

<div align="center"> <h1>Awesome Foundation Model Leaderboard</h1> <a href="https://awesome.re"> <img src="https://awesome.re/badge.svg" height="20"/> </a> <a href="https://github.com/SAILResearch/awesome-foundation-model-leaderboards/fork"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-Welcome-red" height="20"/> </a> <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.04065"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/📃-Arxiv-b31b1b" height="20"/> </a> </div>

Awesome Foundation Model Leaderboard is a curated list of awesome foundation model leaderboards (for an explanation of what a leaderboard is, please refer to this post), along with various development tools and evaluation organizations according to our survey:

<p align="center"><strong>On the Workflows and Smells of Leaderboard Operations (LBOps):<br>An Exploratory Study of Foundation Model Leaderboards</strong></p> <p align="center"><a href="https://github.com/zhimin-z">Zhimin (Jimmy) Zhao</a>, <a href="https://abdulali.github.io">Abdul Ali Bangash</a>, <a href="https://www.filipecogo.pro">Filipe Roseiro Côgo</a>, <a href="https://mcis.cs.queensu.ca/bram.html">Bram Adams</a>, <a href="https://research.cs.queensu.ca/home/ahmed">Ahmed E. Hassan</a></p> <p align="center"><a href="https://sail.cs.queensu.ca">Software Analysis and Intelligence Lab (SAIL)</a></p>

If you find this repository useful, please consider giving us a star :star: and citation:

  title={On the Workflows and Smells of Leaderboard Operations (LBOps): An Exploratory Study of Foundation Model Leaderboards},
  author={Zhao, Zhimin and Bangash, Abdul Ali and C{\^o}go, Filipe Roseiro and Adams, Bram and Hassan, Ahmed E},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.04065},

Additionally, we provide a search toolkit that helps you quickly navigate through the leaderboards.

If you want to contribute to this list (please do), welcome to propose a pull request.

If you have any suggestions, critiques, or questions regarding this list, welcome to raise an issue.

Also, a leaderboard should be included if only:

Table of Contents


Demo LeaderboardDemo leaderboard helps users easily deploy their leaderboards with a standardized template.
Demo Leaderboard BackendDemo leaderboard backend helps users manage the leaderboard and handle submission requests, check this for details.
Leaderboard ExplorerLeaderboard Explorer helps users navigate the diverse range of leaderboards available on Hugging Face Spaces.
Open LLM Leaderboard Renameropen-llm-leaderboard-renamer helps users rename their models in Open LLM Leaderboard easily.
Open LLM Leaderboard Results PR OpenerOpen LLM Leaderboard Results PR Opener helps users showcase Open LLM Leaderboard results in their model cards.
Open LLM Leaderboard ScraperOpen LLM Leaderboard Scraper helps users scrape and export data from Open LLM Leaderboard.
Progress TrackerThis app visualizes the progress of proprietary and open-source LLMs over time as scored by the LMSYS Chatbot Arena.


AIcrowdAIcrowd hosts machine learning challenges and competitions across domains such as computer vision, NLP, and reinforcement learning, aimed at both researchers and practitioners.
AI HubAI Hub offers a variety of competitions to encourage AI solutions to real-world problems, with a focus on innovation and collaboration.
AI StudioAI Studio offers AI competitions mainly for computer vision, NLP, and other data-driven tasks, allowing users to develop and showcase their AI skills.
Allen Institute for AIThe Allen Institute for AI provides leaderboards and benchmarks on tasks in natural language understanding, commonsense reasoning, and other areas in AI research.
CodabenchCodabench is an open-source platform for benchmarking AI models, enabling customizable, user-driven challenges across various AI domains.
DataFountainDataFountain is a Chinese AI competition platform featuring challenges in finance, healthcare, and smart cities, encouraging solutions for industry-related problems.
DrivenDataDrivenData hosts machine learning challenges with a social impact, aiming to solve issues in areas, such as public health, disaster relief, and sustainable development.
DynabenchDynabench offers dynamic benchmarks where models are evaluated continuously, often involving human interaction, to ensure robustness in evolving AI tasks.
Eval AIEvalAI is a platform for hosting and participating in AI challenges, widely used by researchers for benchmarking models in tasks, such as image classification, NLP, and reinforcement learning.
Grand ChallengeGrand Challenge provides a platform for medical imaging challenges, supporting advancements in medical AI, particularly in areas, such as radiology and pathology.
HiltiHilti hosts challenges aimed at advancing AI and machine learning in the construction industry, with a focus on practical, industry-relevant applications.
InsightFaceInsightFace focuses on AI challenges related to face recognition, verification, and analysis, supporting advancements in identity verification and security.
KaggleKaggle is one of the largest platforms for data science and machine learning competitions, covering a broad range of topics from image classification to NLP and predictive modeling.
nuScenesnuScenes enables researchers to study challenging urban driving situations using the full sensor suite of a real self-driving car, facilitating research in autonomous driving.
Robust Reading CompetitionRobust Reading refers to the research area on interpreting written communication in unconstrained settings, with competitions focused on text recognition in real-world environments.
TianchiTianchi, hosted by Alibaba, offers a range of AI competitions, particularly popular in Asia, with a focus on commerce, healthcare, and logistics.


Model Ranking


Artificial AnalysisArtificial Analysis is a platform to help users make informed decisions on AI model selection and hosting providers.
CompassRankCompassRank is a platform to offer a comprehensive, objective, and neutral evaluation reference of foundation mdoels for the industry and research.
FlagEvalFlagEval is a comprehensive platform for evaluating foundation models.
GenAI ArenaGenAI Arena hosts the visual generation arena, where various vision models compete based on their performance in image generation, image edition, and video generation.
Generative AI LeaderboardsGenerative AI Leaderboard ranks the top-performing generative AI models based on various metrics.
Holistic Evaluation of Language ModelsHolistic Evaluation of Language Models (HELM) is a reproducible and transparent framework for evaluating foundation models.
MEGA-BenchMEGA-Bench is a benchmark for multimodal evaluation with diverse tasks across 8 application types, 7 input formats, 6 output formats, and 10 multimodal skills, spanning single-image, multi-image, and video tasks.
Papers With CodePapers With Code provides open-source leaderboards and benchmarks, linking AI research papers with code to foster transparency and reproducibility in machine learning.
SuperCLUESuperCLUE is a series of benchmarks for evaluating Chinese foundation models.
Vals AIVals AI is a platform evaluating generative AI accuracy and efficacy on real-world legal tasks.
Vellum LLM LeaderboardVellum LLM Leaderboard shows a comparison of capabilities, price and context window for leading commercial and open-source LLMs.


