

Awesome UNIX® Awesome

This list is an exploration of the world of UNIX®, including UNIX history, the relevance of UNIX today, and lists select awesome UNIX and UNIX-like projects. This list also contains resources for UNIX standards, programming, communities, and free software. This project is not affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by The Open Group.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is UNIX

UNIX is the greatest operating system family ever invented you have probably never heard about whose genius design ideas now enable everything great you love.

Why is UNIX relevant today

The ideas behind UNIX®, a research operating system from AT&T in the 1960s, have evolved to form a set of core computer science principles around which dozens of operating systems are built. These operating systems and applications built on them underpin most of modern computing, from the mobile devices in your pocket to mainframes that perform climate change analysis. They exist on a continuum that includes certified UNIX®, open source projects descended from the original AT&T UNIX®, and Unix-like projects designed to be Unix-compatible.

Disambiguation: AT&T UNIX®, UNIX® Certification, UNIX®-Like, and Linux®

<img src="./venn_diagram.svg" alt="Venn diagram" title="Venn diagram illustrating similarities between notable families of Unix and Unix-like platforms" width="600"/>

Commercial UNIX

UNIX® was originally a research operating system developed at AT&T's Bell Labs.® It has evolved today into a set of operating systems standards, called POSIX® overseen by the IEEE®, and official certifications that can be obtained by companies for their commercial operating systems, through a process administrated by The Open Group®. Among the operating systems certified as UNIX are massive mainframe operating systems like IBM®'s AIX® as well Apple®'s macOS® desktop operating for their MacBook® and iMac® lineup.

"Unix Philosophy"

"Unix philosophy" is a core set of computer science principles, first implemented in UNIX®, now codified in standards set forth by IEEE® and The Open Group®, and duplicated in dozens of UNIX®-like operating systems that emphasize building simple, short, clear, modular, and extensible software on a common set of programming standards and libraries that allow that software to be easily maintained and repurposed by developers other than its creators, across numerous operating systems and platforms. This enables the rapid spread and development of new and better software. It goes hand in hand with open source philosophy.

"This is the Unix philosophy: Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface." - Douglas McIlroy, former head of Bell Labs Computing Sciences Research Center

AT&T UNIX®-Derived Descendants, e.g FreeBSD®

The term UNIX also debatedbly encompasses operating systems that are direct descendants of the original AT&T UNIX codebase but have since re-implemented the AT&T code with code under open source licenses. The most prominent of which the family of BSDs: FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD, and their derivatives. These are not UNIX® certified, they are technically Unix-like, but share a unique direct link back to AT&T UNIX®, while newcomers like Redox OS do not.

Unix®-Like Operating Systems, e.g. Linux®

For a variety of historical and legal reasons, there has also been a massive explosion of Unix-like operating systems. MINIX®, for example, was created as a Unix-like teaching operating system by Prof. Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Linux® was created because Linus Torvalds, a college student, wanted to run a Unix-like operating system on his own hardware. Linux® has since gone on to become the most popular Unix-like operating system. Twenty years later, when Android, Inc.® needed a kernel for their new namesake mobile operating system they borrowed one from Linux. Unix-like operating systems implement some degree of the POSIX® standards and Unix philosophy but do not seek official UNIX® certification.


Certified UNIX Operating Systems

AT&T UNIX®-Derived Operating Systems

These operating systems, with the exception of Open Server 10, are not UNIX® certified by The Open Group.

UNIX-Certified Linux-Based Operating Systems

As of 2023, there are no more UNIX®-certified Linux-based operating systems. The last two being K-UX® from Inspur and EulerOS® from Huawei.

Many Linux-based operating systems include a UNIX® compatability add-on that pass OpenGroup UNIX® compatability suite tests, but the Linux vendors no longer obtain UNIX® certification.


The Most Popular Unix-Like Operating System. These operating systems are not UNIX® certified by The Open Group.

Most Unix®-Like Engineered Linux Distributions

Popular Commercial Linux® Distributions

Popular Non-Commercial Linux® Distributions

Mobile Linux® Distributions

Unique Linux® Distributions/Related Projects

Embedded/IoT-Focused Linux® Distributions

Other Unix®-Like Operating Systems

These operating systems are not UNIX® certified by The Open Group.


Solaris and illumos

Solaris® was originally a UNIX operating system developed jointly by Sun Microsystems® and AT&T® as a version of AT&T's UNIX System V Release 4. Sun continued development on Solaris and later obtained UNIX certification for Solaris. In 2004 Sun open-sourced much of the Solaris code base as OpenSolaris. Sun was acquired by Oracle in 2010 who discontinued formal support of the OpenSolaris project. OpenSolaris was forked and lives on as illumos.

GNU Hurd

More Unix-Like Operating Systems

Plan 9 Derivatives

Plan 9® was developed by Bell Labs as the successor to UNIX and incorporated novel ideas, such as a GUI and distributed computing. Official development by Bell Labs has since halted but the code was re-released under the GPL and projects exist to build on Plan 9. Many Bell Labs employees still volunteer on these projects.

Unix-like Real Time Operating Systems

A real-time operating system is an operating system intended to serve real-time applications that process data as it comes in, typically without buffer delays. An example of this in QNX which is used widely in cars and aircraft.

Additional Resources

More UNIX®

UNIX® v. Unix/*NIX Disambiguation

UNIX History

"Unix Philosophy"

Introductory UNIX® Skills

Introductory Programming Skills

C Language and Derivatives

Other Programming Languages

UNIX® Code/Emulation

UNIX®/POSIX® Technical Standards


Free Software and Open Source Movements

UNIX®/Linux®-Related Trade Groups

Notable Historic UNIX® and Unix®-like Operating Systems

More macOS®

More illumos®

More BSD

More Linux®

UNIX and Unix-Like Hardware Vendors

Intellectual Property Notices

All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners and may be registered in the United States and/or other countries.

Portions of the descriptions above are from Wikipedia and used under CC BY-SA 4.0 license.