

This Magento 1 extension is orphaned, unsupported and no longer maintained.

If you use it, you are effectively adopting the code for your own project.

Login Only Catalog

Require a customer to be logged in order to view products and product collections.



This small extension requires a customer to be logged in order to view products or product collections. If the customer navigates to a page that contains a product or a product collection, she will be redirected to the account login page. Alternatively the customer can be redirected to a configurable CMS page.

You can disable the module on a global, website or store level, and also choose to hide the category navigation in the configuration.

This Module was designed to work with the Module Netzarbeiter_CustomerActivation, which only allows customers to log in after they have been activated in the adminhtml interface. There also is the Netzarbeiter_GroupsCatalog2 extension which allows you to hide Categories and/or groups depending on the customers groups. Installing this extension together with the Customer Groups Catalog Extension will probably make no sense, so you have to decide what suits your needs better.


Installation Instructions

  1. Install the extension via Magento Connect with the key shown above or copy all the files into your document root.
  2. Clear the cache, logout from the admin panel and then login again.
  3. Configure and activate the extension under System - Configuration - Catalog - Login only catalog


Thanks to SeL for the french translation! Thanks to kimpecov for the idea from http://www.magentocommerce.com/boards/viewthread/16743/


If you have any issues with this extension, open an issue on GitHub (see URL above)


Any contributions are highly appreciated. The best way to contribute code is to open a pull request on GitHub.


Vinai Kopp http://www.netzarbeiter.com @VinaiKopp


OSL - Open Software Licence 3.0


Copyright (c) 2014 Vinai Kopp