ACLUEACLUE is an evaluation benchmark for ancient Chinese language comprehension.
African Languages LLM Eval LeaderboardAfrican Languages LLM Eval Leaderboard tracks progress and ranks performance of LLMs on African languages.
AgentBoardAgentBoard is a benchmark for multi-turn LLM agents, complemented by an analytical evaluation board for detailed model assessment beyond final success rates.
AGIEvalAGIEval is a human-centric benchmark to evaluate the general abilities of foundation models in tasks pertinent to human cognition and problem-solving.
Aiera LeaderboardAiera Leaderboard evaluates LLM performance on financial intelligence tasks, including speaker assignments, speaker change identification, abstractive summarizations, calculation-based Q&A, and financial sentiment tagging.
AIR-BenchAIR-Bench is a benchmark to evaluate heterogeneous information retrieval capabilities of language models.
AI Energy Score LeaderboardAI Energy Score Leaderboard tracks and compares different models in energy efficiency.
ai-benchmarksai-benchmarks contains a handful of evaluation results for the response latency of popular AI services.
AlignBenchAlignBench is a multi-dimensional benchmark for evaluating LLMs' alignment in Chinese.
AlpacaEvalAlpacaEval is an automatic evaluator designed for instruction-following LLMs.
ANGOANGO is a generation-oriented Chinese language model evaluation benchmark.
Arabic Tokenizers LeaderboardArabic Tokenizers Leaderboard compares the efficiency of LLMs in parsing Arabic in its different dialects and forms.
Arena-Hard-AutoArena-Hard-Auto is a benchmark for instruction-tuned LLMs.
AutoRaceAutoRace focuses on the direct evaluation of LLM reasoning chains with metric AutoRace (Automated Reasoning Chain Evaluation).
Auto ArenaAuto Arena is a benchmark in which various language model agents engage in peer-battles to evaluate their performance.
Auto-JAuto-J hosts evaluation results on the pairwise response comparison and critique generation tasks.
BABILongBABILong is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of language models in processing arbitrarily long documents with distributed facts.
BBLBBL (BIG-bench Lite) is a small subset of 24 diverse JSON tasks from BIG-bench. It is designed to provide a canonical measure of model performance, while being far cheaper to evaluate than the full set of more than 200 programmatic and JSON tasks in BIG-bench.
BeHonestBeHonest is a benchmark to evaluate honesty - awareness of knowledge boundaries (self-knowledge), avoidance of deceit (non-deceptiveness), and consistency in responses (consistency) - in LLMs.
BenBenchBenBench is a benchmark to evaluate the extent to which LLMs conduct verbatim training on the training set of a benchmark over the test set to enhance capabilities.
BenCzechMarkBenCzechMark (BCM) is a multitask and multimetric Czech language benchmark for LLMs with a unique scoring system that utilizes the theory of statistical significance.
BiGGen-BenchBiGGen-Bench is a comprehensive benchmark to evaluate LLMs across a wide variety of tasks.
BotChatBotChat is a benchmark to evaluate the multi-round chatting capabilities of LLMs through a proxy task.
CaselawQACaselawQA is a benchmark comprising legal classification tasks derived from the Supreme Court and Songer Court of Appeals legal databases.
CFLUECFLUE is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs' understanding and processing capabilities in the Chinese financial domain.
Ch3EfCh3Ef is a benchmark to evaluate alignment with human expectations using 1002 human-annotated samples across 12 domains and 46 tasks based on the hhh principle.
Chain-of-Thought HubChain-of-Thought Hub is a benchmark to evaluate the reasoning capabilities of LLMs.
Chatbot ArenaChatbot Arena hosts a chatbot arena where various LLMs compete based on user satisfaction.
ChemBenchChemBench is a benchmark to evaluate the chemical knowledge and reasoning abilities of LLMs.
CLEM LeaderboardCLEM is a framework designed for the systematic evaluation of chat-optimized LLMs as conversational agents.
CLEVACLEVA is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs on 31 tasks using 370K Chinese queries from 84 diverse datasets and 9 metrics.
Chinese Large Model LeaderboardChinese Large Model Leaderboard is a platform to evaluate the performance of Chinese LLMs.
CMBCMB is a multi-level medical benchmark in Chinese.
CMMLUCMMLU is a benchmark to evaluate the performance of LLMs in various subjects within the Chinese cultural context.
CMMMUCMMMU is a benchmark to evaluate LMMs on tasks demanding college-level subject knowledge and deliberate reasoning in a Chinese context.
CommonGenCommonGen is a benchmark to evaluate generative commonsense reasoning by testing machines on their ability to compose coherent sentences using a given set of common concepts.
CompMixCompMix is a benchmark for heterogeneous question answering.
Compression Rate LeaderboardCompression Rate Leaderboard aims to evaluate tokenizer performance on different languages.
Compression LeaderboardCompression Leaderboard is a platform to evaluate the compression performance of LLMs.
CopyBenchCopyBench is a benchmark to evaluate the copying behavior and utility of language models as well as the effectiveness of methods to mitigate copyright risks.
CoTaEvalCoTaEval is a benchmark to evaluate the feasibility and side effects of copyright takedown methods for LLMs.
ConvReConvRe is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs' ability to comprehend converse relations.
CriticEvalCriticEval is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs' ability to make critique responses.
CS-BenchCS-Bench is a bilingual benchmark designed to evaluate LLMs' performance across 26 computer science subfields, focusing on knowledge and reasoning.
CUTECUTE is a benchmark to test the orthographic knowledge of LLMs.
CyberMetricCyberMetric is a benchmark to evaluate the cybersecurity knowledge of LLMs.
CzechBenchCzechBench is a benchmark to evaluate Czech language models.
C-EvalC-Eval is a Chinese evaluation suite for LLMs.
Decentralized Arena LeaderboardDecentralized Arena hosts a decentralized and democratic platform for LLM evaluation, automating and scaling assessments across diverse, user-defined dimensions, including mathematics, logic, and science.
DecodingTrustDecodingTrust is a platform to evaluate the trustworthiness of LLMs.
Domain LLM LeaderboardDomain LLM Leaderboard is a platform to evaluate the popularity of domain-specific LLMs.
Enterprise Scenarios leaderboardEnterprise Scenarios Leaderboard tracks and evaluates the performance of LLMs on real-world enterprise use cases.
EQ-BenchEQ-Bench is a benchmark to evaluate aspects of emotional intelligence in LLMs.
European LLM LeaderboardEuropean LLM Leaderboard tracks and compares performance of LLMs in European languages.
EvalGPT.aiEvalGPT.ai hosts a chatbot arena to compare and rank the performance of LLMs.
Eval ArenaEval Arena measures noise levels, model quality, and benchmark quality by comparing model pairs across several LLM evaluation benchmarks with example-level analysis and pairwise comparisons.
Factuality LeaderboardFactuality Leaderboard compares the factual capabilities of LLMs.
FanOutQAFanOutQA is a high quality, multi-hop, multi-document benchmark for LLMs using English Wikipedia as its knowledge base.
FastEvalFastEval is a toolkit for quickly evaluating instruction-following and chat language models on various benchmarks with fast inference and detailed performance insights.
FELMFELM is a meta benchmark to evaluate factuality evaluation benchmark for LLMs.
FinEvalFinEval is a benchmark to evaluate financial domain knowledge in LLMs.
Fine-tuning LeaderboardFine-tuning Leaderboard is a platform to rank and showcase models that have been fine-tuned using open-source datasets or frameworks.
FlamesFlames is a highly adversarial Chinese benchmark for evaluating LLMs' value alignment across fairness, safety, morality, legality, and data protection.
FollowBenchFollowBench is a multi-level fine-grained constraints following benchmark to evaluate the instruction-following capability of LLMs.
Forbidden Question DatasetForbidden Question Dataset is a benchmark containing 160 questions from 160 violated categories, with corresponding targets for evaluating jailbreak methods.
FuseReviewsFuseReviews aims to advance grounded text generation tasks, including long-form question-answering and summarization.
GAIAGAIA aims to test fundamental abilities that an AI assistant should possess.
GAVIEGAVIE is a GPT-4-assisted benchmark for evaluating hallucination in LMMs by scoring accuracy and relevancy without relying on human-annotated groundtruth.
GPT-FathomGPT-Fathom is an LLM evaluation suite, benchmarking 10+ leading LLMs as well as OpenAI's legacy models on 20+ curated benchmarks across 7 capability categories, all under aligned settings.
GrailQAStrongly Generalizable Question Answering (GrailQA) is a large-scale, high-quality benchmark for question answering on knowledge bases (KBQA) on Freebase with 64,331 questions annotated with both answers and corresponding logical forms in different syntax (i.e., SPARQL, S-expression, etc.).
GTBenchGTBench is a benchmark to evaluate and rank LLMs' reasoning abilities in competitive environments through game-theoretic tasks, e.g., board and card games.
Guerra LLM AI LeaderboardGuerra LLM AI Leaderboard compares and ranks the performance of LLMs across quality, price, performance, context window, and others.
Hallucinations LeaderboardHallucinations Leaderboard aims to track, rank and evaluate hallucinations in LLMs.
HalluQAHalluQA is a benchmark to evaluate the phenomenon of hallucinations in Chinese LLMs.
Hebrew LLM LeaderboardHebrew LLM Leaderboard tracks and ranks language models according to their success on various tasks on Hebrew.
HellaSwagHellaSwag is a benchmark to evaluate common-sense reasoning in LLMs.
Hughes Hallucination Evaluation Model leaderboardHughes Hallucination Evaluation Model leaderboard is a platform to evaluate how often a language model introduces hallucinations when summarizing a document.
Icelandic LLM leaderboardIcelandic LLM leaderboard tracks and compare models on Icelandic-language tasks.
IFEvalIFEval is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs' instruction following capabilities with verifiable instructions.
IL-TURIL-TUR is a benchmark for evaluating language models on monolingual and multilingual tasks focused on understanding and reasoning over Indian legal documents.
Indic LLM LeaderboardIndic LLM Leaderboard is platform to track and compare the performance of Indic LLMs.
Indico LLM LeaderboardIndico LLM Leaderboard evaluates and compares the accuracy of various language models across providers, datasets, and capabilities like text classification, key information extraction, and generative summarization.
InstructEvalInstructEval is a suite to evaluate instruction selection methods in the context of LLMs.
Italian LLM-LeaderboardItalian LLM-Leaderboard tracks and compares LLMs in Italian-language tasks.
JailbreakBenchJailbreakBench is a benchmark for evaluating LLM vulnerabilities through adversarial prompts.
Japanese Chatbot ArenaJapanese Chatbot Arena hosts the chatbot arena, where various LLMs compete based on their performance in Japanese.
Japanese Language Model Financial Evaluation HarnessJapanese Language Model Financial Evaluation Harness is a harness for Japanese language model evaluation in the financial domain.
Japanese LLM Roleplay BenchmarkJapanese LLM Roleplay Benchmark is a benchmark to evaluate the performance of Japanese LLMs in character roleplay.
JMED-LLMJMED-LLM (Japanese Medical Evaluation Dataset for Large Language Models) is a benchmark for evaluating LLMs in the medical field of Japanese.
JMMMUJMMMU (Japanese MMMU) is a multimodal benchmark to evaluate LMM performance in Japanese.
JustEvalJustEval is a powerful tool designed for fine-grained evaluation of LLMs.
KoLAKoLA is a benchmark to evaluate the world knowledge of LLMs.
LaMPLaMP (Language Models Personalization) is a benchmark to evaluate personalization capabilities of language models.
Language Model CouncilLanguage Model Council (LMC) is a benchmark to evaluate tasks that are highly subjective and often lack majoritarian human agreement.
LawBenchLawBench is a benchmark to evaluate the legal capabilities of LLMs.
La LeaderboardLa Leaderboard evaluates and tracks LLM memorization, reasoning and linguistic capabilities in Spain, LATAM and Caribbean.
LogicKorLogicKor is a benchmark to evaluate the multidisciplinary thinking capabilities of Korean LLMs.
LongICL LeaderboardLongICL Leaderboard is a platform to evaluate long in-context learning evaluations for LLMs.
LooGLELooGLE is a benchmark to evaluate long context understanding capabilties of LLMs.
LAiWLAiW is a benchmark to evaluate Chinese legal language understanding and reasoning.
LLM Benchmarker SuiteLLM Benchmarker Suite is a benchmark to evaluate the comprehensive capabilities of LLMs.
Large Language Model Assessment in English ContextsLarge Language Model Assessment in English Contexts is a platform to evaluate LLMs in the English context.
Large Language Model Assessment in the Chinese ContextLarge Language Model Assessment in the Chinese Context is a platform to evaluate LLMs in the Chinese context.
LIBRALIBRA is a benchmark for evaluating LLMs' capabilities in understanding and processing long Russian text.
LibrAI-Eval GenAI LeaderboardLibrAI-Eval GenAI Leaderboard focuses on the balance between the LLM’s capability and safety in English.
LiveBenchLiveBench is a benchmark for LLMs to minimize test set contamination and enable objective, automated evaluation across diverse, regularly updated tasks.
LLMEvalLLMEval is a benchmark to evaluate the quality of open-domain conversations with LLMs.
Llmeval-Gaokao2024-MathLlmeval-Gaokao2024-Math is a benchmark for evaluating LLMs on 2024 Gaokao-level math problems in Chinese.
LLMHallucination LeaderboardHallucinations Leaderboard evaluates LLMs based on an array of hallucination-related benchmarks.
LLMPerfLLMPerf is a tool to evaluate the performance of LLMs using both load and correctness tests.
LLMs Disease Risk Prediction LeaderboardLLMs Disease Risk Prediction Leaderboard is a platform to evaluate LLMs on disease risk prediction.
LLM LeaderboardLLM Leaderboard tracks and evaluates LLM providers, enabling selection of the optimal API and model for user needs.
LLM Leaderboard for CRMCRM LLM Leaderboard is a platform to evaluate the efficacy of LLMs for business applications.
LLM ObservatoryLLM Observatory is a benchmark that assesses and ranks LLMs based on their performance in avoiding social biases across categories like LGBTIQ+ orientation, age, gender, politics, race, religion, and xenophobia.
LLM Price LeaderboardLLM Price Leaderboard tracks and compares LLM costs based on one million tokens.
LLM RankingsLLM Rankings offers a real-time comparison of language models based on normalized token usage for prompts and completions, updated frequently.
LLM Roleplay LeaderboardLLM Roleplay Leaderboard evaluates human and AI performance in a social werewolf game for NPC development.
LLM Safety LeaderboardLLM Safety Leaderboard aims to provide a unified evaluation for language model safety.
LLM Use Case LeaderboardLLM Use Case Leaderboard tracks and evaluates LLMs in business usecases.
LLM-AggreFactLLM-AggreFact is a fact-checking benchmark that aggregates most up-to-date publicly available datasets on grounded factuality evaluation.
LLM-LeaderboardLLM-Leaderboard is a joint community effort to create one central leaderboard for LLMs.
LLM-Perf LeaderboardLLM-Perf Leaderboard aims to benchmark the performance of LLMs with different hardware, backends, and optimizations.
LMExamQALMExamQA is a benchmarking framework where a language model acts as an examiner to generate questions and evaluate responses in a reference-free, automated manner for comprehensive, equitable assessment.
LongBenchLongBench is a benchmark for assessing the long context understanding capabilities of LLMs.
LoongLoong is a long-context benchmark for evaluating LLMs' multi-document QA abilities across financial, legal, and academic scenarios.
Low-bit Quantized Open LLM LeaderboardLow-bit Quantized Open LLM Leaderboard tracks and compares quantization LLMs with different quantization algorithms.
LV-EvalLV-Eval is a long-context benchmark with five length levels and advanced techniques for accurate evaluation of LLMs on single-hop and multi-hop QA tasks across bilingual datasets.
LucyEvalLucyEval offers a thorough assessment of LLMs' performance in various Chinese contexts.
L-EvalL-Eval is a Long Context Language Model (LCLM) evaluation benchmark to evaluate the performance of handling extensive context.
M3KEM3KE is a massive multi-level multi-subject knowledge evaluation benchmark to measure the knowledge acquired by Chinese LLMs.
MetaCritiqueMetaCritique is a judge that can evaluate human-written or LLMs-generated critique by generating critique.
MINTMINT is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs' ability to solve tasks with multi-turn interactions by using tools and leveraging natural language feedback.
MirageMirage is a benchmark for medical information retrieval-augmented generation, featuring 7,663 questions from five medical QA datasets and tested with 41 configurations using the MedRag toolkit.
MedBenchMedBench is a benchmark to evaluate the mastery of knowledge and reasoning abilities in medical LLMs.
MedS-BenchMedS-Bench is a medical benchmark that evaluates LLMs across 11 task categories using 39 diverse datasets.
Meta Open LLM leaderboardThe Meta Open LLM leaderboard serves as a central hub for consolidating data from various open LLM leaderboards into a single, user-friendly visualization page.
MIMIC Clinical Decision Making LeaderboardMIMIC Clinical Decision Making Leaderboard tracks and evaluates LLms in realistic clinical decision-making for abdominal pathologies.
MixEvalMixEval is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs via by strategically mixing off-the-shelf benchmarks.
ML.ENERGY LeaderboardML.ENERGY Leaderboard evaluates the energy consumption of LLMs.
MMedBenchMMedBench is a medical benchmark to evaluate LLMs in multilingual comprehension.
MMLUMMLU is a benchmark to evaluate the performance of LLMs across a wide array of natural language understanding tasks.
MMLU-by-task LeaderboardMMLU-by-task Leaderboard provides a platform for evaluating and comparing various ML models across different language understanding tasks.
MMLU-ProMMLU-Pro is a more challenging version of MMLU to evaluate the reasoning capabilities of LLMs.
ModelScope LLM LeaderboardModelScope LLM Leaderboard is a platform to evaluate LLMs objectively and comprehensively.
Model Evaluation LeaderboardModel Evaluation Leaderboard tracks and evaluates text generation models based on their performance across various benchmarks using Mosaic Eval Gauntlet framework.
MSNP LeaderboardMSNP Leaderboard tracks and evaluates quantized GGUF models' performance on various GPU and CPU combinations using single-node setups via Ollama.
MSTEBMSTEB is a benchmark for measuring the performance of text embedding models in Spanish.
MTEBMTEB is a massive benchmark for measuring the performance of text embedding models on diverse embedding tasks across 112 languages.
MTEB ArenaMTEB Arena host a model arena for dynamic, real-world assessment of embedding models through user-based query and retrieval comparisons.
MT-Bench-101MT-Bench-101 is a fine-grained benchmark for evaluating LLMs in multi-turn dialogues.
MY Malay LLM LeaderboardMY Malay LLM Leaderboard aims to track, rank, and evaluate open LLMs on Malay tasks.
NoChaNoCha is a benchmark to evaluate how well long-context language models can verify claims written about fictional books.
NPHardEvalNPHardEval is a benchmark to evaluate the reasoning abilities of LLMs through the lens of computational complexity classes.
Occiglot Euro LLM LeaderboardOcciglot Euro LLM Leaderboard compares LLMs in four main languages from the Okapi benchmark and Belebele (French, Italian, German, Spanish and Dutch).
OlympiadBenchOlympiadBench is a bilingual multimodal scientific benchmark featuring 8,476 Olympiad-level mathematics and physics problems with expert-level step-by-step reasoning annotations.
OlympicArenaOlympicArena is a benchmark to evaluate the advanced capabilities of LLMs across a broad spectrum of Olympic-level challenges.
oobaboogaOobabooga is a benchmark to perform repeatable performance tests of LLMs with the oobabooga web UI.
OpenEvalOpenEval is a platform assessto evaluate Chinese LLMs.
OpenLLM Turkish leaderboardOpenLLM Turkish leaderboard tracks progress and ranks the performance of LLMs in Turkish.
Openness LeaderboardOpenness Leaderboard tracks and evaluates models' transparency in terms of open access to weights, data, and licenses, exposing models that fall short of openness standards.
Openness LeaderboardOpenness Leaderboard is a tool that tracks the openness of instruction-tuned LLMs, evaluating their transparency, data, and model availability.
OpenResearcherOpenResearcher contains the benchmarking results on various RAG-related systems as a leaderboard.
Open Arabic LLM LeaderboardOpen Arabic LLM Leaderboard tracks progress and ranks the performance of LLMs in Arabic.
Open Chinese LLM LeaderboardOpen Chinese LLM Leaderboard aims to track, rank, and evaluate open Chinese LLMs.
Open CoT LeaderboardOpen CoT Leaderboard tracks LLMs' abilities to generate effective chain-of-thought reasoning traces.
Open Dutch LLM Evaluation LeaderboardOpen Dutch LLM Evaluation Leaderboard tracks progress and ranks the performance of LLMs in Dutch.
Open Financial LLM LeaderboardOpen Financial LLM Leaderboard aims to evaluate and compare the performance of financial LLMs.
Open ITA LLM LeaderboardOpen ITA LLM Leaderboard tracks progress and ranks the performance of LLMs in Italian.
Open Ko-LLM LeaderboardOpen Ko-LLM Leaderboard tracks progress and ranks the performance of LLMs in Korean.
Open LLM LeaderboardOpen LLM Leaderboard tracks progress and ranks the performance of LLMs in English.
Open Medical-LLM LeaderboardOpen Medical-LLM Leaderboard aims to track, rank, and evaluate open LLMs in the medical domain.
Open MLLM LeaderboardOpen MLLM Leaderboard aims to track, rank and evaluate LLMs and chatbots.
Open MOE LLM LeaderboardOPEN MOE LLM Leaderboard assesses the performance and efficiency of various Mixture of Experts (MoE) LLMs.
Open Multilingual LLM Evaluation LeaderboardOpen Multilingual LLM Evaluation Leaderboard tracks progress and ranks the performance of LLMs in multiple languages.
Open PL LLM LeaderboardOpen PL LLM Leaderboard is a platform for assessing the performance of various LLMs in Polish.
Open Portuguese LLM LeaderboardOpen PT LLM Leaderboard aims to evaluate and compare LLMs in the Portuguese-language tasks.
Open Taiwan LLM leaderboardOpen Taiwan LLM leaderboard showcases the performance of LLMs on various Taiwanese Mandarin language understanding tasks.
Open-LLM-LeaderboardOpen-LLM-Leaderboard evaluates LLMs in language understanding and reasoning by transitioning from multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to open-style questions.
OPUS-MT DashboardOPUS-MT Dashboard is a platform to track and compare machine translation models across multiple language pairs and metrics.
OR-BenchOR-Bench is a benchmark to evaluate the over-refusal of enhanced safety in LLMs.
ParsBenchParsBench provides toolkits for benchmarking LLMs based on the Persian language.
Persian LLM LeaderboardPersian LLM Leaderboard provides a reliable evaluation of LLMs in Persian Language.
Pinocchio ITA leaderboardPinocchio ITA leaderboard tracks and evaluates LLMs in Italian Language.
PL-MTEBPL-MTEB (Polish Massive Text Embedding Benchmark) is a benchmark for evaluating text embeddings in Polish across 28 NLP tasks.
Polish Medical LeaderboardPolish Medical Leaderboard evaluates language models on Polish board certification examinations.
Powered-by-Intel LLM LeaderboardPowered-by-Intel LLM Leaderboard evaluates, scores, and ranks LLMs that have been pre-trained or fine-tuned on Intel Hardware.
PubMedQAPubMedQA is a benchmark to evaluate biomedical research question answering.
PromptBenchPromptBench is a benchmark to evaluate the robustness of LLMs on adversarial prompts.
QAConvQAConv is a benchmark for question answering using complex, domain-specific, and asynchronous conversations as the knowledge source.
QuALITYQuALITY is a benchmark for evaluating multiple-choice question-answering with a long context.
RABBITSRABBITS is a benchmark to evaluate the robustness of LLMs by evaluating their handling of synonyms, specifically brand and generic drug names.
RakudaRakuda is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs based on how well they answer a set of open-ended questions about Japanese topics.
RedTeam ArenaRedTeam Arena is a red-teaming platform for LLMs.
Red Teaming Resistance BenchmarkRed Teaming Resistance Benchmark is a benchmark to evaluate the robustness of LLMs against red teaming prompts.
ReST-MCTS*ReST-MCTS* is a reinforced self-training method that uses tree search and process reward inference to collect high-quality reasoning traces for training policy and reward models without manual step annotations.
Reviewer ArenaReviewer Arena hosts the reviewer arena, where various LLMs compete based on their performance in critiquing academic papers.
RoleEvalRoleEval is a bilingual benchmark to evaluate the memorization, utilization, and reasoning capabilities of role knowledge of LLMs.
RPBench LeaderboardRPBench-Auto is an automated pipeline for evaluating LLMs using 80 personae for character-based and 80 scenes for scene-based role-playing.
Russian Chatbot ArenaChatbot Arena hosts a chatbot arena where various LLMs compete in Russian based on user satisfaction.
Russian SuperGLUERussian SuperGLUE is a benchmark for Russian language models, focusing on logic, commonsense, and reasoning tasks.
R-JudgeR-Judge is a benchmark to evaluate the proficiency of LLMs in judging and identifying safety risks given agent interaction records.
Safety PromptsSafety Prompts is a benchmark to evaluate the safety of Chinese LLMs.
SafetyBenchSafetyBench is a benchmark to evaluate the safety of LLMs.
SALAD-BenchSALAD-Bench is a benchmark for evaluating the safety and security of LLMs.
ScandEvalScandEval is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs on tasks in Scandinavian languages as well as German, Dutch, and English.
Science LeaderboardScience Leaderboard is a platform to evaluate LLMs' capabilities to solve science problems.
SciGLMSciGLM is a suite of scientific language models that use a self-reflective instruction annotation framework to enhance scientific reasoning by generating and revising step-by-step solutions to unlabelled questions.
SciKnowEvalSciKnowEval is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs based on their proficiency in studying extensively, enquiring earnestly, thinking profoundly, discerning clearly, and practicing assiduously.
SCROLLSSCROLLS is a benchmark to evaluate the reasoning capabilities of LLMs over long texts.
SeaExamSeaExam is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs for Southeast Asian (SEA) languages.
SEAL LLM LeaderboardsSEAL LLM Leaderboards is an expert-driven private evaluation platform for LLMs.
SeaEvalSeaEval is a benchmark to evaluate the performance of multilingual LLMs in understanding and reasoning with natural language, as well as comprehending cultural practices, nuances, and values.
SEA HELMSEA HELM is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs' performance across English and Southeast Asian tasks, focusing on chat, instruction-following, and linguistic capabilities.
SecEvalSecEval is a benchmark to evaluate cybersecurity knowledge of foundation models.
Self-Improving LeaderboardSelf-Improving Leaderboard (SIL) is a dynamic platform that continuously updates test datasets and rankings to provide real-time performance insights for open-source LLMs and chatbots.
Spec-BenchSpec-Bench is a benchmark to evaluate speculative decoding methods across diverse scenarios.
StructEvalStructEval is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs by conducting structured assessments across multiple cognitive levels and critical concepts.
Subquadratic LLM LeaderboardSubquadratic LLM Leaderboard evaluates LLMs with subquadratic/attention-free architectures (i.e. RWKV & Mamba).
SuperBenchSuperBench is a comprehensive system of tasks and dimensions to evaluate the overall capabilities of LLMs.
SuperGLUESuperGLUE is a benchmark to evaluate the performance of LLMs on a set of challenging language understanding tasks.
SuperLimSuperLim is a benchmark to evaluate the language understanding capabilities of LLMs in Swedish.
Swahili LLM-LeaderboardSwahili LLM-Leaderboard is a joint community effort to create one central leaderboard for LLMs.
S-EvalS-Eval is a comprehensive, multi-dimensional safety benchmark with 220,000 prompts designed to evaluate LLM safety across various risk dimensions.
TableQAEvalTableQAEval is a benchmark to evaluate LLM performance in modeling long tables and comprehension capabilities, such as numerical and multi-hop reasoning.
TAT-DQATAT-DQA is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs on the discrete reasoning over documents that combine both structured and unstructured information.
TAT-QATAT-QA is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs on the discrete reasoning over documents that combines both tabular and textual content.
Thai LLM LeaderboardThai LLM Leaderboard aims to track and evaluate LLMs in the Thai-language tasks.
The PileThe Pile is a benchmark to evaluate the world knowledge and reasoning ability of LLMs.
TOFUTOFU is a benchmark to evaluate the unlearning performance of LLMs in realistic scenarios.
Toloka LLM LeaderboardToloka LLM Leaderboard is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs based on authentic user prompts and expert human evaluation.
ToolbenchToolBench is a platform for training, serving, and evaluating LLMs specifically for tool learning.
Toxicity LeaderboardToxicity Leaderboard evaluates the toxicity of LLMs.
Trustbit LLM LeaderboardsTrustbit LLM Leaderboards is a platform that provides benchmarks for building and shipping products with LLMs.
TrustLLMTrustLLM is a benchmark to evaluate the trustworthiness of LLMs.
TuringAdviceTuringAdvice is a benchmark for evaluating language models' ability to generate helpful advice for real-life, open-ended situations.
TutorEvalTutorEval is a question-answering benchmark which evaluates how well an LLM tutor can help a user understand a chapter from a science textbook.
T-EvalT-Eval is a benchmark for evaluating the tool utilization capability of LLMs.
UGI LeaderboardUGI Leaderboard measures and compares the uncensored and controversial information known by LLMs.
UltraEvalUltraEval is an open-source framework for transparent and reproducible benchmarking of LLMs across various performance dimensions.
VCRVisual Commonsense Reasoning (VCR) is a benchmark for cognition-level visual understanding, requiring models to answer visual questions and provide rationales for their answers.
ViDoReViDoRe is a benchmark to evaluate retrieval models on their capacity to match queries to relevant documents at the page level.
VLLMs LeaderboardVLLMs Leaderboard aims to track, rank and evaluate open LLMs and chatbots.
VMLUVMLU is a benchmark to evaluate overall capabilities of foundation models in Vietnamese.
WildBenchWildBench is a benchmark for evaluating language models on challenging tasks that closely resemble real-world applications.
XiezhiXiezhi is a benchmark for holistic domain knowledge evaluation of LLMs.
Yanolja ArenaYanolja Arena host a model arena to evaluate the capabilities of LLMs in summarizing and translating text.
Yet Another LLM LeaderboardYet Another LLM Leaderboard is a platform for tracking, ranking, and evaluating open LLMs and chatbots.
ZebraLogicZebraLogic is a benchmark evaluating LLMs' logical reasoning using Logic Grid Puzzles, a type of Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP).
ZeroSumEvalZeroSumEval is a competitive evaluation framework for LLMs using multiplayer simulations with clear win conditions.


Abstract ImageAbstract Image is a benchmark to evaluate multimodal LLMs (MLLM) in understanding and visually reasoning about abstract images, such as maps, charts, and layouts.
AesBenchAesBench is a benchmark to evaluate MLLMs on image aesthetics perception.
BLINKBLINK is a benchmark to evaluate the core visual perception abilities of MLLMs.
BlinkCodeBlinkCode is a benchmark to evaluate MLLMs across 15 vision-language models (VLMs) and 9 tasks, measuring accuracy and image reconstruction performance.
CARESCARES is a benchmark to evaluate the trustworthiness of Med-LVLMs across trustfulness, fairness, safety, privacy, and robustness using 41K question-answer pairs from 16 medical image modalities and 27 anatomical regions.
ChartMimicChartMimic is a benchmark to evaluate the visually-grounded code generation capabilities of large multimodal models using charts and textual instructions.
CharXivCharXiv is a benchmark to evaluate chart understanding capabilities of MLLMs.
ConTextualConTextual is a benchmark to evaluate MLLMs across context-sensitive text-rich visual reasoning tasks.
CORE-MMCORE-MM is a benchmark to evaluate the open-ended visual question-answering (VQA) capabilities of MLLMs.
DreamBench++DreamBench++ is a human-aligned benchmark automated by multimodal models for personalized image generation.
EgoPlan-BenchEgoPlan-Bench is a benchmark to evaluate planning abilities of MLLMs in real-world, egocentric scenarios.
GlitchBenchGlitchBench is a benchmark to evaluate the reasoning capabilities of MLLMs in the context of detecting video game glitches.
HallusionBenchHallusionBench is a benchmark to evaluate the image-context reasoning capabilities of MLLMs.
InfiMM-EvalInfiMM-Eval is a benchmark to evaluate the open-ended VQA capabilities of MLLMs.
LRVSF LeaderboardLRVSF Leaderboard is a platform to evaluate LLMs regarding image similarity search in fashion.
LVLM LeaderboardLVLM Leaderboard is a platform to evaluate the visual reasoning capabilities of MLLMs.
M3CoTM3CoT is a benchmark for multi-domain multi-step multi-modal chain-of-thought of MLLMs.
MementosMementos is a benchmark to evaluate the reasoning capabilities of MLLMs over image sequences.
MJ-BenchMJ-Bench is a benchmark to evaluate multimodal judges in providing feedback for image generation models across four key perspectives: alignment, safety, image quality, and bias.
MLLM-as-a-JudgeMLLM-as-a-Judge is a benchmark with human annotations to evaluate MLLMs' judging capabilities in scoring, pair comparison, and batch ranking tasks across multimodal domains.
MLLM-BenchMLLM-Bench is a benchmark to evaluate the visual reasoning capabilities of MLVMs.
MMBench LeaderboardMMBench Leaderboard is a platform to evaluate the visual reasoning capabilities of MLLMs.
MMEMME is a benchmark to evaluate the visual reasoning capabilities of MLLMs.
MME-RealWorldMME-RealWorld is a large-scale, high-resolution benchmark featuring 29,429 human-annotated QA pairs across 43 tasks.
MMIUMMIU (Ultimodal Multi-image Understanding) is a benchmark to evaluate MLLMs across 7 multi-image relationships, 52 tasks, 77K images, and 11K curated multiple-choice questions.
MMMUMMMU is a benchmark to evaluate the performance of multimodal models on tasks that demand college-level subject knowledge and expert-level reasoning across various disciplines.
MMRMMR is a benchmark to evaluate the robustness of MLLMs in visual understanding by assessing their ability to handle leading questions, rather than just accuracy in answering.
MMSearchMMSearch is a benchmark to evaluate the multimodal search performance of LMMs.
MMStarMMStar is a benchmark to evaluate the multi-modal capacities of MLLMs.
MMT-BenchMMT-Bench is a benchmark to evaluate MLLMs across a wide array of multimodal tasks that require expert knowledge as well as deliberate visual recognition, localization, reasoning, and planning.
MM-NIAHMM-NIAH (Needle In A Multimodal Haystack) is a benchmark to evaluate MLLMs' ability to comprehend long multimodal documents through retrieval, counting, and reasoning tasks involving both text and image data.
MTVQAMTVQA is a multilingual visual text comprehension benchmark to evaluate MLLMs.
Multimodal Hallucination LeaderboardMultimodal Hallucination Leaderboard compares MLLMs based on hallucination levels in various tasks.
MULTI-BenchmarkMULTI-Benchmark is a benchmark to evaluate MLLMs on understanding complex tables and images, and reasoning with long context.
MultiTrustMultiTrust is a benchmark to evaluate the trustworthiness of MLLMs across five primary aspects: truthfulness, safety, robustness, fairness, and privacy.
NPHardEval4VNPHardEval4V is a benchmark to evaluate the reasoning abilities of MLLMs through the lens of computational complexity classes.
Provider LeaderboardLLM API Providers Leaderboard is a platform to compare API provider performance for over LLM endpoints across performance key metrics.
OCRBenchOCRBench is a benchmark to evaluate the OCR capabilities of multimodal models.
PCA-BenchPCA-Bench is a benchmark to evaluate the embodied decision-making capabilities of multimodal models.
Q-BenchQ-Bench is a benchmark to evaluate the visual reasoning capabilities of MLLMs.
RewardBenchRewardBench is a benchmark to evaluate the capabilities and safety of reward models.
ScienceQAScienceQA is a benchmark used to evaluate the multi-hop reasoning ability and interpretability of AI systems in the context of answering science questions.
SciGraphQASciGraphQA is a benchmark to evaluate the MLLMs in scientific graph question-answering.
SEED-BenchSEED-Bench is a benchmark to evaluate the text and image generation of multimodal models.
URIALURIAL is a benchmark to evaluate the capacity of language models for alignment without introducing the factors of fine-tuning (learning rate, data, etc.), which are hard to control for fair comparisons.
UPD LeaderboardUPD Leaderboard is a platform to evaluate the trustworthiness of MLLMs in unsolvable problem detection.
Vibe-EvalVibe-Eval is a benchmark to evaluate MLLMs for challenging cases.
VideoHallucerVideoHallucer is a benchmark to detect hallucinations in MLLMs.
VisIT-BenchVisIT-Bench is a benchmark to evaluate the instruction-following capabilities of MLLMs for real-world use.
Waymo Open Dataset ChallengesWaymo Open Dataset Challenges hold diverse self-driving datasets to evaluate ML models.
WHOOPS!WHOOPS! is a benchmark to evaluate the visual commonsense reasoning abilities of MLLMs.
WildVision-BenchWildVision-Bench is a benchmark to evaluate VLMs in the wild with human preferences.
WildVision ArenaWildVision Arena hosts the chatbot arena where various MLLMs compete based on their performance in visual understanding.


