


Advanced macro expander and language lab for Python. The focus is on correctness, feature-completeness for serious macro-enabled work, and simplicity, in that order.

We aim at developer-friendliness. mcpyrate yields correct coverage for macro-enabled code, reports errors as early as possible, and makes it easy to display the steps of any macro expansion - with syntax highlighting, use site filename, and source line numbers:

mcpyrate stepping through expansion of letseq from demos Figure 1. mcpyrate stepping through letseq from the demos.

mcpyrate builds on mcpy, with a similar explicit and compact approach, but with a lot of new features. Some of our features are strongly inspired by macropy, such as quasiquotes, macro arguments, and expansion tracing. Features original to mcpyrate include a universal bootstrapper, integrated REPL system (including an IPython extension) and support for chainable whole-module source and AST transformers, developed from the earlier prototypes imacropy and pydialect; plus multi-phase compilation (a.k.a. staging; inspired by Racket), and identifier macros.

We use semantic versioning. mcpyrate is almost-but-not-quite compatible with mcpy 2.0.0, hence the initial release is 3.0.0. There are some differences in the named parameters the expander provides to the macro functions; for details, search the main user manual for differences to mcpy.

100% Python supported language versions supported implementations CI status codecov
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license: MIT open issues PRs welcome

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Table of Contents

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First example

mcpyrate gives you macro-enabled Python with just two source files:

# mymacros.py with your macro definitions
def echo(expr, **kw):
    return expr

# application.py
from mymacros import macros, echo
echo[6 * 7]

Or even with just one source file:

# application.py
from mcpyrate.multiphase import macros, phase

with phase[1]:
    def echo(expr, **kw):
        return expr

from __self__ import macros, echo
echo[6 * 7]

To run either example, macropython -m application, or macropython application.py.

More examples can be found in the demo/ subfolder. To run the demos after installing mcpyrate, go to the mcpyrate project directory, and invoke them like macropython demo/anaphoric_if.py.

Running the extra examples in the tests

The tests contain even more usage examples, including advanced ones. See the mcpyrate/test/ subfolder.

Tests must be run using the mcpyrate in the source tree (instead of any installed one), because they expect to live in the module mcpyrate.test, but the test subfolder is not part of the installation. Thus, if the mcpyrate top-level module name resolves to an installed copy, there won't be a module named mcpyrate.test.

To run with the mcpyrate in the source tree, replace macropython with python3 -m mcpyrate.repl.macropython. For example, to run a demo, python3 -m mcpyrate.repl.macropython demo/anaphoric_if.py, or to run a test, python3 -m mcpyrate.repl.macropython -m mcpyrate.test.test_compiler. Here the first -m goes to python3, whereas the second one goes to macropython.

If you just want to run all tests, python3 runtests.py.



The full documentation of mcpyrate lives in the doc/ subfolder. Some quick links:

We aim at complete documentation. If you find something is missing, please file an issue. (And if you already figured out the thing that was missing from the docs, a documentation PR is also welcome!)

Differences to other macro expanders for Python

mcpyrate is not drop-in compatible with macropy or mcpy. This section summarizes the differences.

It should be emphasized that what follows is a minimal list of differences. In addition, we provide many advanced features not available in previous macro expanders for Python, such as dialects (full-module transforms), multi-phase compilation, and run-time compiler access (with dynamic module creation).

Differences to macropy

Differences to mcpy

Install & uninstall

From PyPI

pip install mcpyrate

possibly with --user, if your OS is a *nix, and you feel lucky enough to use the system Python. If not, activate your venv first; the --user flag is then not needed.

From source

Clone the repo from GitHub. Then, navigate to it in a terminal, and:

python -m setup install

possibly with --user, if your OS is a *nix, and you feel lucky enough to use the system Python. If not, activate your venv first; the --user flag is then not needed.

To uninstall:

pip uninstall mcpyrate

but first, make sure you're not in a folder that has a mcpyrate subfolder - pip will think it got a folder name instead of a package name, and become confused.

Understanding the implementation

We follow the mcpy philosophy that macro expanders aren't rocket science. See CONTRIBUTING.md.

