


golang functions (to be included in other projects)

go get -u -t simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/...

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some functions in this repo enables you to write really bad code - I wrote it anyway because:

BUT: please remember that you can do things more performantly e.g. converting a string to a float is much faster done with strconv.ParseFloat than with as.Float.


ansi - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/ansi"

ansi can print colored and styled text to your terminal:

log.Println(ansi.Color("INFO: everything is fine", ansi.Green))
log.Println(ansi.Color("WARNING: not everything is fine", ansi.Yellow))
log.Println(ansi.Color("ERROR: OMG!!!", ansi.Red))
fmt.Printf("this is %v and %v text", ansi.Bold("bold"), ansi.Underline("underlined"))

arg - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/arg"

the arg package simplifies cli flags (arguments)

as - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/as"

with as you can convert most standard data types to most other data types e.g.

var x string = as.String(int(32))
var x int = as.Int("32")
var x time.Time = as.Time("31.12.2014")

bitmask - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/bitmask"

with bitmask you can set and get bits to and from a bitmask:

i := bitmask.New(0b11111111)
i.Set(0, false)

cache - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/cache"

cachedfile - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/cachedfile"

cachedfile simplifies reading and writing from and to disk and adds caching


str := "Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit, amet, consectetur, adipisci velit."
err := cachedfile.Write("filename.txt", str, false)

and in less then 15 minutes this

str, _ := cachedfile.Read("filename.txt")

and there will be no file access to disk. If you kill the App, wait 15 min or call cachedfile.Stop() the cached content will be exported to disk.

channel - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/channel"

channel simplifies channel operations, e.g. sending the same data to multiple receivers

con := channel.Init()

receiver01 := con.AddReceiver()
receiver02 := con.AddReceiver()
receiver03 := con.AddReceiver()

go func() {

go func() {

go func() {

transmitter01 := con.AddTransmitter()

transmitter01 <- "Hello World"

csv - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/csv"

file - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/file"

file wraps around the standard functions to simplify reading and writing on disk

str := "Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit, amet, consectetur, adipisci velit."
err := file.Write("filename.txt", str, false)

Besides simple reading and writing, the package also contains functions to test file statuses, read large files by small blocks, clear, rename and delete files. There is even a function for do things with each file in a directory (even with subfolders):

err := file.Each("..", true, func(filename, extension, filepath string, dir bool, fileinfo os.FileInfo) {
	if extension == "go" && !dir {
		t.Logf("%v, %v, %v, %v\n", filename, filepath, dir, fileinfo)

If you need the absolute path to a file, but only have a relative path, you can use file.GetAbsolutePath("~/path/to/file.txt").

foreach - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/foreach"

foreach calls a given function for each element of a [ JSON-string ]

gcurses - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/gcurses"

gcurses is a terminal control library for Unixoide systems, enabling the development of text user interface applications.

Named after the "GUI-like" terminal application toolkit ncurses (new curses) which is named after the original curses. This library is in a very early stage.

package main

import (

func main() {
  writer := gcurses.New()


  for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "Count till one hundred: %d\nStill counting ...\n", i)
    time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)

  time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)
  fmt.Fprintln(writer, "Finished counting")


gopath - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/gopath"

gopath provides an easy way to get system information

to read a config file in which is in the same file as the executable, you can do something like this:

package main

import (

func main() {
  dir := gopath.Dir()
  config := file.Read(filepath.Join(dir, "config.yaml"))

graphics - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/graphics"

with graphics you can manipulate images

img := graphics.EachPixel(file, func(r, g, b, a uint8) (uint8, uint8, uint8, uint8) {
	return g, b, r, a

you even can apply filters to images:

file, _ := os.Open("./original.png")
defer file.Close()

img, _, err := image.Decode(file)

img = Edgedetect(img)

out, _ := os.Create("./edgeDetect.png")

png.Encode(out, img)

http - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/http"

log - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/log"

re - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/re"

re helps you whenever you have to do something multiple times

data, stop := re.Do(time.Second * 5, func(data chan<- interface{}) {
	data <- fmt.Sprintf("%v\n", time.Now().Format("02.01.2006 15:04:05"))

regex - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/regex"

regex is a layer to speed up your regular expression development

str, err := regex.ReplaceAllString("Ipsum Lorem", "([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)", "$2 $1")

rss - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/rss"

rss is a rss feed parser based on Golangs std xml package

podcast, err := rss.Read(url)
if err == nil {
  for _, episode := range podcast.Items {

ssl - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/ssl"

ssl generates ssl certificates for https

err := ssl.Generate(options)

stack - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/stack"

with stack you can store your values in stacks and rings

array := stack.Lifo()
for array.Len() > 0 {

structs - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/structs"

xmath - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/xmath"

xmath provides a few mathematical functions like Max, Min, Sum, Median, Harmonic-mean, ...

var f = []float64{.5, 1.33, 2.66, 3.99, 13.37, 23.42, 42.000003}

fmt.Printf("Max: %v\n", xmath.Max(f))
fmt.Printf("Min: %v\n", xmath.Min(f))
fmt.Printf("Sum: %v\n", xmath.Sum(f))

fmt.Printf("Median:     %v\n", xmath.Median(f))
fmt.Printf("Arithmetic: %v\n", xmath.Arithmetic(f))
fmt.Printf("Harmonic:   %v\n", xmath.Harmonic(f))
fmt.Printf("Geometric:  %v\n", xmath.Geometric(f))

xtime - GoDoc

import "simonwaldherr.de/go/golibs/xtime"

xtime implements a subset of strftime

t, _ := time.Now()
fmt.Println(xtime.Fmt("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", t))