Aider LLM LeaderboardsAider LLM Leaderboards evaluate LLM's ability to follow system prompts to edit code.
AppWorldAppWorld is a high-fidelity execution environment of 9 day-to-day apps, operable via 457 APIs, populated with digital activities of ~100 people living in a simulated world.
Berkeley Function-Calling LeaderboardBerkeley Function-Calling Leaderboard evaluates the ability of LLMs to call functions (also known as tools) accurately.
BigCodeBenchBigCodeBench is a benchmark for code generation with practical and challenging programming tasks.
Big Code Models LeaderboardBig Code Models Leaderboard is a platform to track and evaluate the performance of LLMs on code-related tasks.
BIRDBIRD is a benchmark to evaluate the performance of text-to-SQL parsing systems.
BookSQLBookSQL is a benchmark to evaluate Text-to-SQL systems in the finance and accounting domain across various industries with a dataset of 1 million transactions from 27 businesses.
CanAiCode LeaderboardCanAiCode Leaderboard is a platform to evaluate the code generation capabilities of LLMs.
ClassEvalClassEval is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs on class-level code generation.
CodeApexCodeApex is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs' programming comprehension through multiple-choice questions and code generation with C++ algorithm problems.
CodeScopeCodeScope is a benchmark to evaluate LLM coding capabilities across 43 languages and 8 tasks, considering difficulty, efficiency, and length.
CodeTransOceanCodeTransOcean is a benchmark to evaluate code translation across a wide variety of programming languages, including popular, niche, and LLM-translated code.
Code LinguaCode Lingua is a benchmark to compare the ability of code models to understand what the code implements in source languages and translate the same semantics in target languages.
Coding LLMs LeaderboardCoding LLMs Leaderboard is a platform to evaluate and rank LLMs across various programming tasks.
Commit-0Commit-0 is a from-scratch AI coding challenge to rebuild 54 core Python libraries, ensuring they pass unit tests with significant test coverage, lint/type checking, and cloud-based distributed development.
CRUXEvalCRUXEval is a benchmark to evaluate code reasoning, understanding, and execution capabilities of LLMs.
CSpiderCSpider is a benchmark to evaluate systems' ability to generate SQL queries from Chinese natural language across diverse, complex, and cross-domain databases.
CyberSecEvalCyberSecEval is a benchmark to evaluate the cybersecurity of LLMs as coding assistants.
DevOps AI Assistant Open LeaderboardDevOps AI Assistant Open Leaderboard tracks, ranks, and evaluates DevOps AI Assistants across knowledge domains.
DevOps-EvalDevOps-Eval is a benchmark to evaluate code models in the DevOps/AIOps field.
DomainEvalDomainEval is an auto-constructed benchmark for multi-domain code generation.
Dr.SpiderDr.Spider is a benchmark to evaluate the robustness of text-to-SQL models using 17 perturbation test sets from various angles.
EffiBenchEffiBench is a benchmark to evaluate the efficiency of LLMs in code generation.
EvalPlusEvalPlus is a benchmark to evaluate the code generation performance of LLMs.
EvoCodeBenchEvoCodeBench is an evolutionary code generation benchmark aligned with real-world code repositories.
EvoEvalEvoEval is a benchmark to evaluate the coding abilities of LLMs, created by evolving existing benchmarks into different targeted domains.
InfiBenchInfiBench is a benchmark to evaluate code models on answering freeform real-world code-related questions.
InterCodeInterCode is a benchmark to standardize and evaluate interactive coding with execution feedback.
Julia LLM LeaderboardJulia LLM Leaderboard is a platform to compare code models' abilities in generating syntactically correct Julia code, featuring structured tests and automated evaluations for easy and collaborative benchmarking.
LiveCodeBenchLiveCodeBench is a benchmark to evaluate code models across code-related scenarios over time.
Long Code ArenaLong Code Arena is a suite of benchmarks for code-related tasks with large contexts, up to a whole code repository.
McEvalMcEval is a massively multilingual code evaluation benchmark covering 40 languages (16K samples in 44 total), encompassing multilingual code generation, multilingual code explanation, and multilingual code completion tasks.
Memorization or Generation of Big Code Models LeaderboardMemorization or Generation of Big Code Models Leaderboard tracks and compares code generation models' performance.
Multi-SWE-benchMulti-SWE-bench is a multi-lingual GitHub issue resolving benchmark for code agents.
NaturalCodeBenchNaturalCodeBench is a benchmark to mirror the complexity and variety of scenarios in real coding tasks.
Nexus Function Calling LeaderboardNexus Function Calling Leaderboard is a platform to evaluate code models on performing function calling and API usage.
NL2SQL360NL2SQL360 is a comprehensive evaluation framework for comparing and optimizing NL2SQL methods across various application scenarios.
PECCPECC is a benchmark that evaluates code generation by requiring models to comprehend and extract problem requirements from narrative-based descriptions to produce syntactically accurate solutions.
ProLLM BenchmarksProLLM Benchmarks is a practical and reliable LLM benchmark designed for real-world business use cases across multiple industries and programming languages.
PyBenchPyBench is a benchmark evaluating LLM on real-world coding tasks including chart analysis, text analysis, image/ audio editing, complex math and software/website development.
RACERACE is a benchmark to evaluate the ability of LLMs to generate code that is correct and meets the requirements of real-world development scenarios.
RepoQARepoQA is a benchmark to evaluate the long-context code understanding ability of LLMs.
SciCodeSciCode is a benchmark designed to evaluate language models in generating code to solve realistic scientific research problems.
SolidityBenchSolidityBench is a benchmark to evaluate and rank the ability of LLMs in generating and auditing smart contracts.
SpiderSpider is a benchmark to evaluate the performance of natural language interfaces for cross-domain databases.
StableToolBenchStableToolBench is a benchmark to evaluate tool learning that aims to provide a well-balanced combination of stability and reality.
SWE-benchSWE-bench is a benchmark for evaluating LLMs on real-world software issues collected from GitHub.
WebApp1KWebApp1K is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs on their abilities to develop real-world web applications.
WILDSWILDS is a benchmark of in-the-wild distribution shifts spanning diverse data modalities and applications, from tumor identification to wildlife monitoring to poverty mapping.


