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Development tools for the SchemaPlus family of gems.

Provides support for working with multiple ruby versions, ActiveRecord, and db versions. In particular provides a command schema_dev for running rspec (or whatever) on the matrix or a slice or element of it. It also auto-generates the .github/workflows/prs.yml file for github actions testing.

Creating a new gem for the SchemaPlus family

The schema_dev script has a generator for new gems:

$ gem install schema_dev
$ schema_dev gem new_gem_name

Similar to bundle gem, this creates a skeleton structure for a new gem. The structure includes appropriate dependencies on schema_monkey and on schema_dev itself, and creates an initial schema_dev.yml file, etc.



The client gem needs a file schema_dev.yml in its root, which specifies the testing matrix among other things.

If you change this file, it's a good idea to run schema_dev freshen

Ruby selection

You must have one of chruby, rbenv or rvm installed and working. Within it, have available whichever ruby versions you want to test.


Of course you must have installed whichever database(s) you want to test.

For PostgreSQL and MySQL the tests need a db user with permissions to create and access databases: The default username used by the specs is 'schema_plus' for both PostgreSQL and MySQL; you can change them via:

    $ export POSTGRESQL_DB_USER = pgusername
    $ export MYSQL_DB_USER = mysqlusername

For PostgreSQL and MySQL you must explicitly create the databases used by the tests:

    $ rake create_databases  # creates postgresql and/or mysql as needed

Running The Tests

In the root directory, you can run, e.g.,

$ schema_dev bundle install  # or schema_dev bundle update
$ schema_dev rspec

Which will run those commands over the whole matrix. You can also specify slices, via any combination of --ruby, --activerecord and --db

$ schema_dev rspec --ruby 2.7.4 --activerecord 5.2

For convenience you can also use --quick to run just one as specified in schema_dev.yml

If you want to pass extra arguments to a command, make sure to use -- to avoid them being processed by schema_dev. e.g.

$ schema_dev rspec --quick -- -e 'select which spec'

For interactive debugging you may want to run rspec directly from the shell rather than throughschema_dev (which doesn't give you an interactive ptty). schema_dev echoes each command being run, preceded by a *. E.g.

$ schema_dev rspec --quick -- -e 'select which spec' -n

*** ruby 2.7.4 - activerecord 5.2 - db postgresql [1 of 1]

* /usr/bin/env BUNDLE_GEMFILE=gemfiles/activerecord-4.2/Gemfile.postgresql SHELL=`which bash` chruby-exec ruby-2.7.4 -- bundle exec rspec -e select\ which\ spec

There's no hidden environment setup; so you can copy and paste the command line into a shell:

$ /usr/bin/env BUNDLE_GEMFILE=gemfiles/activerecord-4.2/Gemfile.postgresql SHELL=`which bash` chruby-exec ruby-2.7.4 -- bundle exec rspec -e select\ which\ spec

For more info, see

$ schema_dev help
$ schema_dev help rspec   # etc.

Auto-generated/updated files

Whenever you run a schema_dev matrix command, it first freshens the various generated files; you can also run schema_dev freshen manually.


The client gem will contain a "gemfiles" subdirectory tree containing the matrix of possible gemfiles; this entire tree gets created/updated automatically, and should be checked into the git repo.

Note that freshening the gemfiles happens automatically whenever you run a schema_dev matrix command, and blows away any previous files. So you should not attempt to change any files in gemfiles/*

If you need to include extra specifications in the Gemfile (e.g. to specify a path for a gem), you can create a file Gemfile.local in the project root, and its contents will be included in the Gemfile.


The .github/workflows/prs.yml file gets created automatically. Don't edit it by hand.


schema_dev generates markdown describing the text matrix, and inserts it into the README.md, in a block guarded by markdown comments




The client gem'sspec/spec_helper includes this

require 'schema_dev/rspec'

This will take care of starting up schema_monkey, connecting to the test database appropriately, and and setting up logging to a file specific to the test matrix cell.


The client gem's Rakefile includes:

require 'schema_dev/tasks'

Which defines the rake task create_databases and also a task for github actions

Release Notes

Release notes for schema_dev versions: