

URSCT-SESR: Reinforced Swin-Convs Transformer for Simultaneous Underwater Sensing Scene Image Enhancement and Super-resolution

Tingdi Ren, Haiyong Xu, Gangyi Jiang, Mei Yu, Xuan Zhang, Biao Wang, and Ting Luo.

arXiv GitHub Stars download visitors <a href="https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1CXQOHG_Yc5aQ3WvlQKLlHNLA89wXkRjA?usp=sharing"><img src="https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg" alt="google colab logo"></a>

This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of URSCT-SESR: Reinforced Swin-Convs Transformer for Simultaneous Underwater Sensing Scene Image Enhancement and Super-resolution <img width="1000" src="README_figs/network.png">

<img width="180" src="README_figs/RAW.png"><img width="180" src="README_figs/CF.png"><img width="180" src="README_figs/IBLA.png"><img width="180" src="README_figs/HL.png"><img width="180" src="README_figs/WATERNET.png"> <img width="180" src="README_figs/UWCNN.png"><img width="180" src="README_figs/UCOLOR.png"><img width="180" src="README_figs/USHAPED.png"><img width="180" src="README_figs/OUR.png">


  1. QucikStart
  2. Training
  3. Testing
  4. Download
  5. Citation


Attention: please ensure the pytorch version be same with requirements.txt

Start a custom training

We have put demo data in folder "./dataset", hence you can run any file "*_train.py" in folder "./scripts".

Start a test with pre-trained model

If you want to use the pre-trained model for realistic images or testing, please read the following content about data settings. After that, run any file "*_eval.py" in folder "./scripts".

Start a fine-tuning with pre-trained model

If you have downloaded the pre-trained model and intend to continue training/fine-tuning, please note:

  1. Since the code updating, the pre-trained weight data (a dict in python) uploaded before does not include any parameter about the optimizer. Hence, please reasonably set up the optimizer (e.g., a tiny learning rate).
  2. The default model loaded when resuming is "*_bestSSIM.pth" (at line 84/85 in the training code), please check the model file name.


1. Put your dataset into your folder storing data (for example "./dataset/demo_data_Enh") as follows:

URSCT-SESR<br /> ├─ other files and folders<br /> ├─ dataset<br /> │  ├─ demo_data_Enh<br /> │  │  ├─ train_data<br /> │  │  │  ├─ input<br /> │  │  │  │  ├─ fig1.png<br /> │  │  │  │  ├─ ...<br /> │  │  │  ├─ target<br /> │  │  │  │  ├─ fig1.png<br /> │  │  │  │  ├─ ...<br /> │  │  ├─ val_data<br /> │  │  │  │  ├─ ...<br /> │  │  ├─ test_data<br /> │  │  │  │  ├─ ...

2. Configure the configs/*.yaml:

If you want to train with the default setting, *_DIR of TRAINING and TEST is the main option you need to edit.

(1) Enh&SR_opt.yaml for Simultaneous Underwater Sensing Scene Image Enhancement and Super-resolution

(2) Enh_opt.yaml for Underwater Sensing Scene Image Enhancement only

3. Run scripts/*_train.py


1. As reported above, put your dataset for testing and model we provided into the folders as follows:

URSCT-SESR<br /> ├─ other files and folders<br /> ├─ exps<br /> │  ├─ quickstart_Enh (same as configurated above)<br /> │  │  ├─ models<br /> │  │     ├─ model_bestSSIM.pth (downloaded model)<br /> ├─ dataset<br /> │  ├─ demo_data_Enh<br /> │  │  ├─ train_data<br /> │  │  ├─ val_data<br /> │  │  ├─ test_data<br /> │  │  │  ├─ input<br /> │  │  │  │  ├─ fig1.png<br /> │  │  │  │  ├─ ...<br /> │  │  │  ├─ target<br /> │  │  │  │  ├─ fig1.png<br /> │  │  │  │  ├─ ...<br />

2. Run scripts/*_eval.py



(1) GoogleDrive

(2) BaiduDisk (Password: SESR)


(1) LSUI (UIE): Data Paper Homepage

(2) UIEB (UIE): Data Paper Homepage

(3) SQUID (UIE): Data Paper Homepage

(4) UFO (SESR): Data Paper Homepage

(5) USR (SR): Data Paper Homepage


  title={Reinforced Swin-convs Transformer for Simultaneous Underwater Sensing Scene Image Enhancement and Super-resolution},
  author={Ren, Tingdi and Xu, Haiyong and Jiang, Gangyi and Yu, Mei and Zhang, Xuan and Wang, Biao and Luo, Ting},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing},