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All Contributors



Computer with built-in General Purpose 8 Qubit Optical Quantum Processor


Thank you to all the contributors who make this possible

Status: Moving Towards PCB!

We're beginning to layout the components and finalize the design of our quantum computer! As we continue to design the PCB, we are also working with optical engineers to make our logic gates more compact which will enable us to shrink the design even further than we already have!

Development Board

To speed up R&D, we've decided to replace the ARM CPU with a QSeven2.0 spec'd "computer on module". There are a variety of benefits to doing this, one major benefit being that we can switch between a variety of x86 and ARM processors.

The current design effort utilizes the Congatech A50 CoM.

Devboard Schematic

Quantum Processing Unit

Quantum Processor Schematic


The QController acts as a bridge between the main (digital) computer and the quantum processor. It is responsible for storing/executing instructions, and for transferring data to/from the host and QPU.


Feature List


Hardware Design Files

Project File8Q/8Q.proMain KiCAD Project File
PCB Design File8Q/8Q.kicad_PCBMain KiCAD PCB File
Board Schematic8Q/cpu.schMain CPU Schematic
Board Schematic8Q/cpu_power.schCPU Power Schematic
Board Schematic8Q/RAM.schCPU RAM Schematic
QCore Schematic8Q/qpu.schMain QPU Schematic
QCore Schematic8Q/qpower.schQPU Power Schematic
QCore Schematic8Q/preprocessor.schQPU Control Unit Schematic
Manufacturing Files8Q/gerbernonenone (gerber files)
Manufacturing Files8Q/assemblynonenone (assembly files)

Documentation Files

Makefiledocs/MakefileUsed to build documentation
Folderdocs/build/*Build files for docs
Folderdocs/source/*Documentation source files
Folderdocs/source/imgs/*Image files
ReStructured Textdocs/source/architecture.rstInstruction Set Architecture Documentation
ReStructured Textdocs/source/board.rstBoard Hardware Information
Pythondocs/source/conf.pyDocs Generator Configs
ReStructured Textdocs/source/index.rstDocumentation Home Page
ReStructured Textdocs/source/programming.rstProgramming Documentation

Firmware/Software Sources

None: src/

Development Tools

None: tools/