

The SoapUI project

Structure and submodules

Building and running


Getting the source code for the first time

To get the source code run git clone https://github.com/SmartBear/soapui.git where you want to the root folder of the SoapUI project.



To run SoapUI after it has been built, execute mvn exec:java in the root folder of the soapui submodule.

Getting the latest changes

To get the latest source code changes clone the project by running git pull in the root directory of the SoapUI project or the root directory of the submodule you want to update.


When you have decided that you want to take a more active part in improving SoapUI then there are a few things you have to do before you can get started. Go to http://www.soapui.org/Developers-Corner/contribute-to-soapui.html for more information.

IDE support

As SoapUI is using a standard Maven 3 setup, building and running SoapUI from an IDE is usually very straight forward, as long as the IDE has good Maven support.

Getting started using Intellij IDEA (version 13)

Getting started using Eclipse (version 4 / Juno)


To generate documentation (JavaDoc) run mvn javadoc:javadoc in the root folder of the submodule you want documentation for. The documentation will be located in the target/site/javadoc folder after the Maven command has terminated successfully.

You can also get the latest JavaDoc for SoapUI here.

Additional resources