

New project: https://github.com/SaturnsVoid/Project-Whis


After seeing another users Go based botnet i wanted to do more work on my GoBot, But i ended up building something a bit more. There is issues with this but it more of a advanced PoC.... I am not a good coder but i was able to make this buy doing some basic reading online. There was more i wanted to do with this project but i stopped, I am getting out of making Malware and virus's... I am going to move on to more legitimet things. Though i will be posting some of my old projects on my Github, and most of witch are malevolent i am putting them here to make it simpler for the 'good guys' to fight them and there kin.

C&C Features:

Bot Features

Some Info about the C&C

The C&C is a program, You can compile it for Windows, Linux, Mac systems. Its a self-running web-server that handles all connections on the selected port in the settings. it will serve the HTLM C&C to a connector if you allow it and it saves data about account, bots and commands as a SQL database and bots files (screenshots, keylogs, ect) as file under the bots own "Profile"
You can control the botnet from the program(more secure) or control it from the HTML C&C. The C&C's program is extremely stable, Go based servers are know for handling millions or requests at once without fail, just make sure you have a good connection.
The C&C has a build in hard-coded login (kinda like a Backdoor) you can use if you 'forgot' the account login. the C&C can have any number of accounts.
With it being a self-contained program this removes the issue of SQLi attacks on the C&C so its more SECURE.
The C&C can also run inside a Tor Hidden service if configured right and the client (bot) can connect to it using a onion.to or onion.cab forwarder if needed. Tor can also be used by the bot via a SOCKS proxy... Simple to do, Google it.

How to Build and Use

Bot Settings are located in "Variables.go" Server Setting are located in "Server.go"

Compile GoBot.go with correct settings, Make a MySQL Database and import db file, Compile Server.go with correct settings

Always compile with '-w -s' ldflags to strip any debug information from the binary.

Included Tools


It not really a Obfuscator all it does it move the Char +1 to and A = B, C = D, ect. Simple but it will slow down people wanting to mess with the program and also programs that search for keywords...

Packages Used


Credits and Stuff


Go is a amazing and powerful programming language. If you already haven't, check it out; https://golang.org/


Please Donate To Bitcoin Address: 1AEbR1utjaYu3SGtBKZCLJMRR5RS7Bp7eE


I just read a article on Bleeping Computer, https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/backdoored-torrents-infect-movie-tv-fans-with-gobot2-malware/ Seems someone has found a use for this project... I have no involvment with this group or person. I have nothing more to say on this matter.

-Crab Crab
----------Update Log---------------------

03/15/2017: Intial Upload...