


Build Status GitHub release GPLv3 license Slack invite


Walrus is an Android app for contactless card cloning devices such as the Proxmark3 and Chameleon Mini. Using a simple interface in the style of Google Pay, access control cards can be read into a wallet to be written or emulated later.

Designed for physical security assessors during red team engagements, Walrus supports basic tasks such as card reading, writing and emulation, as well as device-specific functionality such as antenna tuning and device configuration. More advanced functionality such as location tagging makes handling multiple targets easy, while bulk reading allows the stealthy capture of multiple cards while “war-walking” a target.


<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bugfuzz.android.projectwalrus&amp;pcampaignid=MKT-Other-global-all-co-prtnr-py-PartBadge-Mar2515-1"><img alt="Get it on Google Play" src="https://play.google.com/intl/en_us/badges/images/generic/en_badge_web_generic.png" width="160"></a>


Documentation and Getting Started. For end-user information such as what Walrus is, and how it can be used in the field, check out the Walrus website!


Walrus is developed by Daniel Underhay and Matthew Daley (a.k.a. Team Walrus!) and is Open Source


Walrus is a standard Android Studio project. At this stage there are no unusual dependencies or build steps beyond the usual cloning of the repository and opening the project in Android Studio.

TODO: When we refresh and remove the current Google Maps API key from the repo, we'll need to point out that this needs to be generated and set manually if maps are needed.


The current layout of Walrus's source code is as follows:


Team Walrus is powered by Lab401, our official hardware sponsor 🥳 Check out their website for some great deals on hardware!

Device Support

Here’s a table of the current devices / card type pairs we support and in what manner.

Key: R = reading, W = writing, U = upload

Proxmark3 OriginalPm3 EvoPm3 RDV4Pm3 Iceman ForkChameleon Mini Rev.GC.M Rev.E Rebooted
HID ProxR / WR / WR / WR / W--
ISO14443A - UID----R / UU
Mifare Ultralight------
Mifare Classic 1KR / WR / WR / WR / WUU
Mifare Classic 4K??????
Mifare Classic 4B??????
Mifare Classic 7B??????
Mifare DESFire??????


We welcome all kinds of contributions and bug reports, big or small! Development takes place at our GitHub repository. There you can file issues (both bugs and enhancement requests) and submit pull requests. Feel free to join our Slack channel.

During the initial development of Walrus, changes to the codebase are likely to be frequent and wide-ranging, so if you want to work on a feature, it's wise to reach out first to ensure that your hard work won't be soon obsoleted. After our first full release we hope to gain stability and bring in some of the additional resources expected of a project today, such as a proper test suite and continuous integration.

One area we'd love your help with is contributing translations! If you think you can help us out translating our Android string resources to another language, please get in touch!