ChronoMagic-BenchChronoMagic-Bench is a benchmark to evaluate video models' ability to generate time-lapse videos with high metamorphic amplitude and temporal coherence across physics, biology, and chemistry domains using free-form text control.
DREAM-1KDREAM-1K is a benchmark to evaluate video description performance on 1,000 diverse video clips featuring rich events, actions, and motions from movies, animations, stock videos, YouTube, and TikTok-style short videos.
LongVideoBenchLongVideoBench is a benchmark to evaluate the capabilities of video models in answering referred reasoning questions, which are dependent on long frame inputs and cannot be well-addressed by a single frame or a few sparse frames.
LVBenchLVBench is a benchmark to evaluate multimodal models on long video understanding tasks requiring extended memory and comprehension capabilities.
MLVUMLVU is a benchmark to evaluate video models in multi-task long video understanding.
MMToM-QAMMToM-QA is a multimodal benchmark to evaluate machine Theory of Mind (ToM), the ability to understand people's minds.
MVBenchMVBench is a benchmark to evaluate the temporal understanding capabilities of video models in dynamic video tasks.
OpenVLM Video LeaderboardOpenVLM Video Leaderboard is a platform showcasing the evaluation results of 30 different VLMs on video understanding benchmarks using the VLMEvalKit framework.
TempCompassTempCompass is a benchmark to evaluate Video LLMs' temporal perception using 410 videos and 7,540 task instructions across 11 temporal aspects and 4 task types.
VBenchVBench is a benchmark to evaluate video generation capabilities of video models.
VideoNIAHVideoNIAH is a benchmark to evaluate the fine-grained understanding and spatio-temporal modeling capabilities of video models.
VideoPhyVideoPhy is a benchmark to evaluate generated videos for adherence to physical commonsense in real-world material interactions.
VideoScoreVideoScore is a benchmark to evaluate text-to-video generative models on five key dimensions.
VideoVistaVideoVista is a benchmark with 25,000 questions from 3,400 videos across 14 categories, covering 19 understanding and 8 reasoning tasks.
Video-BenchVideo-Bench is a benchmark to evaluate the video-exclusive understanding, prior knowledge incorporation, and video-based decision-making abilities of video models.
Video-MMEVideo-MME is a benchmark to evaluate the video analysis capabilities of video models.