Emacs syntax highlighting

This Elisp snippet adds syntax highlighting for keywords specific to mcpyrate to your Emacs setup:

  (defun my/mcpyrate-syntax-highlight-setup ()
    "Set up additional syntax highlighting for `mcpyrate` in Python mode."
    ;; adapted from code in dash.el
    (let ((more-keywords '("macros" "dialects"
                           "q" "u" "n" "a" "s" "t" "h"))
          ;; How to make Emacs recognize your magic variables. Only for the anaphoric if demo.
          ;; A list, like `more-keywords`, even though in the example there is only one item.
          (magic-variables '("it")))
      (font-lock-add-keywords 'python-mode `((,(concat "\\_<" (regexp-opt magic-variables 'paren) "\\_>")
                                              1 font-lock-variable-name-face)) 'append)
      (font-lock-add-keywords 'python-mode `((,(concat "\\_<" (regexp-opt more-keywords 'paren) "\\_>")
                                              1 font-lock-keyword-face)) 'append)
  (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'my/mcpyrate-syntax-highlight-setup)

Known issue: For some reason, during a given session, this takes effect only starting with the second Python file opened. The first Python file opened during a session shows with the default Python syntax highlighting. Probably something to do with the initialization order of font-lock and whichever python-mode is being used.

Tested with anaconda-mode.

Install (for beginners in Emacs customization)

If you use the Spacemacs kit, the snippet can be inserted into the function dotspacemacs/user-config. (If you use the Emacs key bindings, M-m f e d to open your config file.) Here's my spacemacs.d for reference; the syntax highlight code is in prettify-symbols-config.el, and it's invoked from the function dotspacemacs/user-config in init.el.

In a basic Emacs setup, the snippet goes into the ~/.emacs startup file, or if you have an .emacs.d/ directory, then into ~/.emacs.d/init.el.

Why macros?

Despite their fearsome reputation, syntactic macros are a clean solution to certain classes of problems. Main use cases of macros fall into a few (not necessarily completely orthogonal) categories:

  1. Syntactic abstraction, to extract a pattern that cannot be extracted as a regular run-time function. Regular function definitions are a tool for extracting certain kinds of patterns; macros are another such tool. Both these tools aim at eliminating boilerplate, by allowing the definition of reusable abstractions.

    Macros can replace design patterns, especially patterns that work around a language's limitations. See Norvig's classic presentation on design patterns. For a concrete example, see Seibel.

  2. Source code access. Any operation that needs to get a copy of the source code of an expression (or of a code block) as well as run that same code is a prime candidate for a macro. This is useful for implementing tooling for e.g. debug-logging and testing.

  3. Evaluation order manipulation. By editing code, macros can change the order in which it gets evaluated, as well as decide whether a particular expression or statement runs at all.

    As an example, macros allow properly abstracting delay/force in a strict language. force is just a regular function, but delay needs to be a macro. See our delayed evaluation demo.

  4. Language-level features inspired by other programming languages. For example, unpythonic provides expression-local variables (let), automatic tail call optimization (TCO), autocurry, lazy functions, and multi-shot continuations.

    As the Racket guide notes, this is especially convenient for language-level features not approved by some other language designer. Macros allow users to extend the language. Dialects take that idea one step further.

  5. Compile-time validation. See e.g. Alexis King (2016): Simple, safe multimethods in Racket. Our sister project unpythonic also uses macros to perform some simple checks for whether certain helper constructs appear in a valid position, and when not, errors out at compile time.

  6. Embedded domain-specific languages (eDSLs).

    Here embedded means the DSL seamlessly integrates into the surrounding programming language (the host language). With embedded DSLs, there is no need to implement a whole new parser for the DSL, and many operations can be borrowed from the host language. Infix arithmetic notation and regular expressions are common examples of eDSLs that come embedded in many programming languages.

    (Note that a general-purpose programming language does not strictly need to provide infix arithmetic; many Lisps do not. Of course, a form of infix arithmetic can be added as a macro; here's a very compact Racket solution (search the page for "more operators").)

    The embedded approach significantly decreases the effort needed to implement a DSL, thus making small DSLs an attractive solution for a class of design problems. A language construction kit can be much more useful than how it may sound at first.

  7. Mobile code, as pioneered by macropy. Shuttle code between domains, while still allowing it to be written together in a single code base.

That said, macros are the 'nuclear option' of software development. Often a good strategy is to implement as much as regular functions as reasonably possible, and then a small macro on top, for the parts that would not be possible (or overly verbose, or overly complex, or just overly hacky) otherwise. Our delayed evaluation demo is a small example of this strategy.

More extensive examples are the macro-enabled test framework unpythonic.test.fixtures, and the let constructs in unpythonic.syntax (though in that case the macros are rather complex, to integrate with Python's lexical scoping). If curious about the "overly hacky" remark, compare the implementations of unpythonic.amb and unpythonic.syntax.forall - the macro version is much cleaner.

For examples of borrowing language features, look at Graham, Python's with in Clojure, unpythonic.syntax, and these creations from the Racket community [1] [2] [3]. But observe also that macros are not always needed for this: pattern matching, resumable exceptions, multiple dispatch [1] [2].