

IS-IS Topology Watcher

IS-IS Watcher is a monitoring tool of IS-IS topology changes for network engineers. It works via passively listening to IS-IS control plane messages through a specially established IS-IS adjacency between IS-IS Watcher and one of the network device. The tool logs IS-IS events and/or export by Logstash to Elastic Stack (ELK), Zabbix, WebHooks and Topolograph monitoring dashboard for keeping the history of events, alerting, instant notification. By encapsulating the solution's elements in containers, it becomes exceptionally quick to start. The only thing is needed to configure manually is GRE tunnel setup on the Linux host.

Upvote in issues/1 if you are interested in tracking IS-IS topology changes via BGP-LS.

IS-IS Watcher detects the following network events:


Listen only mode

The FRR container is isolated in an individual network namespace and the XDP IS-IS filter inspects all outgoing IS-IS advertisements. It checks if FRR instance advertises only locally connected network (assigned on GRE tunnel) and no more. If it advertises multiple networks, IS-IS LSP will be dropped. It prevents the network from populating by unexpected network prefixes.

isiswatcher:v1.0 is compatible with topolograph:v2.38, it means that IS-IS network changes can be shown on the network graph.

Functional Role

Watcher stores topology events/state to show historical network state, whereas Topolograph exhibits present network state and potential future outcomes.

Supported IS-IS TLV

IS Reachability2
Extended IS Reachability (new)22
IPv4 Internal Reachability (old)128
IPv4 External Reachability (old)130
Extended IPv4 Reachability (new)135
IPv6 Reachability236

Network architecture

Number of watchers is equal to the number of IS-IS areas and each Watcher is placed in individual network namespace. IS-IS LSDB sits in watcher's namespace and doesn't interact with other Watchers keeping it isolated.


The demo shows how IS-IS watcher detected:

  1. metric cost changes on eth1 interface on router2 from 10 to 11. There were three duplicated logs for each level: L1 and L2.
  2. 0100.1001.0002 (router2) went down for L2 after applying "isis circuit-type level-1" on it and router3 detected that.
  3. metric cost changes on eth1 interface on router2 from 11 to 12 only for L1.
  1. new stub network was added on router6 in L2
  2. 0100.1001.0004 went down and 0100.1001.0005 (router5) detected that

Discovering IS-IS logs in Kibana. Examples

IS-IS cost changes on links

Logs if IS-IS adjacency was Up/Down or any networks appeared/disappeared.

Topolograph IS-IS Monitoring.

Monitoring dashboard allows to see events on the timeline and on the topology. Red timelines show link (~adjacency) down events, green one - up link (~adjacency).
Events are grouped by IS-IS level (L1/L2).
Here is a demo of checking events on Monitoring dashboard ./docs/isisdemo_with_topolograph_au.mp4

IS-IS topology change notification/alarming via Zabbix. Examples

Zabbix's dashboard with active alarms. It's universal method to track OSPF and IS-IS events. The screenshot is taken from OSPF watcher.

Zabbix IS-IS neighbor up/down alarm

This alarm tracks all new IS-IS/OSPF adjacencies or when a device loses its neighbor. The screenshot is taken from OSPF watcher.

Zabbix IS-IS Cost changed on transit links

Transit links are all links between active IS-IS/OSPF neighbors. If cost on a link was changed it might affect all actual/shortest paths traffic follows. The screenshot is taken from OSPF watcher.

Zabbix alert if IS-IS network was stopped announcing from node

If a subnet was removed from IS-IS/OSPF node (the node withdrew it from the announcement) it means the network from this node became unavailable for others, this event will be logged too. The screenshot is taken from OSPF watcher.

Slack notification

HTTP POST messages can be easily accepted by messengers, which allows to get instant notifications of IS-IS/OSPF topology changes: The screenshot is taken from OSPF watcher.

Quick lab


Containerlab's topology is placed under containerlab folder. Local README includes instructions how to run it. IS-IS topology changes are printed by Watcher in a text file only. IS-IS watcher containerlab

sudo clab deploy --topo ./containerlab/frr01/frr01.clab.yml

How to connect IS-IS watcher to real network

Table below shows different options of possible setups, starting from the bare minimum in case of running Containerlab for testing and ending with maximum setup size with Watcher, Topolograph and ELK. The following setup describes setup №1 and №2.