AbelAbel is a platform to evaluate the mathematical capabilities of LLMs.
MathBenchMathBench is a multi-level difficulty mathematics evaluation benchmark for LLMs.
MathEvalMathEval is a benchmark to evaluate the mathematical capabilities of LLMs.
MathUserEvalMathUserEval is a benchmark featuring university exam questions and math-related queries derived from simulated conversations with experienced annotators.
MathVerseMathVerse is a benchmark to evaluate vision-language models in interpreting and reasoning with visual information in mathematical problems.
MathVistaMathVista is a benchmark to evaluate mathematical reasoning in visual contexts.
MATH-VMATH-Vision (MATH-V) is a benchmark of 3,040 visually contextualized math problems from competitions, covering 16 disciplines and 5 difficulty levels to evaluate LMMs' mathematical reasoning.
Open Multilingual Reasoning LeaderboardOpen Multilingual Reasoning Leaderboard tracks and ranks the reasoning performance of LLMs on multilingual mathematical reasoning benchmarks.
PutnamBenchPutnamBench is a benchmark to evaluate the formal mathematical reasoning capabilities of LLMs on the Putnam Competition.
SciBenchSciBench is a benchmark to evaluate the reasoning capabilities of LLMs for solving complex scientific problems.
TabMWPTabMWP is a benchmark to evaluate LLMs in mathematical reasoning tasks that involve both textual and tabular data.
We-MathWe-Math is a benchmark to evaluate the human-like mathematical reasoning capabilities of LLMs with problem-solving principles beyond the end-to-end performance.


