

Angular Open-source Starter

Deploy Unit tests codecov Demo

How to use

This is a starter project for creating open-source libraries for Angular. It is a full-fledged Angular workspace with demo application and easy library addition. It is designed to be used for open-sourcing libraries on GitHub and has everything you'd need ready for CI, code coverage, SSR testing, StackBlitz demo deployment and more.

  1. Run npm ci to install everything

  2. Use search to replace all mentions of angular-open-source-starter with your new library name (npmScope inside nx.json, matadata of the root package.json, root README.md etc.)

  3. Create basic file structure via Nx-generators:

    • nx g @nrwl/js:library [your-library-name] - create Typescript library. See available options.
    • nx g @nrwl/angular:library [your-library-name] - create Angular library. See available options.
  4. Fill in projects/[your-library-name]/package.json metadata for your newly generated library

  5. Add your email at [INSERT YOUR EMAIL HERE] in CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md

  6. Update LICENSE file according to your preferences

  7. Update root package.json metadata to represent your project

  8. Code your library and create demo for it

Cool features

  "release": "standard-version",
  "release:patch": "npm run release -- --release-as patch",
  "release:minor": "npm run release -- --release-as minor",
  "release:major": "npm run release -- --release-as major",
  "publish": "nx run-many --target build --all --exclude=demo && nx run-many --target publish --all"

Just use Conventional Commits format and CHANGELOG.md will be automatically generated on releases by Standard Version.



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