Sea RTL subset for Delphi 64bit
Object Pascal wrappers from Intel Integrated Performance Primitives and Intel Threading Building Blocks royalty-free packages
17 June 2019 Roberto Della Pasqua<br> 24 August 2022 DLL built with the latest stable Intel oneAPI and TBB ver. 2021.6<br> 10 January 2023 updated zlib to 1.2.13 with latest Intel IPP ver. 2021.7<br> 20 February 2023 updated webbroker deflate helper for reliability<br> 02 November 2023 updated oneTBB allocator<br> 8 August 2024 updated to Intel IPP v2021.12, zlib v1.3.1, visual c++ v19.29.30154<br> 30 October 2024 updated to Intel IPP v2022.0, visual c++ v19.41.34123<br>
This folder contains:
- SeaMM.dll memory manager (md5 aa2f3a1556c968e03bc8c2d8c1991c95 size 107520)
- SeaRTL.dll simd enabled rtl subset routines (md5 6f35648fbf2b386e3129ec82bb12d30d size 200704)
- SeaZIP.dll accelerated zlib compression (md5 5c4409f5c93f490119134bb5477a89fb size 982016)
- RDPMM64.pas wrapper for memory manager (put this unit as first unit clause in project source)
- RDPSimd64.pas wrapper for simd rtl api
- RDPZlib64.pas wrapper for zlib deflate (level -2 AC mode in deflate call should be used over UTF-8 strings for web optimization)<br>
- RDPWebBroker64.pas utils to enhance webbroker web apps<br>
- SeaIISFilter ultra-fast realtime deflate filter for IIS web server (5x faster than default gzip)
- License.txt for legal terms <br>
- procedure TWebModule.WebModuleAfterDispatch(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean);
- begin
- Response.ZlibDeflate;
- end;
The library is well tested, run on Intel and Amd x64 Windows, if you found any trouble please notify me;<br> big thanks to the Delphi community and its great coders, in particular for the support received from Bruno Fierens TMS and Daniele Teti DMVC.<br>
Contact me: roberto dot dellapasqua at
Thank you and best regards
Roberto Della Pasqua