


CI Status Version License Platform Carthage compatible

What's for

This is a SDWebImage coder plugin to add BPG Image Format support. Which is built based on the open-sourced libbpg codec.

This BPG coder plugin support static BPG and animated BPG image decoding. It also include an optional codec based on the bpgenc to support static BPG and animated BPG encoding.




SDWebImageBPGCoder is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SDWebImageBPGCoder'

SDWebImageBPGCoder contains subspecs libbpg & bpgenc. Which integrate the codec plugin for libbpg and custom bpgenc to support BPG image decoding/encoding.

To enable BPG decoding, you should add libbpg subspec:

pod 'SDWebImageBPGCoder/libbpg'

To enable BPG encoding, you should add bpgenc subspec:

pod 'SDWebImageBPGCoder/bpgenc'

By default will contains only libbpg subspec for most people's usage. Using bpgenc encoding subspec only if you want BPG encoding.


SDWebImageBPGCoder is available through Carthage. Which use libbpg as dynamic framework.

Carthage does not support like CocoaPods' subspec, since most of user use BPG decoding without x265 library. The framework through Carthage only supports libbpg for BPG decoding.

github "SDWebImage/SDWebImageBPGCoder"


To use BPG coder, you should firstly add the SDWebImageBPGCoder to the coders manager. Then you can call the View Category method to start load BPG images.

SDImageBPGCoder *BPGCoder = [SDImageBPGCoder sharedCoder];
[[SDImageCodersManager sharedManager] addCoder:BPGCoder];
UIImageView *imageView;
[imageView sd_setImageWithURL:url];
let BPGCoder = SDImageBPGCoder.shared
let imageView: UIImageView
imageView.sd_setImage(with: url)

SDWebImageBPGCoder also support BPG encoding (need bpgenc subspec). You can encode UIImage to BPG compressed image data.

UIImage *image;
NSData *imageData = [image sd_imageDataAsFormat:SDImageFormatBPG];
let image;
let imageData = image.sd_imageData(as: .BPG)


<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageBPGCoder/master/Example/Screenshot/BPGDemo.png" width="300" />

The images are from BPG official site






SDWebImageBPGCoder is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

However, when using bpgenc, the license will be subject to GPL licence (or commercial licence if you have one). Because we use x265, and use a modified version of bpgenc (which is GPL). Check x265.org and libbpg for more information.