

Rebooting the Web of Trust X: Buenos Aires (March 2020) [CANCELLED]

Virtual Papers

Rebooting the Web of Trust X (Spring 2019) Virtual Papers

Though we were unable to have a design workshop, some planned participants produced collaborative papers virtually.

Quantum Secure DIDs (Text)

by Dr. Carsten Stöcker (Spherity GmbH), Dr. Samuel M. Smith (ProSapien LLC), Co-author (editor): Dr. Juan Caballero (Spherity GmbH)

The cyberworld in which we spend our days — and upon which our lives depend — is built on weak security guarantees at the atomic level of the informational stack, and it is becoming more and more justified to question their longevity as building blocks. From nation-states trying to sway elections with fake news to ransomware that shuts down hospitals, we are living in a "Wild West" in which seemingly any data, or any transaction, may be compromised if interested parties devote enough resources to the attack. And like travellers in a lawless frontier, we are left to scan the horizon constantly for trouble, scrambling to plug the leaks in defences we cannot trust completely.

The objective of this paper is to describe a mechanism for protecting DIDs using existing ciphers for signing during the transition phase to a fully quantum-secure decentralised identity infrastructure. This mechanism is designed to support DIDs but its core mechanisms are identifier-independent and DID:method-independent. Analysis of secure key-management solutions for multiple keys and quantum-resistant ciphers for signing are beyond the scope of this paper and assumed to progress in parallel. This paper describes a quantum-resistant architecture for today's non-quantum-resistant ciphers*, intended to be retrofitted to existing systems.

Topics & Advance Readings

We also have great Topics & Advance Readings on interesting subjects. Read them over, consider what people are concerned about right now in the field, and think about whether you'd like to advance these topics at RWOT11.

Topical Listing of Topcs & Advance Readings

Authorization and Delegation

Delegated Authorization - The Alice to Bob Use Case


An RWOT Animation Project


Credential Types for Compliance

Confidential Computing

TEE & e As Privacy Proofs


DID and the Web

Why Matrix Parameters?

Interplanetary Linked Data (IPLD) using CBOR and COSE-signed payloads

Quantum Secure DIDs

Ecosystem Development

Bearing Witness

Building a Self-Issued OpenID Connect Provider

Digital Wallets: Interoperability support for multiple data hubs, data services and portability

Mapping Adequacies

Encrypted Data Vault

An Encrypted Data Vault Sprint

Registries and Interoperability

Using Registries to Facilitate Interoperability

Use Cases

Sharing Personal Health Data to Improve Treatment of Chronic Conditions

Verifiable Claims

Verifiable Claims for Postal Addresses: A Use Case for Decentralized Postal Services using DIDs, VCs and Blockchains

Alphabetical Listing of Topics & Advance Readings

Complete Rebooting the Web of Trust Listing

A different repository is available for each of the Rebooting the Web of Trust design workshops:


All of the contents of this directory are licensed Creative Commons CC-BY their contributors.