

WAS Node Suite   Colab Hits Donate

<p align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1151589/228982359-4a6215cc-3ca9-4c24-8a7b-d229d7bce277.png"> </p>

A node suite for ComfyUI with many new nodes, such as image processing, text processing, and more.

Share Workflows to the workflows wiki. Preferably embedded PNGs with workflows, but JSON is OK too. You can use this tool to add a workflow to a PNG file easily.

Consider donating to the project to help it's continued development.

Important Updates

Current Nodes:

There is documentation from Salt AI available here: https://docs.getsalt.ai/md/was-node-suite-comfyui/

<details> <summary>$\Large\color{orange}{Expand\ Node\ List}$</summary> <br/> </details> <br>

Extra Nodes


Video Nodes


You can use codecs that are available to your ffmpeg binaries by adding their fourcc ID (in one string), and appropriate container extension to the was_suite_config.json

Example H264 Codecs (Defaults)

    "ffmpeg_extra_codecs": {
        "avc1": ".mp4",
        "h264": ".mkv"


Text Tokens

Text tokens can be used in the Save Text File and Save Image nodes. You can also add your own custom tokens with the Text Add Tokens node.

The token name can be anything excluding the : character to define your token. It can also be simple Regular Expressions.

Built-in Tokens

<br> <details> <summary>$\color{orange}{Expand\ Date\ Code\ List}$</summary> <br>
%aWeekday as locale’s abbreviated name.Sun, Mon, …, Sat (en_US); So, Mo, …, Sa (de_DE)(1)
%AWeekday as locale’s full name.Sunday, Monday, …, Saturday (en_US); Sonntag, Montag, …, Samstag (de_DE)(1)
%wWeekday as a decimal number, where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday.0, 1, …, 6
%dDay of the month as a zero-padded decimal number.01, 02, …, 31(9)
%bMonth as locale’s abbreviated name.Jan, Feb, …, Dec (en_US); Jan, Feb, …, Dez (de_DE)(1)
%BMonth as locale’s full name.January, February, …, December (en_US); Januar, Februar, …, Dezember (de_DE)(1)
%mMonth as a zero-padded decimal number.01, 02, …, 12(9)
%yYear without century as a zero-padded decimal number.00, 01, …, 99(9)
%YYear with century as a decimal number.0001, 0002, …, 2013, 2014, …, 9998, 9999(2)
%HHour (24-hour clock) as a zero-padded decimal number.00, 01, …, 23(9)
%IHour (12-hour clock) as a zero-padded decimal number.01, 02, …, 12(9)
%pLocale’s equivalent of either AM or PM.AM, PM (en_US); am, pm (de_DE)(1), (3)
%MMinute as a zero-padded decimal number.00, 01, …, 59(9)
%SSecond as a zero-padded decimal number.00, 01, …, 59(4), (9)
%fMicrosecond as a decimal number, zero-padded to 6 digits.000000, 000001, …, 999999(5)
%zUTC offset in the form ±HHMM[SS[.ffffff]] (empty string if the object is naive).(empty), +0000, -0400, +1030, +063415, -030712.345216(6)
%ZTime zone name (empty string if the object is naive).(empty), UTC, GMT(6)
%jDay of the year as a zero-padded decimal number.001, 002, …, 366(9)
%UWeek number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a zero-padded decimal number. All days in a new year preceding the first Sunday are considered to be in week 0.00, 01, …, 53(7), (9)
%WWeek number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a zero-padded decimal number. All days in a new year preceding the first Monday are considered to be in week 0.00, 01, …, 53(7), (9)
%cLocale’s appropriate date and time representation.Tue Aug 16 21:30:00 1988 (en_US); Di 16 Aug 21:30:00 1988 (de_DE)(1)
%xLocale’s appropriate date representation.08/16/88 (None); 08/16/1988 (en_US); 16.08.1988 (de_DE)(1)
%XLocale’s appropriate time representation.21:30:00 (en_US); 21:30:00 (de_DE)(1)
%%A literal '%' character.%
</details> <br>

Other Features

Import AUTOMATIC1111 WebUI Styles

When using the latest builds of WAS Node Suite a was_suite_config.json file will be generated (if it doesn't exist). In this file you can setup a A1111 styles import.

You can set webui_styles_persistent_update to true to update the WAS Node Suite styles from WebUI every start of ComfyUI

Recommended Installation:

If you're running on Linux, or non-admin account on windows you'll want to ensure /ComfyUI/custom_nodes, was-node-suite-comfyui, and WAS_Node_Suite.py has write permissions.

There is now a install.bat you can run to install to portable if detected. Otherwise it will default to system and assume you followed ConfyUI's manual installation steps.

Alternate [Legacy] Installation:

If you're running on Linux, or non-admin account on windows you'll want to ensure /ComfyUI/custom_nodes, and WAS_Node_Suite.py has write permissions.

This method will not install the resources required for Image Crop Face node, and you'll have to download the ./res/ folder yourself.

Installing on Colab

Create a new cell and add the following code, then run the cell. You may need to edit the path to your custom_nodes folder. You can also use the colab hosted here