AgentBenchAgentBench is the benchmark to evaluate language model-as-Agent across a diverse spectrum of different environments.
AgentStudioAgentStudio is an integrated solution featuring in-depth benchmark suites, realistic environments, and comprehensive toolkits.
CharacterEvalCharacterEval is a benchmark to evaluate Role-Playing Conversational Agents (RPCAs) using multi-turn dialogues and character profiles, with metrics spanning four dimensions.
GTAGTA is a benchmark to evaluate the tool-use capability of LLM-based agents in real-world scenarios.
Leetcode-Hard GymLeetcode-Hard Gym is an RL environment interface to LeetCode's submission server for evaluating codegen agents.
LLM Colosseum LeaderboardLLM Colosseum Leaderboard is a platform to evaluate LLMs by fighting in Street Fighter 3.
MAgICMAgIC is a benchmark to measure the abilities of cognition, adaptability, rationality and collaboration of LLMs within multi-agent sytems.
Olas Predict BenchmarkOlas Predict Benchmark is a benchmark to evaluate agents on historical and future event forecasting.
TravelPlannerTravelPlanner is a benchmark to evaluate LLM agents in tool use and complex planning within multiple constraints.
VABVisualAgentBench (VAB) is a benchmark to evaluate and develop LMMs as visual foundation agents, which comprises 5 distinct environments across 3 types of representative visual agent tasks.
VisualWebArenaVisualWebArena is a benchmark to evaluate the performance of multimodal web agents on realistic visually grounded tasks.
WebAgent LeaderboardWebAgent Leaderboard tracks and evaluates LLMs, VLMs, and agents on web navigation tasks.
WebArenaWebArena is a standalone, self-hostable web environment to evaluate autonomous agents.
γ-Benchγ-Bench is a framework for evaluating LLMs' gaming abilities in multi-agent environments using eight classical game theory scenarios and a dynamic scoring scheme.
τ-Benchτ-bench is a benchmark that emulates dynamic conversations between a language model-simulated user and a language agent equipped with domain-specific API tools and policy guidelines.