Deployment sizeNumber of compose filesText file logsView changes on network mapZabbix/HTTP/Messengers notificationSearching events by any field any time
1Bare minimum. Containerlab0+---
21. Local Topolograph <br>2. local compose file with ELK disabled (commented)2+++-
31. Local Topolograph <br>2. local compose file with ELK enabled3++++

Setup №2. Text logs + timeline of network changes on Topolograph

  1. Choose a Linux host with Docker installed
  2. Setup Topolograph


  1. Setup ELK (skip it, it's only needed for setup № 3)
sudo docker run -it --rm --env-file=./.env -v ./logstash/index_template/create.py:/home/watcher/watcher/create.py vadims06/isis-watcher:latest python3 ./create.py

To create Index Templates, run:

sudo docker run -it --rm --env-file=./.env -v ./logstash/index_template/create.py:/home/watcher/watcher/create.py vadims06/isis-watcher:latest python3 ./create.py
xpack.license.self_generated.type: basic
xpack.security.enabled: false

Note about having Elastic config commented > When the Elastic output plugin fails to connect to the ELK host, it blocks all other outputs and ignores "EXPORT_TO_ELASTICSEARCH_BOOL" value from env file. Regardless of EXPORT_TO_ELASTICSEARCH_BOOL being False, it tries to connect to Elastic host. The solution - uncomment this portion of config in case of having running ELK.

  1. Setup IS-IS Watcher
git clone https://github.com/Vadims06/isiswatcher.git
cd isiswatcher

Generate configuration files
vadims06/isis-watcher:v1.1 includes a client for generating configurations for each Watcher for each IS-IS area. To generate individual settings - run the client with --action add_watcher

sudo docker run -it --rm --user $UID -v ./:/home/watcher/watcher/ -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro vadims06/isis-watcher:latest python3 ./client.py --action add_watcher

The output:

|  Watcher Host             |                       +-------------------+
|  +------------+           |                       | Network device    |
|  | netns FRR  |           |                       |                   |
|  |            Tunnel [4]  |                       | Tunnel [4]        |
|  |  gre1   [3]TunnelIP----+-----------------------+[2]TunnelIP        |
|  |  eth1------+-vhost1    |       +-----+         | IS-IS area num [5]|
|  |            | Host IP[6]+-------+ LAN |--------[1]Device IP         |
|  |            |           |       +-----+         |                   |
|  +------------+           |                       |                   |
|                           |                       +-------------------+

The script will create:

  1. a folder under watcher folder with FRR configuration under router folder
  2. a containerlab configuration file with network settings
  3. an individual watcher log file in watcher folder.

To stop IS-IS routes from being installed in the host's routing table, we the following policy has been applied on the watcher:

# frr/config/isisd.conf
route-map TO_KERNEL deny 200
ip protocol isis route-map TO_KERNEL
  1. Start IS-IS Watcher
    Install containerlab To start the watcher run the following command. clab deploy is like a docker compose up -d command
sudo clab deploy --topo watcher/watcher1-tun1025/config.yml

It will create:

  1. Setup GRE tunnel from the network device to the host with the Watcher. An example for Cisco
interface gigabitether0/1
ip address <GRE tunnel ip address>
tunnel mode gre
tunnel source <router-ip>
tunnel destination <host-ip>
ip router isis <name>
isis network point-to-point

It's needed to have a minimum one GRE tunnel to an area, which is needed to be monitored. If the IS-IS domain has multiple areas, setup one GRE in each area. It's a restriction of Link State architecture to know about new/old adjacency or link cost changes via LSPs per area basis only.

  1. Start log export to Topolograph and/or ELK
docker-compose up -d

Kibana settings

  1. Index Templates Have been already created by logstash-index-creator container in compose yaml file. Open Management -> Stack Management -> Index Management ->[ Index Templates ] to make sure that the following templates are in the list:
  1. Index Pattern Create indices with the same name as index templates Go to: old ELK Stack Management/ Kibana/ Stack Management/ Index Pattern -> Create index pattern new ELK 8.x Management -> Stack Management -> Index Management -> [ Indices ] then Create index
  1. Data View Create data view for two event types. Go to Management -> Stack Management -> Data Views then Create data view
Name: isis-watcher-costs-changes
Index pattern: isis-watcher-costs-changes
Timestamp field: use watcher time

Repeat the same for isis-watcher-updown-events As a result, there are two data views should be listed

Note What time to use @timestamp or watcher

It's better to use watcher time, because connection between Watcher and Logstash can be lost, but the watcher continues to log all topology changes with the correct time. When the connection is repaired, all logs will be added to ELK and you can check the time of the incident. If you choose @timestamp - the time of all logs will be the time of their addition to ELK.

