


The first Linux® distribution optimized for WSL. Based on Debian®. From open-source software startup Whitewater Foundry. Formerly WLinux.

<img src='https://github.com/WhitewaterFoundry/Screenshots/raw/master/ezgif.com-gif-maker.gif'>

<a href='//www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9NV1GV1PXZ6P?ocid=badge'><img src='https://get.microsoft.com/images/en-us%20dark.svg' alt='Store badge' height=50/></a>

See the Pengwin blog and @PengwinLinux for up-to-date news about Pengwin.

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If you are a commercial, government, or educational institution, you may like to check out our enterprise-focused distribution, Pengwin Enterprise.




To check for updates, use the apt package management system.

  1. Check for the latest updates: $ sudo apt-get update
  2. Apply the latest updates: $ sudo apt-get upgrade


Pengwin is rolling release. Debian packages, pengwin-base, and pengwin-setup receive ongoing updates. Version numbers are used to track long-term progress on bugs and features, e.g. 1.2, and new versions are released every 2-3 months. New builds are regularly built and uploaded to the Store. The third build uploaded during 1.2.x window will be marked 1.2.3.

To check your version of pengwin-setup: $ apt-cache policy pengwin-setup

To check your verison of pengwin-base: $ apt-cache policy pengwin-base

Obtaining Support

Purchases of Pengwin in the Microsoft Store pay for a team of open source indie developers to add new features, test and release builds, evaluate WSL-related CVEs, and provide user support. User support is provided on a best effort basis. Most issues can be resolved by following the steps below.

Additional Pengwin Documentation

Related Pages


Core Team




<a href='//www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9NV1GV1PXZ6P?ocid=badge'><img src='https://assets.windowsphone.com/85864462-9c82-451e-9355-a3d5f874397a/English_get-it-from-MS_InvariantCulture_Default.png' alt='Store badge' height=50/></a>