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<center> <h1 align="center">BlockTheSpot</h1> <h4 align="center">A multi-purpose adblocker and skip-bypass for the <strong>Spotify for Windows (64 bit)</strong> </h4> <h5 align="center">Please support Spotify by purchasing premium</h5> <p align="center"> <strong>Last updated:</strong> 15 June 2024<br> <strong>Last tested version:</strong> Spotify for Windows (64 bit) </p> </center>


Experimental features from developer mode

:warning: This mod is for the Desktop Application of Spotify on Windows only and not the Microsoft Store version.



Fully automated installation via PowerShell

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; Invoke-Expression "& { $(Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrpond/BlockTheSpot/master/install.ps1') } -UninstallSpotifyStoreEdition -UpdateSpotify"

Manual installation

  1. Browse to your Spotify installation folder %APPDATA%\Spotify
  2. Download chrome_elf.zip from releases
  3. Unzip dpapi.dll and config.ini to Spotify directory.


BlockTheSpot with Spicetify Installation/Update:

BlockTheSpot with Spicetify Uninstall:

spicetify restore
rmdir -r -fo $env:APPDATA\spicetify
rmdir -r -fo $env:LOCALAPPDATA\spicetify
rm -fo $env:APPDATA\spotify\dpapi.dll
rm -fo $env:APPDATA\spotify\config.ini

Disabling Automatic Updates

The automatic update feature is enabled by default. To disable it:

  1. Navigate to the directory where Spotify is installed: %APPDATA%\Spotify.
  2. Open the config.ini file.
  3. Set Enable_Auto_Update to 0 under the [Config] section.
  4. Save your changes and close the file.

Automatic updates will now be disabled. If you wish to update, you'll need to do so manually.

Additional Notes: