

Deprecation Notice!!!

This package has been deprecated in favor of @sparticuz/chromium. This new package doesn't need to be updated with each puppeteer version, and should have better compatibility with other test runners like playwright. Please see the migration guide here. Please migrate to this new package.


@sparticuz/chrome-aws-lambda TypeScript Chromium Donate

Chromium Binary for AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions

Difference from alixaxel/chrome-aws-lambda

This fork was born out of alixaxel/chrome-aws-lambda#264. The biggest difference, besides the chromium version, is the inclusion of some code from https://github.com/alixaxel/lambdafs, as well as dropping that as a dependency. Due to some changes in WebGL, the files in bin/swiftshader.tar.br need to be extracted to /tmp instead of /tmp/swiftshader. This necessitated changes in lambdafs.


npm install @sparticuz/chrome-aws-lambda --save-prod

This will ship with appropriate binary for the latest stable release of puppeteer (usually updated within a few days).

You also need to install the corresponding version of puppeteer-core (or puppeteer):

npm install puppeteer-core --save-prod

If you wish to install an older version of Chromium, take a look at Versioning.


This package works with all the currently supported AWS Lambda Node.js runtimes out of the box.

const chromium = require('@sparticuz/chrome-aws-lambda');

exports.handler = async (event, context, callback) => {
  let result = null;
  let browser = null;

  try {
    browser = await chromium.puppeteer.launch({
      args: chromium.args,
      defaultViewport: chromium.defaultViewport,
      executablePath: await chromium.executablePath,
      headless: chromium.headless,
      ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,

    let page = await browser.newPage();

    await page.goto(event.url || 'https://example.com');

    result = await page.title();
  } catch (error) {
    return callback(error);
  } finally {
    if (browser !== null) {
      await browser.close();

  return callback(null, result);

Usage with Playwright

const chromium = require('@sparticuz/chrome-aws-lambda');
const playwright = require('playwright-core');

(async () => {
  const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({
    args: chromium.args,
    executablePath: await chromium.executablePath,
    headless: chromium.headless,

  // ...

  await browser.close();

You should allocate at least 512 MB of RAM to your Lambda, however 1600 MB (or more) is recommended.

Running Locally

Please refer to the Local Development Wiki page for instructions and troubleshooting.


Method / PropertyReturnsDescription
font(url){?Promise<string>}Provisions a custom font and returns its basename.
args{!Array<string>}Provides a list of recommended additional Chromium flags.
defaultViewport{!Object}Returns more sensible default viewport settings.
executablePath{?Promise<string>}Returns the path the Chromium binary was extracted to.
headless{!boolean}Returns true if we are running on AWS Lambda or GCF.
puppeteer{!Object}Overloads puppeteer and returns the resolved package.


The Amazon Linux 2 AWS Lambda runtime is no longer provisioned with any font faces.

Because of this, this package ships with Open Sans, which supports the following scripts:

To provision additional fonts, simply call the font() method with an absolute path or URL:

await chromium.font('/var/task/fonts/NotoColorEmoji.ttf');
// or
await chromium.font('https://raw.githack.com/googlei18n/noto-emoji/master/fonts/NotoColorEmoji.ttf');

Noto Color Emoji (or similar) is needed if you want to render emojis.

For URLs, it's recommended that you use a CDN, like raw.githack.com or gitcdn.xyz.

This method should be invoked before launching Chromium.

On non-serverless environments, the font() method is a no-op to avoid polluting the user space.

Alternatively, it's also possible to provision fonts via AWS Lambda Layers.

Simply create a directory named .fonts and place any font faces you want there:

├── NotoColorEmoji.ttf
└── Roboto.ttf

Afterwards, you just need to ZIP the directory and upload it as a AWS Lambda Layer:

zip -9 --filesync --move --recurse-paths .fonts.zip .fonts/


Since version 8.0.0, it's possible to overload puppeteer with the following convenient API:

interface Browser {
  defaultPage(...hooks: ((page: Page) => Promise<Page>)[])
  newPage(...hooks: ((page: Page) => Promise<Page>)[])

interface BrowserContext {
  defaultPage(...hooks: ((page: Page) => Promise<Page>)[])
  newPage(...hooks: ((page: Page) => Promise<Page>)[])

