Official Website:
TDengine Version: , Any question about TDengine, wechat : 13720014098
PyODDS is an end-to end time series data analysis Python system with TDengine. PyODDS provides algorithms which meet the demands for users in time series data analysis fields, w/wo data science or machine learning background. PyODDS gives the ability to execute machine learning algorithms in-database without moving data out of the database server or over the network. It also provides access to a wide range of time series data analysis algorithms, including statistical analysis and more recent deep learning based approaches.
PyODDS is featured for:
Full Stack Service which supports operations and maintenances from light-weight SQL based database to back-end machine learning algorithms and makes the throughput speed faster;
State-of-the-art Time Series Data Analysis Approaches including Statistical/Machine Learning/Deep Learning models with unified APIs and detailed documentation;
Powerful Data Analysis Mechanism which supports time-series data analysis with flexible time-slice(sliding-window) segmentation.
Automated Machine Learning PyODDS describes the first attempt to incorporate automated machine learning with time series data, and belongs to one of the first attempts to extend automated machine learning concepts into real-world data mining tasks.
The Full API Reference can be found in handbook
API Demo:
from utils.import_algorithm import algorithm_selection
from utils.utilities import output_performance,connect_server,query_data
# connect to the database
conn,cursor=connect_server(host, user, password)
# query data from specific time range
data = query_data(database_name,table_name,start_time,end_time)
# train the anomaly detection algorithm
clf = algorithm_selection(algorithm_name)
# get outlier result and scores
prediction_result = clf.predict(X_test)
outlierness_score = clf.decision_function(test)
#visualize the prediction_result
Quick Start
python --ground_truth --visualize_distribution
Results are shown as
connect to TDengine success
Load dataset and table
Loading cost: 0.151061 seconds
Load data successful
Start processing:
100%|████████████████████████████████████| 10/10 [00:00<00:00, 14.02it/s]
Results in Algorithm dagmm are:
accuracy_score: 0.98
precision_score: 0.99
recall_score: 0.99
f1_score: 0.99
roc_auc_score: 0.99
processing time: 15.330137 seconds
connection is closed
<img src="" width="50%" height="45%">
To install the package, please use the pip
installation as follows:
pip install pyodds
pip install
Note: PyODDS is only compatible with Python 3.6 and above.
Required Dependencies
- pandas>=0.25.0
- taos==1.4.15
- tensorflow==2.0.0b1
- numpy>=1.16.4
- seaborn>=0.9.0
- torch>=1.1.0
- luminol==0.4
- tqdm>=4.35.0
- matplotlib>=3.1.1
- scikit_learn>=0.21.3
pandas =1.0.3
tensorflow =2.1.0
To compile and package the JDBC driver source code, you should have a Java jdk-8 or higher and Apache Maven 2.7 or higher installed. To install openjdk-8 on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
To install Apache Maven on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install maven
To install the TDengine as the back-end database service, please refer to this instruction.
To enable the Python client APIs for TDengine, please follow this handbook.
To insure the locale in config file is valid:
sudo locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
To start the service after installation, in a terminal, use:
Implemented Algorithms
Statistical Based Methods
Methods | Algorithm | Class API |
CBLOF | Clustering-Based Local Outlier Factor | :class:algo.cblof.CBLOF |
HBOS | Histogram-based Outlier Score | :class:algo.hbos.HBOS |
IFOREST | Isolation Forest | :class:algo.iforest.IFOREST |
KNN | k-Nearest Neighbors | :class:algo.knn.KNN |
LOF | Local Outlier Factor | :class:algo.cblof.CBLOF |
OCSVM | One-Class Support Vector Machines | :class:algo.ocsvm.OCSVM |
PCA | Principal Component Analysis | :class:algo.pca.PCA |
RobustCovariance | Robust Covariance | :class:algo.robustcovariance.RCOV |
SOD | Subspace Outlier Detection | :class:algo.sod.SOD |
Deep Learning Based Methods
Methods | Algorithm | Class API |
autoencoder | Outlier detection using replicator neural networks | :class:algo.autoencoder.AUTOENCODER |
dagmm | Deep autoencoding gaussian mixture model for unsupervised anomaly detection | :class:algo.dagmm.DAGMM |
Time Serie Methods
Methods | Algorithm | Class API |
lstmad | Long short term memory networks for anomaly detection in time series | :class:algo.lstm_ad.LSTMAD |
lstmencdec | LSTM-based encoder-decoder for multi-sensor anomaly detection | :class:algo.lstm_enc_dec_axl.LSTMED |
luminol | Linkedin's luminol | :class:algo.luminol.LUMINOL |
APIs Cheatsheet
The Full API Reference can be found in handbook
connect_server(hostname,username,password): Connect to Apache backend TDengine Service.
query_data(connection,cursor,database_name,table_name,start_time,end_time): Query data from table table_name in database database_name within a given time range.
algorithm_selection(algorithm_name,contamination): Select an algorithm as detector.
fit(X): Fit X to detector.
predict(X): Predict if instance in X is outlier or not.
decision_function(X): Output the anomaly score of instances in X.
output_performance(algorithm_name,ground_truth,prediction_result,outlierness_score): Output the prediction result as evaluation matrix in Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1 Score, ROC-AUC Score, Cost time.
visualize_distribution(X,prediction_result,outlierness_score): Visualize the detection result with the the data distribution.
visualize_outlierscore(outlierness_score,prediction_result,contamination) Visualize the detection result with the outlier score.
<!-- Biblatex entry: -->You may use this software under the MIT License.
Environment configuration
<!-- Biblatex entry: -->Linux:TDengine Server
Windows:TDengine client & Python Connector and follows:
1 anaconda 安装 清华Anaconda镜像地址:
2 全部装上吧 pandas =1.0.3 tensorflow =2.1.0 numpy=1.18.1 seaborn=0.10.1 torch=1.4.0+cpu luminol=0.4 hyperopt=0.2.4 tqdm=4.46.0 matplotlib=3.1.3 scikit_learn=0.23.1
3 (这个是可以的) Torch 没有安装成功,先不搞了。如果需要安装,参考以上的链接吧。
4 安装vscode
5 vscode 使用anaconda的环境
6 vscode 配置 git
7 Git安装教程(windows)
8 git配置