

Fwitter - Twitter clone in flutter GitHub stars GitHub forks

A working Twitter clone built in Flutter using Firebase auth,realtime,firestore database and storage.

<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thealphamerc.flutter_twitter_clone"> <img width="100%" alt="Fwiiter Banner" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37103237/152671482-885fd940-f4ea-4fb6-8baf-816c17b541d7.png"> </a>

Dart CI GitHub pull requests GitHub closed pull requests GitHub last commit GitHub issues Open Source Love

<a href="https://github.com/Solido/awesome-flutter#top"> <img alt="Awesome Flutter" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Awesome-Flutter-blue.svg?longCache=true&style=flat-square" /> </a>

Download App

<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thealphamerc.flutter_twitter_clone"><img src="https://play.google.com/intl/en_us/badges/static/images/badges/en_badge_web_generic.png" width="200"></img></a>


:boom: Fwitter app now uses both firebase realtime and firestore database.:boom:


<details> <summary> Click to expand </summary> </details>


Welcome PageLogin PageSignup PageForgot Password Page
Home Page SidebaarHome PageHome PageHome Page
Compose Tweet PageReply To TweetReply to TweetCompose Retweet with comment
Tweet Detail PageTweet ThreadNested Tweet ThreadTweet options
Notification PageNotification PageNotification PageNotification Setting Page
Profile PageProfile PageProfile PageProfile Page
Select User PageChat PageChat Users ListConversation Info Page
Search PageSearch Setting PageTweet Options - 1Tweet Options - 2
Setting PageAccount Setting PagePrivacy Setting PagePrivacy Settings Page
Content Prefrences PageDisplay Setting PageData Settings PageAccessibility Settings
Users who likes TweetAbout Setting PageLicenses SettingsSettings

Getting started

Directory Structure

<details> <summary> Click to expand </summary>
|-- lib
|   |-- helper
|   |   |-- constant.dart
|   |   |-- customRoute.dart
|   |   |-- enum.dart
|   |   |-- routes.dart
|   |   |-- theme.dart
|   |   |-- utility.dart
|   |   '-- validator.dart
|   |-- main.dart
|   |-- model
|   |   |-- chatModel.dart
|   |   |-- feedModel.dart
|   |   |-- notificationModel.dart
|   |   '-- user.dart
|   |-- page
|   |   |-- Auth
|   |   |   |-- forgetPasswordPage.dart
|   |   |   |-- selectAuthMethod.dart
|   |   |   |-- signin.dart
|   |   |   |-- signup.dart
|   |   |   |-- verifyEmail.dart
|   |   |   '-- widget
|   |   |       '-- googleLoginButton.dart
|   |   |-- common
|   |   |   |-- sidebar.dart
|   |   |   |-- splash.dart
|   |   |   |-- usersListPage.dart
|   |   |   '-- widget
|   |   |       '-- userListWidget.dart
|   |   |-- feed
|   |   |   |-- composeTweet
|   |   |   |   |-- composeTweet.dart
|   |   |   |   |-- state
|   |   |   |   |   '-- composeTweetState.dart
|   |   |   |   '-- widget
|   |   |   |       |-- composeBottomIconWidget.dart
|   |   |   |       |-- composeTweetImage.dart
|   |   |   |       '-- widgetView.dart
|   |   |   |-- feedPage.dart
|   |   |   |-- feedPostDetail.dart
|   |   |   '-- imageViewPage.dart
|   |   |-- homePage.dart
|   |   |-- message
|   |   |   |-- chatListPage.dart
|   |   |   |-- chatScreenPage.dart
|   |   |   |-- conversationInformation
|   |   |   |   '-- conversationInformation.dart
|   |   |   '-- newMessagePage.dart
|   |   |-- notification
|   |   |   '-- notificationPage.dart
|   |   |-- profile
|   |   |   |-- EditProfilePage.dart
|   |   |   |-- follow
|   |   |   |   |-- followerListPage.dart
|   |   |   |   '-- followingListPage.dart
|   |   |   |-- profileImageView.dart
|   |   |   |-- profilePage.dart
|   |   |   '-- widgets
|   |   |       '-- tabPainter.dart
|   |   |-- search
|   |   |   '-- SearchPage.dart
|   |   '-- settings
|   |       |-- accountSettings
|   |       |   |-- about
|   |       |   |   '-- aboutTwitter.dart
|   |       |   |-- accessibility
|   |       |   |   '-- accessibility.dart
|   |       |   |-- accountSettingsPage.dart
|   |       |   |-- contentPrefrences
|   |       |   |   |-- contentPreference.dart
|   |       |   |   '-- trends
|   |       |   |       '-- trendsPage.dart
|   |       |   |-- dataUsage
|   |       |   |   '-- dataUsagePage.dart
|   |       |   |-- displaySettings
|   |       |   |   '-- displayAndSoundPage.dart
|   |       |   |-- notifications
|   |       |   |   '-- notificationPage.dart
|   |       |   |-- privacyAndSafety
|   |       |   |   |-- directMessage
|   |       |   |   |   '-- directMessage.dart
|   |       |   |   '-- privacyAndSafetyPage.dart
|   |       |   '-- proxy
|   |       |       '-- proxyPage.dart
|   |       |-- settingsAndPrivacyPage.dart
|   |       '-- widgets
|   |           |-- headerWidget.dart
|   |           |-- settingsAppbar.dart
|   |           '-- settingsRowWidget.dart
|   |-- state
|   |   |-- appState.dart
|   |   |-- authState.dart
|   |   |-- chats
|   |   |   '-- chatState.dart
|   |   |-- feedState.dart
|   |   |-- notificationState.dart
|   |   '-- searchState.dart
|   '-- widgets
|       |-- bottomMenuBar
|       |   |-- HalfPainter.dart
|       |   |-- bottomMenuBar.dart
|       |   '-- tabItem.dart
|       |-- customAppBar.dart
|       |-- customWidgets.dart
|       |-- newWidget
|       |   |-- customClipper.dart
|       |   |-- customLoader.dart
|       |   |-- customProgressbar.dart
|       |   |-- customUrlText.dart
|       |   |-- emptyList.dart
|       |   |-- rippleButton.dart
|       |   '-- title_text.dart
|       '-- tweet
|           |-- tweet.dart
|           '-- widgets
|               |-- parentTweet.dart
|               |-- retweetWidget.dart
|               |-- tweetBottomSheet.dart
|               |-- tweetIconsRow.dart
|               |-- tweetImage.dart
|               '-- unavailableTweet.dart
|-- pubspec.yaml


If you wish to contribute a change to any of the existing feature or add new in this repo, please review our contribution guide, and send a pull request. I welcome and encourage all pull requests. It usually will take me within 24-48 hours to respond to any issue or request.

Created & Maintained By

Sonu Sharma (Twitter) (Youtube) (Insta) (Dev.to) Twitter Follow

If you found this project helpful or you learned something from the source code and want to thank me, consider buying me a cup of :coffee:

You can also nominate me for Github Star developer program https://stars.github.com/nominate


Visitors Count

<img align="left" src = "https://profile-counter.glitch.me/flutter_twitter_clone/count.svg" alt ="Loading">