-level wavelet-based underwater image enhancement network with color compensation priorExpert Systems with Applications 2024PDF
AutoEnhancerAutoEnhancer: Transformer on U-Net Architecture Search for Underwater Image EnhancementProceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision 2022PDF/Code

Learning Strategy

DGD-cGANDGD-cGAN: A dual generator for image dewatering and restorationPattern Recognition 2024PDF/Code
FGANA fusion adversarial underwater image enhancement network with a public test datasetarXiv preprint arXiv:1906.06819 2019PDF
UIE-cGANUnderwater image enhancement based on conditional generative adversarial networkSignal Processing: Image Communication 2020PDF
TOPALTarget oriented perceptual adversarial fusion network for underwater image enhancementIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2022PDF/Code
EUIGANEnhancing underwater imagery using generative adversarial networksInternational Conference on Robotics and Automation 2018PDF
CE-CGANContrast enhancement of underwater images using conditional generative adversarial networkMultimedia Tools and Applications 2023PDF/Code
RUIGRuig: Realistic underwater image generation towards restorationIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops 2021PDF
URankerUnderwater ranker: Learn which is better and how to be betterAAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023PDF/Code
PDD-NetPerception-Driven Deep Underwater Image Enhancement without Paired SupervisionIEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2023PDF
CLUIE-NetBeyond single reference for training: underwater image enhancement via comparative learningIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2022PDF
TACLTwin adversarial contrastive learning for underwater image enhancement and beyondIEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2022PDF/Code
Semi-UIRContrastive semi-supervised learning for underwater image restoration via reliable bankIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2023PDF/Code
CWRSingle underwater image restoration by contrastive learningIEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2021PDF/Code
DRDCLUnsupervised Underwater Image Enhancement Based on Disentangled Representations via Double-Order Contrastive LossIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2024PDF
TFUIETask-Friendly Underwater Image Enhancement for Machine Vision ApplicationsIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2023PDF
CL-UIEDeformable convolutional network constrained by contrastive learning for underwater image enhancementIEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 2023PDF
HCLR-NetHCLR-Net: Hybrid Contrastive Learning Regularization with Locally Randomized Perturbation for Underwater Image EnhancementInternational Journal of Computer Vision 2024PDF/Code
UIE-CWRUnderwater image restoration via contrastive learning and a real-world datasetRemote Sensing 2022PDF/Code
HPUIE-RLA hierarchical probabilistic underwater image enhancement model with reinforcement tuningJournal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 2024PDF

Learning Stage

MBANetInvestigating intrinsic degradation factors by multi-branch aggregation for real-world underwater image enhancementPattern Recognition 2023PDF
GSLGlobal structure-guided learning framework for underwater image enhancementThe Visual Computer 2022PDF/Code
CUIECoarse-to-fine Underwater Image Enhancement with Lightweight CNN and Attention-based RefinementJournal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 2024PDF
DMMLDMML: Deep Multi-Prior and Multi-Discriminator Learning for Underwater Image EnhancementIEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 2024PDF
UIE-DMUnderwater image enhancement by transformer-based diffusion model with non-uniform sampling for skip strategyACM International Conference on Multimedia 2023PDF/Code
SU-DDPMSpeed-Up DDPM for real-time underwater image enhancementIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2023PDF/Code
CPDMCPDM: Content-Preserving Diffusion Model for Underwater Image EnhancementarXiv preprint arXiv:2401.15649 2024PDF/

Assistance Task

SGUIE-NetSGUIE-Net: Semantic attention guided underwater image enhancement with multi-scale perceptionIEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2022PDF/Code
SATSSemantic-aware Texture-Structure Feature Collaboration for Underwater Image EnhancementInternational Conference on Robotics and Automation 2022PDF/Code
DAL-UIEDomain Adversarial Learning Towards Underwater Image EnhancementIEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops 2023PDF
WaterFlowWaterflow: heuristic normalizing flow for underwater image enhancement and beyondACM International Conference on Multimedia 2023PDF
HDGANPerceptual underwater image enhancement with deep learning and physical priorsIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2020PDF
Joint-IDJoint-ID: Transformer-based Joint Image Enhancement and Depth Estimation for Underwater EnvironmentsIEEE Sensors Journal 2023PDF/Code
DAUTDAUT: Underwater Image Enhancement Using Depth Aware U-shape TransformerIEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2023PDF/Code
DepthCueDepthCue: Restoration of Underwater Images Using Monocular Depth as a ClueIEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops 2023PDF
HybrURHybrur: A hybrid physical-neural solution for unsupervised underwater image restorationIEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2023PDF/Code

