


This is the official plugin repository for Steward

Install Steward:

Plugins are a core feature of Steward, and plugins make it quick and easy to do most of your daily browser operations.

Steward comes with a series of plugins, and also provides the plugin api, you can complete the development of the plugin you want with just a few lines of code.

Plugins in Steward

Steward comes with plugins that can be divided into the following 4 categories.

Plugin development

Since V3.5.1, Steward has opened the api and provided the plugin editor.

Steward Plugins Repo

You can add help documentation for your plugin in this repository.

Data structure

Plugin code is wrappered with module.exports = function(steward) {}steward is the api

    mode, // steward application mode: 'newTab' | 'popup' | 'content'
    config, // user config
    data, // steward data: { page: Object }
    chrome, // chrome api
    util, //
    dayjs, // date library
    $, // jquery
    axios, // http library
    constant, //
    storage, // promise style
    browser // https://github.com/mozilla/webextension-polyfill
    author, // id of author,such as your email or github account
    version, // version
    name, // plugin name,componse the uniqe id with `author`
    category: 'other', // category of plugin,just use `other`
    icon, // plugin icon
    title, // plugin title
    commands, // commaneds of plugin, if null, means a plugin of search type
    onInit, // triggered when plugin is first used 
    onInput, // core api, triggered when user enters
    onEnter, // core api,triggered when user clicks one item or press enter / return
    onLeave // triggered when another commaned will be applyed

    // command
    key, // { String } trigger of command
    type, // { String } type of command, enums,includes ['always', 'regexp', 'keyword', 'other', 'search']
        // For different query types and stages, usually fill in `keyword`
    title, // { String } title of command
    subtitle, // { String } subtitle or description of command
    icon // { String } icon of command
    // item
    key, // { String} item type: `CONSTANT.BASE.ITEM_TYPE`,enums, includes ['plugins', 'url', 'copy', 'action', 'app']
        // When the value is `plugins`, apply `item.id` as the new command
        // When the value is `url`,open `item.url` in a new tab
        // When the value is `copy`, copy `item.title` to the clipboard
        // When the value is `action`,emit 'action' event,usually processed by the page mode, todo
        // When the value is `app`,emit ''app:handle' event,such as 'Backup'
    universal, // { Boolean } Whether or not be universal item,when `true`,Steward will handle the item clicked by user
    icon, // { String } item icon url,usually the same as the plugin / commands icon
    title, // { String }
    desc // { String } 



core api,triggered by user input trigger + space

  * @param { String } query User-entered string
  * @param { Object } command The command currently triggered by the user
  * @return { Promise[Array] | Array } Query results, support Promise and normal Array array
  function onInput(query, command) {
      return Promise.resolve([Array[Item]]);

core api,Called when the user presses Enter/Return or clicks on a query result

  * @param { Object } item Selected query result entry
  * @param { Object } command Currently triggered command
  * @param { String } query Current query string
  * @param { Object } keyStatus Include ctrlKey / metaKey / altKey / shiftKey
  * @param { Array } list All query results
  * @return { Promise[String | Boolean]}
  *           Promise[String] Applied as a new command to the input box
  *           Promise[Boolean] Only valid for page mode, Steward frame will be delayed when Boolean is false or Number value
  function onEnter(item, command, query, keyStatus, list) {
      return Promise.resolve([String | Boolean | Number]);


* create a new tab depending on the `keyStatus`
* @param { Object } item from onEnter
* @param { Object } keyStatus from onEnter
function createTab(item, keyStatus) {
    // tabs.update() or tabs.create()
* Generate default query results based on command
* @param { Object } command Command defined in plugin
* @return { Array[Item] } Contains a default query result that is transparent to onEnter
function getDefaultResult(command) {
* Generate default empty query results based on command
* @param { Object } command Command defined in plugin
* @param { String | Optional } msg Empty query tip
* @return { Array[Item] } Contains a default empty query result that is transparent to onEnter
function getEmptyResult(command, msg) {
* Copy text to the clipboard
* @param { String } text The text to be copied
* @param { Boolean } showMsg Whether to pop up a prompt
* @return
function copyToClipboard(text, showMsg) {
* @param { String } name param name
* @param { String } search default value: `window.location.search`
* @return { String } 
function getParameterByName(name, search = window.location.search) {