This repo is the official implementation of ['2MSPK-Net: A Nuclei Segmentation Network Based on Multi-Scale, Multi-Dimensional Attention, and SAM Prior Knowledge']
<p align="center"> <img src="" width="50%" height="50%" /> </p> We proposed a segmentation method based on SAM prior knowledge guidance strategy, and the above is a schematic diagram of integrating SAM prior knowledge.For detailed method introduction, please read the original articleRequirements
Install from the requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: If you have some problems with the code, the issues may help.
1. Data Preparation
1.1. GlaS and MoNuSeg Datasets
🔥 The original data can be downloaded in following links:
- MoNuSeg Dataset - Link (Original)
- TNBC Dataset - Link (Original)
Then prepare the datasets in the following format for easy use of the code:
├── Dataset
  ├── MoNusg
  │  ├── test
  │  │  ├── boundary_priors
│  │  ├── images
│  │  ├── masks
  │  │  └── seg_priors
│  ├── train
  │  │  ├── boundary_priors
│  │  ├── images
│  │  ├── masks
  │  │  └── seg_priors
  │  └── val
  │  │  ├── boundary_priors
│  │  ├── images
│  │  ├── masks
      └── seg_priors
2. Training
During the training process, the data were uniformly resized to $256\times256$ pixels and data augmentation was applied, including affine transformation, random flipping, and random rotation. Gradient descent was performed using the Adam optimizer with $\beta_1$ set to 0.9 and $\beta_2$ set to 0.999. The initial learning rate was set to $1\times{10}^{-4}$, and an adaptive learning rate decay strategy was employed. If the loss on the validation set did not decrease after every 20 epochs, the learning rate was reduced by a factor of 0.5. The batch size was set to 4, and the training was completed after 600 epochs.
2.2 Pre-training
We didn't use any pre-trained weights
3. Testing
We also added SAM prior area maps and contour maps to the test data set
- You can generate area maps and contour mapsarea and contour plots using SAM_prior We will announce other test and visualization codes later
- UNet:
- UNet++:
- U2Net:
- Attention U-Net:
- TransUNet:
- Swin-Unet:
Weight files and evaluation codes can be obtained by contacting the author ——Gongtao Yue(