interface Page {
  block(patterns: string[])
  clear(selector: string)
  clickAndWaitForNavigation(selector: string, options?: WaitForOptions)
  clickAndWaitForRequest(selector: string, predicate: string | RegExp, options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  clickAndWaitForRequest(selector: string, predicate: ((request: HTTPRequest) => boolean | Promise<boolean>), options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  clickAndWaitForResponse(selector: string, predicate: string | RegExp, options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  clickAndWaitForResponse(selector: string, predicate: ((request: HTTPResponse) => boolean | Promise<boolean>), options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  count(selector: string)
  exists(selector: string)
  fillFormByLabel(selector: string, data: Record<string, boolean | string | string[]>)
  fillFormByName(selector: string, data: Record<string, boolean | string | string[]>)
  fillFormBySelector(selector: string, data: Record<string, boolean | string | string[]>)
  fillFormByXPath(selector: string, data: Record<string, boolean | string | string[]>)
  number(selector: string, decimal?: string, property?: string)
  selectByLabel(selector: string, ...values: string[])
  string(selector: string, property?: string)
  waitForInflightRequests(requests?: number, alpha: number, omega: number, options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  waitForText(predicate: string, options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  waitUntilVisible(selector: string, options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  waitWhileVisible(selector: string, options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  withTracing(options: TracingOptions, callback: (page: Page) => Promise<any>)

interface Frame {
  clear(selector: string)
  clickAndWaitForNavigation(selector: string, options?: WaitForOptions)
  clickAndWaitForRequest(selector: string, predicate: string | RegExp, options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  clickAndWaitForRequest(selector: string, predicate: ((request: HTTPRequest) => boolean | Promise<boolean>), options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  clickAndWaitForResponse(selector: string, predicate: string | RegExp, options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  clickAndWaitForResponse(selector: string, predicate: ((request: HTTPResponse) => boolean | Promise<boolean>), options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  count(selector: string)
  exists(selector: string)
  fillFormByLabel(selector: string, data: Record<string, boolean | string | string[]>)
  fillFormByName(selector: string, data: Record<string, boolean | string | string[]>)
  fillFormBySelector(selector: string, data: Record<string, boolean | string | string[]>)
  fillFormByXPath(selector: string, data: Record<string, boolean | string | string[]>)
  number(selector: string, decimal?: string, property?: string)
  selectByLabel(selector: string, ...values: string[])
  string(selector: string, property?: string)
  waitForText(predicate: string, options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  waitUntilVisible(selector: string, options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  waitWhileVisible(selector: string, options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)

interface ElementHandle {
  clickAndWaitForNavigation(options?: WaitForOptions)
  clickAndWaitForRequest(predicate: string | RegExp, options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  clickAndWaitForRequest(predicate: ((request: HTTPRequest) => boolean | Promise<boolean>), options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  clickAndWaitForResponse(predicate: string | RegExp, options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  clickAndWaitForResponse(predicate: ((request: HTTPResponse) => boolean | Promise<boolean>), options?: WaitTimeoutOptions)
  fillFormByLabel(data: Record<string, boolean | string | string[]>)
  fillFormByName(data: Record<string, boolean | string | string[]>)
  fillFormBySelector(data: Record<string, boolean | string | string[]>)
  fillFormByXPath(data: Record<string, boolean | string | string[]>)
  number(decimal?: string, property?: string)
  selectByLabel(...values: string[])
  string(property?: string)

To enable this behavior, simply call the puppeteer property exposed by this package.

Refer to the TypeScript typings for general documentation.

Page Hooks

When overloaded, you can specify a list of hooks to automatically apply to pages.

For instance, to remove the Headless substring from the user agent:

async function replaceUserAgent(page: Page): Promise<Page> {
  let value = await page.browser().userAgent();

  if (value.includes('Headless') === true) {
    await page.setUserAgent(value.replace('Headless', ''));

  return page;

And then simply pass that page hook to defaultPage() or newPage():

let page = await browser.defaultPage(replaceUserAgent);

Additional bundled page hooks can be found on /build/hooks.


