

Context Modeling in 3D Human Pose Estimation: A Unified Perspective (CVPR 2021)

<p float="left"> <img src="asset/formula.png" height="200" /> <img src="asset/quality_result.png" height="200" /> </p>


This repository is the offical Pytorch implementation of ContextPose, Context Modeling in 3D Human Pose Estimation: A Unified Perspective (CVPR 2021). Below is the example pipeline of using ContextPose for 3D pose estimation. overall pipeline

Quick start


This project is developed using >= python 3.5 on Ubuntu 16.04. NVIDIA GPUs are needed.


  1. Clone this repo, and we'll call the directory that you cloned as ${ContextPose_ROOT}.
  2. Install dependences.
    1. Install pytorch >= v1.4.0 following official instruction.
    2. Install other packages. This project doesn't have any special or difficult-to-install dependencies. All installation can be down with:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Download data following the next section. In summary, your directory tree should be like this
├── data
├── experiments
├── mvn
├── logs 
├── README.md
├── process_h36m.sh
├── requirements.txt
├── train.py
`── train.sh


Note: We provide the training and evaluation code on Human3.6M dataset. We do NOT provide the source data. We do NOT own the data or have permission to redistribute the data. Please download according to the official instructions.


  1. Install CDF C Library by following (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37232008/how-read-common-data-format-cdf-in-python/58167429#58167429), which is neccessary for processing Human3.6M data.
  2. Download and preprocess the dataset by following the instructions in mvn/datasets/human36m_preprocessing/README.md.
  3. To train ContextPose model, you need rough estimations of the pelvis' 3D positions both for train and val splits. In the paper we use the precalculated 3D skeletons estimated by the Algebraic model proposed in learnable-triangulation (which is an opensource repo and we adopt their Volumetric model to be our baseline.) All pretrained weights and precalculated 3D skeletons can be downloaded at once from here and placed to ./data/pretrained. Here, we fine-tuned the pretrained weight on the Human3.6M dataset for another 20 epochs, please download the weight from here and place to ./data/pretrained/human36m.
  4. We provide the limb length mean and standard on the Human3.6M training set, please download from here and place to ./data/human36m/extra.
  5. Finally, your data directory should be like this (for more detailed directory tree, please refer to README.md)
|-- data
    |-- human36m
    |   |-- extra
    |   |   | -- una-dinosauria-data
    |   |   | -- ...
    |   |   | -- mean_and_std_limb_length.h5
    |   `-- ...
    `-- pretrained
        |-- human36m
            |-- human36m_alg_10-04-2019
            |-- human36m_vol_softmax_10-08-2019
            `-- backbone_weights.pth


Every experiment is defined by .config files. Configs with experiments from the paper can be found in the ./experiments directory. You can use the train.sh script or specifically:


To train a Volumetric model with softmax aggregation using 1 GPU, run:

python train.py \
  --config experiments/human36m/train/human36m_vol_softmax_single.yaml \
  --logdir ./logs

The training will start with the config file specified by --config, and logs (including tensorboard files) will be stored in --logdir.


Multi-GPU training is implemented with PyTorch's DistributedDataParallel. It can be used both for single-machine and multi-machine (cluster) training. To run the processes use the PyTorch launch utility.

To train our model using 4 GPUs on single machine, run:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=2345 --sync_bn\
  train.py  \
  --config experiments/human36m/train/human36m_vol_softmax_single.yaml \
  --logdir ./logs


After training, you can evaluate the model. Inside the same config file, add path to the learned weights (they are dumped to logs dir during training):

    init_weights: true
    checkpoint: {PATH_TO_WEIGHTS}



python train.py \
  --eval --eval_dataset val \
  --config experiments/human36m/eval/human36m_vol_softmax_single.yaml \
  --logdir ./logs


Using 4 GPUs on single machine, Run:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=2345 \
  train.py  --eval --eval_dataset val \
  --config experiments/human36m/eval/human36m_vol_softmax_single.yaml \
  --logdir ./logs

Argument --eval_dataset can be val or train. Results can be seen in logs directory or in the tensorboard.

Results & Model Zoo

Dataset to be evaluatedWeightsResults
Human3.6Mlink43.4mm (MPJPE)
MPI-INF-3DHPlink81.5 (PCK), 43.6 (AUC)


<p float="left"> <img src="asset/h36m.png" height="280" /> </p>


<p float="left"> <img src="asset/3dhp.png" height="250" /> </p>


If you use our code or models in your research, please cite with:

  title={Context Modeling in 3D Human Pose Estimation: A Unified Perspective},
  author={Ma, Xiaoxuan and Su, Jiajun and Wang, Chunyu and Ci, Hai and Wang, Yizhou},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.15507},


This repo is built on https://github.com/karfly/learnable-triangulation-pytorch. Part of the data are provided by https://github.com/una-dinosauria/3d-pose-baseline.