

goupnp is a UPnP client library for Go


Run go get -u github.com/huin/goupnp.


See GUIDE.md for a quick start on the most common use case for this library.

Supported DCPs (you probably want to start with one of these):

Core components:

Regenerating dcps generated source code:

  1. Build code generator:

    go get -u github.com/huin/goupnp/cmd/goupnpdcpgen

  2. Regenerate the code:

    go generate ./...

Supporting additional UPnP devices and services:

Supporting additional services is, in the trivial case, simply a matter of adding the service to the dcpMetadata whitelist in cmd/goupnpdcpgen/metadata.go, regenerating the source code (see above), and committing that source code.

However, it would be helpful if anyone needing such a service could test the service against the service they have, and then reporting any trouble encountered as an issue on this project. If it just works, then please report at least minimal working functionality as an issue, and optionally contribute the metadata upstream.

Migrating due to Breaking Changes

import (

func init() {
  // should be modified before goupnp libraries are in use.
  goupnp.CharsetReaderFault = charset.NewReaderLabel


The v2alpha subdirectory contains experimental work on a version 2 API. The plan is to eventually create a v2 subdirectory with a stable version of the version 2 API. The v1 API will stay where it currently is.