This package is versioned based on the underlying puppeteer minor version:

puppeteer Versionchrome-aws-lambda VersionChromium Revision
17.1.*npm i @sparticuz/chrome-aws-lambda@~17.1.11036745 (106.0.5249.0)
16.1.*npm i @sparticuz/chrome-aws-lambda@~16.1.01022525 (105.0.5173.0)
15.5.*npm i @sparticuz/chrome-aws-lambda@~15.5.01022525 (105.0.5173.0)
14.4.*npm i @sparticuz/chrome-aws-lambda@~14.4.11002410 (103.0.5058.0)
14.3.*npm i @sparticuz/chrome-aws-lambda@~14.3.01002410 (103.0.5058.0)
14.2.*npm i @sparticuz/chrome-aws-lambda@~14.2.01002410 (103.0.5058.0)
14.1.*npm i @sparticuz/chrome-aws-lambda@~14.1.1991974 (102.0.5002.0)
10.1.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~10.1.0884014 (92.0.4512.0)
10.0.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~10.0.0884014 (92.0.4512.0)
9.1.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~9.1.0869685 (91.0.4469.0)
9.0.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~9.0.0869685 (91.0.4469.0)
8.0.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~8.0.2856583 (90.0.4427.0)
7.0.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~7.0.0848005 (90.0.4403.0)
6.0.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~6.0.0843427 (89.0.4389.0)
5.5.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~5.5.0818858 (88.0.4298.0)
5.4.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~5.4.0809590 (87.0.4272.0)
5.3.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~5.3.1800071 (86.0.4240.0)
5.2.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~5.2.1782078 (85.0.4182.0)
5.1.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~5.1.0768783 (84.0.4147.0)
5.0.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~5.0.0756035 (83.0.4103.0)
3.1.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~3.1.1756035 (83.0.4103.0)
3.0.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~3.0.4737027 (81.0.4044.0)
2.1.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~2.1.1722234 (80.0.3987.0)
2.0.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~2.0.2705776 (79.0.3945.0)
1.20.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.20.4686378 (78.0.3882.0)
1.19.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.19.0674921 (77.0.3844.0)
1.18.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.18.1672088 (77.0.3835.0)
1.18.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.18.0669486 (77.0.3827.0)
1.17.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.17.1662092 (76.0.3803.0)
1.16.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.16.1656675 (76.0.3786.0)
1.15.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.15.1650583 (75.0.3765.0)
1.14.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.14.0641577 (75.0.3738.0)
1.13.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.13.0637110 (74.0.3723.0)
1.12.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.12.2624492 (73.0.3679.0)
1.11.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.11.2609904 (72.0.3618.0)
1.10.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.10.1604907 (72.0.3582.0)
1.9.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.9.1594312 (71.0.3563.0)
1.8.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.8.0588429 (71.0.3542.0)
1.7.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.7.0579032 (70.0.3508.0)
1.6.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.6.3575458 (69.0.3494.0)
1.5.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.5.0564778 (69.0.3452.0)
1.4.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.4.0555668 (68.0.3419.0)
1.3.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.3.0549031 (67.0.3391.0)
1.2.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.2.0543305 (67.0.3372.0)
1.1.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.1.0536395 (66.0.3347.0)
1.0.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~1.0.0526987 (65.0.3312.0)
0.13.*npm i chrome-aws-lambda@~0.13.0515411 (64.0.3264.0)

Patch versions are reserved for bug fixes in chrome-aws-lambda and general maintenance.


To compile your own version of Chromium check the Ansible playbook instructions.

AWS Lambda Layer

Lambda Layers is a new convenient way to manage common dependencies between different Lambda Functions.

The following set of (Linux) commands will create a layer of this package alongside puppeteer-core:

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/Sparticuz/chrome-aws-lambda.git && \
cd chrome-aws-lambda && \
make chrome_aws_lambda.zip

The above will create a chrome-aws-lambda.zip file, which can be uploaded to your Layers console.

Alternatively, you can also download the layer artifact from one of our CI workflow runs.

Google Cloud Functions

Since version 1.11.2, it's also possible to use this package on Google/Firebase Cloud Functions.

According to our benchmarks, it's 40% to 50% faster than using the off-the-shelf puppeteer bundle.


The Chromium binary is compressed using the Brotli algorithm.

This allows us to get the best compression ratio and faster decompression times.

