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From Semiconductor to TransistorLevel Modeling in Julia, including:
- Material properties analysis of electronical characteristics using Fermi-Dirac distribution, Boltzmann-Maxwell distribution, and Blakemore distribution (at this stage limited to Silicon)
- Numerical Simulations of MOS structures and MOS transistors in 1D and 2D powered by VoronoiFVM.jl
- Implementation of industry and research standard MOSFET models (Pah-Sah, Brews, BSIM 6, PSP 103, UICM and EKV), with different mobility models.
- Circuit Level Simulation including DC operating Point, Transient analysys ( Powered by ModelingToolkit.jl ), Ac Analysis ( Powered By ControlSystems.jl )
Getting Started
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
A Julia instalation with version 1.6 or higher
] add MOSLab
Usage: MOS Cap Band Diagram
using MOSLab
using Plots
T = 300.0 # Temperature Kelvin
N_a = 5e18 # Bulk Doping in cm^-3
E_a = 0.044 # The ground state energy of the acceptor in eV
t_ox = 4e-7 # oxide thickness in cm
t_si = 2.5e-5 # Silicon thickness
Vgv = 1.0 # Gate Voltage
PB = SemiconductorData(T,BoltzmanDist(),PSilicon(N_a,E_a))
MOS = MOSStructure(Alluminium(),SiO2(),PB,t_ox,t_si)
sol = PoissonVoronoi(Vgv,MOS,201)
PBFermi = SemiconductorData(T,FermiDist(),PSilicon(N_a))
MOSFermi = MOSStructure(Alluminium(),SiO2(),PBFermi,t_ox,t_si)
plot(-2.3:0.05:2.3,x-> ψs(x,MOS),label="Boltzmann Distribution")
plot!(-2.3:0.05:2.3,x-> ψs(x,MOSFermi),label="Fermi Distribution",legend=:topleft)
xlabel!("Vg [V]")
ppsi = ylabel!(L"\psi_s \ [V]")
Usage: Simple 2D MOSFET Simulation
using MOSLab
using Plots
using LaTeXStrings
Vg = 0.1 # Gate Voltage
Vd = 1.0 # Dain Voltage
Nx = 101 # Number of grid points on the x direction
Ny = 101 # Number of grid points on the y direction
N_d = 6e16 # Dopants density at the drain and source side in cm ^-3
T = 300.0 # Temperature in Kelvin
Nb = 5.7e17 # Dopants ensity at the bulk in cm ^-3
l = .180e-4 # Channel length
h = 0.5e-4 # Silicon depth
t_ox = 4e-7 # Oxide thickens in cm
Ms = MOSFETInputDeck(N_d,Nb,T,l,h,h/2.0,l,t_ox,:NMOS) # Create the input deck for an NMOS transistor
Vs = ψs_PSP(Vg,Ms.Gate) # Calculate the surface potential at the gate
G,psi,nn,pp = MOSFETSimulation(Ms,Vs,Vd,Nx,Ny;verbose=false,ξ₀=0.01) # run 2D MOSFET simulation
X = unique(G[1,:])
Y = unique(G[2,:])
xlabel!(L"x \ [\mu m]")
ylabel!(L"y \ [\mu m]")
plot!(zlabel = L"\psi \ [V]")
Transitor Surface Potential at bias
yvals = unique(G[2,:])
ySel = G[2,:] .== yvals[end-1]
plot(G[1,ySel],psi[ySel],label="\$ \\psi (x,$(yvals[end-1]) ) \$",legend=:bottomleft)
Surface Potential Allong Channel
plot(G[1,ySel],nn[ySel],label="\$ E_C (x,$(yvals[end-1]) ) \$",legend=:topright)
Electron Concentration Allong Channel
Usage: Plot Id x Vd and Id Vg curve of an Mosfet using
using MOSLab
using Plots
using LaTeXStrings
NpolyDoping = 5.5e17 # Gate Npoly doping concentration in cm^-3
N_a = 5.5e17 # Bulk doping concentration in cm^-3
E_a = 0.0# The ground state energy of the acceptor in eV
t_ox = 3.8e-7 # oxide thickness in cm
t_si = 1e-6
CList2 = reshape( range(colorant"blue", stop=colorant"red",length=7), 1, 7 );
MOSf(T) = MOSStructure(NPoly(NpolyDoping),SiO2(),SemiconductorData(T,BoltzmanDist(),PSilicon(N_a,E_a)),t_ox,t_si) ## Calculate Parameters of a MOS Structure the given parameters using Boltzman Distribution at temperature T
transistor_model(T) = BSIM6Model(MOSf(T),1.0e-4,1.0e-4)
Idf(Vg,Vd,T) = Id(Vg,Vd,0.0,transistor_model(T)) ## Calculate the Current using the ACM Model of a transistor having the parameters from MOSf(T) and W =1.0 um, L = 1.0 um, similar contructors are available for the other models
for Vgv in 0.2:0.2:1.8
plot!(0:0.05:1.8,x->1e6*Idf(Vgv,x,300.0),label="\$V_{GB} = $(Vgv) V\$") # plot Id, Vd characteristics for different VGB
PSPG = plot!(xlabel=L"V_{DS} \ [V]",ylabel=L"I_{DS} \ [\mu A]",legend=:topleft)
for (i,Tv) in enumerate(LinRange(200,500,5))
plot!(0:0.05:1.0,x->1e6*Idf(x,0.1,Tv),label="\$T = $(Tv) K\$",linecolor=CList2[i]) # plot Id, Vg characteristics for different Temperatures
PSPD = plot!(xlabel=L"V_{GS} \ [V]",ylabel=L"I_{DS} \ [\mu A]",legend=:topleft,yaxis=:log10)
plot(PSPG,PSPD) # plot both graphs side by side
gmIdf(Vg,Vd,T) = gm(Vg,Vd,0.0,transistor_model(T))/Idf(Vg,Vd,T)
for (i,Tv) in enumerate(LinRange(200,500,5))
plot!(0:0.01:1.0,x->gmIdf(x,0.1,Tv),label="\$T = $(Tv) K\$",linecolor=CList2[i]) # plot Id, Vg characteristics for different Temperatures
PSPD = plot!(xlabel=L"V_{GS} \ [V]",ylabel=L"I_{DS} \ [\mu A]",legend=:topright)
Circuit Simulation
using Plots
using MOSLab
NpolyDoping = 5e17 # Gate Npoly doping concentration in cm^-3
N_a = 5e17 # Bulk doping concentration in cm^-3
E_a = 0.044 # The ground state energy of the acceptor in eV
t_ox = 4e-7 # oxide thickness in cm
t_si = 1e-6
MOSf(T) = MOSStructure(NPoly(NpolyDoping),SiO2(),SemiconductorData(T,BoltzmanDist(),PSilicon(N_a,E_a)),t_ox,t_si) ## Calculate Parameters of a MOS Structure the given parameters using Boltzman Distribution at temperature T
g = 1
d = 2
s = 0
M1 = CircuitComponent("M1",ACMModel(MOSf(300.0),1000.0e-4,1.0e-4))
netT = Netlist()
ckt = Circuit(netT)
res = dc_op(ckt)
for i in 2:length(netT.nodes) # exclude ground
println("$(netT.nodes[i].name): $(res[i-1])")
V_n1: 0.3
V_n2: 1.0
J_Vg: 0.0
J_Vd: -0.0005823007996463166
<!-- ROADMAP -->
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
<!-- CONTRIBUTING -->Contributing
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
João Roberto Raposo de Oliveira Martins -
Project Link: