

Toward sufficient spatial-frequency interaction for gradient-aware underwater image enhancement (ICASSP'24)

Chen Zhao, Weiling Cai, Chenyu Dong and Ziqi Zeng


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Abstract: Underwater images suffer from complex and diverse degradation, which inevitably affects the performance of underwater visual tasks. However, most existing learning-based underwater image enhancement (UIE) methods mainly restore such degradations in the spatial domain, and rarely pay attention to the fourier frequency information. In this paper, we develop a novel UIE framework based on spatial-frequency interaction and gradient maps, namely SFGNet, which consists of two stages. Specifically, in the first stage, we propose a dense spatial-frequency fusion network (DSFFNet), mainly including our designed dense fourier fusion block and dense spatial fusion block, achieving sufficient spatial-frequency interaction by cross connections between these two blocks. In the second stage, we propose a gradient-aware corrector (GAC) to further enhance perceptual details and geometric structures of images by gradient map. Experimental results on two real-world underwater image datasets show that our approach can successfully enhance underwater images, and achieves competitive performance in visual quality improvement.

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Network Architecture

Installation and Data Preparation


After preparing the training data in data/ directory, use

python train.py

to start the training of the model.

python train.py


After preparing the testing data in data/test/ directory.

python test.py 



PS:把环境装好(非常基本非常简单),准备好数据(训练集和测试机),就可以直接运行,我在上传前已经测试过了,木有bug~~~~ PS:搞了一个晚上不知道怎么用git上床github,中间最终上传的时候一直报这个错误:fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/zhihefang/SFGNet.git/': Failed to connect to github.com port 443 after 21076 ms: Couldn't connect to server.完全不知道怎么解决,如果有大佬知道怎么解决,留言一下(我之前上传过一次,不知道这次怎么就不行了,救命阿)。最终我是通过github网页一个个上传文件夹的。



If you use our work, please consider citing:

 title={Toward Sufficient Spatial-Frequency Interaction for Gradient-aware Underwater Image Enhancement},
 author={Zhao, Chen and Cai, Weiling and Dong, Chenyu and Zeng, Ziqi},
 journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.04089},


Should you have any questions, please contact 2518628273@qq.com