Domain Perspective

TUDADomain adaptation for underwater image enhancementIEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2023PDF
TSDATwo-step domain adaptation for underwater image enhancementPattern Recognition 2022PDF
DAALDomain adaptive adversarial learning based on physics model feedback for underwater image enhancementarXiv preprint arXiv:2002.09315 2020PDF
IUIEDomain Adaptation for In-Air to Underwater Image Enhancement via Deep LearningIEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 2023PDF
TRUDGCRTowards Realistic Underwater Dataset Generation and Color RestorationProceedings of the Thirteenth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing 2022PDF
UW-CycleGANUW-CycleGAN: Model-driven CycleGAN for Underwater Image RestorationIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2023PDF
URD-UIEUnsupervised underwater image enhancement via content-style representation disentanglementEngineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 2023PDF
TACLTwin adversarial contrastive learning for underwater image enhancement and beyondIEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2022PDF/Code
UIESSDomain Adaptation for Underwater Image Enhancement via Content and Style SeparationIEEE Access 2022PDF/Code
UMRDUnsupervised Multiple Representation Disentanglement Framework for Improved Underwater Visual PerceptionIEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 2023PDF
PWAEPixel-wise wasserstein autoencoder for highly generative dehazingIEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2021PDF

Disentanglement & Fusion

IPMGANIPMGAN: Integrating physical model and generative adversarial network for underwater image enhancementNeurocomputing 2021PDF
ACPABAttenuation coefficient guided two-stage network for underwater image restorationIEEE Signal Processing Letters 2020PDF
USUIRUnsupervised underwater image restoration: From a homology perspectiveAAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2022PDF/Code
AquaGANAquagan: Restoration of underwater imagesIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops 2022PDF
PhysicalNNUnderwater image enhancement based on deep learning and image formation modelarXiv preprint arXiv:2101.00991 2021PDF/Code
GUPDMA generalized physical-knowledge-guided dynamic model for underwater image enhancementACM International Conference on Multimedia 2023PDF/Code
CCMSR-NetDeep Color-Corrected Multi-scale Retinex Network for Underwater Image EnhancementIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2023PDF
ReX-NetReX-Net: A reflectance-guided underwater image enhancement network for extreme scenariosExpert Systems with Applications 2023PDF
ASSU-NetUnderwater Image Enhancement with an Adaptive Self Supervised NetworkIEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2023PDF
UGIF-NetUgif-net: An efficient fully guided information flow network for underwater image enhancementIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2023PDF
TCTL-NetTCTL-Net: Template-free Color Transfer Learning for Self-Attention Driven Underwater Image EnhancementIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2023PDF/Code
MTNetMTNet: A multi-task cascaded network for underwater image enhancementMultimedia Tools and Applications 2023PDF
UDNetAdaptive uncertainty distribution in deep learning for unsupervised underwater image enhancementarXiv preprint arXiv:2212.08983 2022PDF/Code
JLCL-NetJoint luminance and chrominance learning for underwater image enhancementIEEE Signal Processing Letters 2021PDF
TBDNNTwo-branch deep neural network for underwater image enhancement in HSV color spaceIEEE Signal Processing Letters 2021PDF
MSTAFA real-world underwater image enhancement method based on multi-color space and two-stage adaptive fusionSignal, Image and Video Processing 2024PDF
UColorUnderwater image enhancement via medium transmission-guided multi-color space embeddingIEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2021PDF/Code
SCNetUnderwater image enhancement via learning water type desensitized representationsIEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2022PDF/Code
DALAll-in-One Underwater Image Enhancement Using Domain-Adversarial LearningIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops 2019PDF/Code
IACCIACC: Cross-Illumination Awareness and Color Correction for Underwater Images Under Mixed Natural and Artificial LightingIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2024PDF/Code
WaterNetAn underwater image enhancement benchmark dataset and beyondIEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2019PDF/Code
MFEFMulti-view underwater image enhancement method via embedded fusion mechanismEngineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 2023PDF
F2UIEF2UIE: feature transfer-based underwater image enhancement using multi-stackcnnMultimedia Tools and Applications 2023PDF