AIR-BenchAIR-Bench is a benchmark to evaluate the ability of audio models to understand various types of audio signals (including human speech, natural sounds and music), and furthermore, to interact with humans in textual format.
AudioBenchAudioBench is a benchmark for general instruction-following audio models.
Open ASR LeaderboardOpen ASR Leaderboard provides a platform for tracking, ranking, and evaluating Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models.
Polish ASR LeaderboardPolish ASR leaderboard aims to provide comprehensive overview of performance of ASR/STT systems for Polish.
SALMonSALMon is an evaluation suite that benchmarks speech language models on consistency, background noise, emotion, speaker identity, and room impulse response.
TTS ArenaTTS-Arena hosts the Text To Speech (TTS) arena, where various TTS models compete based on their performance in generating speech.
Whisper LeaderboardWhisper Leaderboard is a platform tracking and comparing audio models' speech recognition performance on various datasets.


3D Arena3D Arena hosts 3D generation arena, where various 3D generative models compete based on their performance in generating 3D models.
3D-POPE3D-POPE is a benchmark to evaluate object hallucination in 3D generative models.
3DGen Arena3DGen Arena hosts the 3D generation arena, where various 3D generative models compete based on their performance in generating 3D models.
BOPBOP is a benchmark for 6D pose estimation of a rigid object from a single RGB-D input image.
GPTEval3DGPTEval3D is a benchmark to evaluate MLLMs' capabiltiies of 3D content understanding via multi-view images as input.

Database Ranking

VectorDBBenchVectorDBBench is a benchmark to evaluate performance, cost-effectiveness, and scalability of various vector databases and cloud-based vector database services.

Dataset Ranking

DataCompDataComp is a benchmark to evaluate the performance of various datasets with a fixed model architecture.

Metric Ranking

AlignScoreAlignScore evaluates the performance of different metrics in assessing factual consistency.

Paper Ranking

Papers LeaderboardPapers Leaderboard is a platform to evaluate the popularity of machine learning papers.

Leaderboard Ranking

Open Leaderboards LeaderboardOpen Leaderboards Leaderboard is a meta-leaderboard that leverages human preferences to compare machine learning leaderboards.