

<img alt="react-native-unistyles" src="assets/banner.png">

ESLint plugin for React Native Unistyles

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React Native Unistyles linting rules for ESLint. This repository is structured like (and contains code from) eslint-plugin-react-native.


Install eslint-plugin-react-native-unistyles

yarn add eslint-plugin-react-native-unistyles -D


Add plugins section and specify react-native-unistyles as a plugin.

  "plugins": ["react-native-unistyles"]

If it is not already the case you must also configure ESLint to support JSX.

  "parserOptions": {
    "ecmaFeatures": {
      "jsx": true

Then, enable all of the rules that you would like to use.

  "rules": {
    "react-native-unistyles/no-unused-styles": "warn",
    "react-native-unistyles/sort-styles": [
      { "ignoreClassNames": false, "ignoreStyleProperties": false }

List of supported rules

Shareable configurations


This plugin also exports an all configuration that includes every available rule.

  "plugins": [
    /* ... */
  "extends": [/* ... */, "plugin:react-native-unistyles/all"]

Note: These configurations will import eslint-plugin-react-native-unistyles and enable JSX in parser options.