  1. Additional checks Make sure that:

Zabbix settings

Zabbix settings are available here /docs/zabbix-ui. There are 4 hosts and items (host and item inside each host has the same names) are required:

WebHook setting

  1. Create a Slack app
  2. Enable Incoming Webhooks
  3. Create an Incoming Webhook (generates URL)
  4. Uncomment EXPORT_TO_WEBHOOK_URL_BOOL in .env, set the URL to WEBHOOK_URL

Browse your topology changes logs

Text logs are available here isiswatcher/watcher/logs/ If Topolograph is installed, logs are available under Real-Time Monitoring tab If ELK is installed, logs are available here http://localhost:5601/ -> Analytics/Discover watcher-updown-events.

Logs sample 1
Logs sample 2

Listen-only mode. XDP in action.

If, for some reason, an extra network is advertised from Watcher, this announcement will be dropped.

This examples shows that prefix was redistributed on Watcher and added into its announcement, but it was dropped by XDP and eventually didn't reach the network. To check XDP logs, run

sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe



Networks changes are not tracked. Log file ./watcher/logs/watcher...log is empty.

  1. Run diagnostic script. It will check IS-IS Watcher <-> Network device connection (iptables, packets from FRR/network device)

    sudo docker run -it --rm -v ./:/home/watcher/watcher/ --cap-add=NET_ADMIN -u root --network host vadims06/isis-watcher:latest python3 ./client.py --action diagnostic --watcher_num <num>
  2. Login on FRR, check adjancency:

    sudo docker exec -it watcher<num>-gre<num>-router vtysh
    show isis neighbor

    if there is no IS-IS neighbor, ping remote end of GRE tunnel from the Watcher. At the same time, make tcpdump on watcher's interface and check counters of iptables

    sudo iptables -nvL -t filter --line-numbers
    sudo iptables -nvL -t nat --line-numbers

    Clear connections of GRE tunnel

    sudo conntrack -D -p 47

    Check ICMP ping packets on Watcher's host and on network device.


Dashboard page is blank. Events are not present on OSPF/IS-IS Monitoring page.


IS-IS Watcher consists of three services: IS-ISd/FRR [1] -> Watcher [2] -> Logstash [3] -> Topolograph & ELK & Zabbix & WebHooks.

  1. Check if FRR tracks IS-IS changes in ./watcher/logs/watcher...log file (previous case)
    You should see tracked changes of your network, i.e.

  2. Check that logstash container from docker-compose.yml is running via docker ps command.

    1. Uncomment DEBUG_BOOL="True" in .env and start continuous logs docker logs -f logstash.
    2. Copy and paste the log from the first step in watcher's log file ./watcher/logs/watcher#-gre#-isis.isis.log. docker logs -f logstash should print the output. If not - check logstash container.
  3. Check if logs are in Topolograph's DB. Connect to mongoDB and run:

    docker exec -it mongo /bin/bash

    Inside container (change):

    mongo mongodb://$MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME:$MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD@mongodb:27017/admin?gssapiServiceName=mongodb
    use admins

    Check the last two/N records in adjacency changes (adj_change) or cost changes (cost_change)

    db.adj_change.find({}).sort({_id: -1}).limit(2)
    db.cost_change.find({}).sort({_id: -1}).limit(2)

    If you see a single event in docker logs logstash it means that mongoDB output is blocked, check if you have a connection to MongoDB docker exec -it logstash curl -v mongodb:27017



FRR 8 perfectly logs any IS-IS LSPs, but doesn't establish IS-IS adjacency over GRE because of internal packet filtering. The filter has been updated to permit IS-IS over GRE through Pull request #12979 and is only supported in FRR 9 versions. However, this version has wrong LSDB output (mix LSPID with hostnames) and is incompatible with the Watcher. Therefore, a custom FRR build based on FRR 8.x version with an altered internal filter for GRE packets is required. vadims06/frr:v8.5.4_isis_over_gre is prepaired and tested to work IS-IS over GRE tunnel. If you need another 8.x version or want to build your own FRR image - follow the instructions mentioned below.

How to prepare FRR instance (optional)
  1. clone FRR and choose any FRR 8.x branch
git clone https://github.com/FRRouting/frr.git
cd frr
git fetch --all --tags
git checkout tags/frr-8.5.4 -b frr-8.5.4
  1. Change isis filter frr/isisd/isis_pfpacket.c how it's mentioned in this GRE filter CR.
vi frr/isisd/isis_pfpacket.c
  1. Build FRR container
sudo docker/alpine/build.sh
  1. Inspect your new FRR image name using docker image ls and replace router/image by your own image name in isiswatcher/watcher/watcher-template/config.yml

Minimum Logstash version

7.17.21, this version includes bug fix of issues_281, issues_5115

Topolograph suite

Community & feedback


The functionality was tested using Basic ELK license.