

🌵 Cachi

Cachi is a swift tool to parse and visualize test results contained in Xcode's .xcresult files on a web interface. It additionally offers a set of APIs that can be queried to extract information in json format from previously parsed test results.

Automatic screen recording (Xcode 15) and screenshot based xcresults are supported.

<img src="Documentation/main_screenshot.png" width="840">


brew install Subito-it/made/cachi

Or you can build manually using swift build.


Cachi can be launched by passing the port for the web interface and the location where it should search for the .xcresult bundles.

You can optionally pass:

$ cachi --port number [--search_depth level] [--merge] path

Endpoint documentation

http://local.host:port/v1/help will return a list of available endpoint with a short overview.

Test result customization

The following keys can be added to the Info.plist in the .xcresult bundle which will be used when showing results:


Contributions are welcome! If you have a bug to report, feel free to help out by opening a new issue or sending a pull request.


Tomas Camin (@tomascamin)


Cachi is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more info.