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Scoop-Spotify Build status

A Scoop bucket for Spotify, Spicetify and related packages.

$ scoop bucket add spotify https://github.com/TheRandomLabs/Scoop-Spotify.git

...I've spent an unhealthy amount of time on automating all of this.

Also check out my personal bucket and my Python bucket!

spotify-latest: hash check failed

If the spotify-latest manifest has recently been updated, this error may occur because depending on the region, the old installer may stay cached for a bit. To work around this issue, pass the -s or --skip flag to Scoop when updating the package.








$ scoop bucket add nerd-fonts
$ sudo scoop install Open-Sans Raleway
$ scoop bucket add nerd-fonts
$ sudo scoop install Ubuntu-NF

Spotify (latest)

Spotify with BlockTheSpot

Installing and customizing Spotify

First, the latest version of Spotify should be installed:

$ scoop install spotify-latest

Note that Spotify should not be installed globally, as it stores files in user-specific directories.

Once Spotify is installed, spicetify-cli can be installed to customize the Spotify client:

$ scoop install spicetify-cli

Again, spicetify-cli should be installed locally, as it also stores files in a user-specific location.

spicetify-themes can be installed for a collection of community-created themes for Spicetify. Obviously, this should also be installed locally:

$ scoop install spicetify-themes

google-spicetify is also available:

$ scoop install google-spicetify

I can recommend the Adapta-Nokto theme, which can be applied by running the following:

$ spicetify config current_theme Adapta-Nokto
$ spicetify-apply

As an example, I will also demonstrate the installation of the Elementary theme, which requires Open Sans and Raleway to be installed:

$ scoop bucket add nerd-fonts
$ sudo scoop install Open-Sans Raleway
$ spicetify config current_theme Elementary
$ spicetify-apply

To install spicetify-cli and apply a theme silently, the theme can be configured before installing spicetify-themes. When any of the Spicetify packages are installed, the current configuration is applied, and if Spotify was open previously, it is reopened.

$ scoop install spicetify-cli
$ spicetify config current_theme Elementary
$ scoop install spicetify-themes

genius-spicetify can be installed to fetch lyrics from Genius or Musixmatch:

$ scoop install genius-spicetify

spicetify-autoVolume can be installed to automatically decrease the volume at specific intervals of time:

$ scoop install spicetify-autovolume

BlockTheSpot can be installed to block advertisements:

$ scoop install blockthespot

All of the above packages can be updated through Scoop.

If you don't care about reading any of this and just want a quick way to install ad-blocked Spotify with the Elementary theme, genius-spicetify and developer tools, copy and paste this into PowerShell:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser -Force
Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://get.scoop.sh')

scoop install git sudo

scoop bucket add nerd-fonts
sudo scoop install Open-Sans Raleway --global

scoop bucket add spotify https://github.com/TheRandomLabs/Scoop-Spotify.git
scoop install spotify-latest blockthespot spicetify-cli spicetify-themes genius-spicetify spicetify-autovolume

spicetify config current_theme Elementary --quiet
spicetify-enable-devtool -quiet

Or even shorter, but with Adapta-Nokto instead:

$ Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser -Force; iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheRandomLabs/Scoop-Spotify/master/basic-setup.ps1 | iex

I wrote the above script mostly for people who don't care about using Scoop and just need a foolproof way to set everything up automatically.

And in the future, if you want to update any installed packages:

$ scoop update *