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Table of Contents

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DelphiMVCFramework Logo

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What's DelphiMVCFramework

DMVCFramework is the most popular Open Source Delphi framework on Github which provides an easy to use, scalable, flexible RESTful, JSON-RPC and ActiveRecord framework for Delphi developers. DMVCFramework is the most popular Delphi project on GitHub and compiles for Windows (32 and 64bit) and Linux (64bit). DMVCFramework services can be compiled as console application, Windows Service, Linux daemon, Apache module (Windows and Linux) and IIS ISAPI (Windows).

DMVCFramework works with Delphi 12 Athens, Delphi 11 Alexandria, Delphi 10.4 Sydney, Delphi 10.3 Rio, Delphi 10.2 Tokyo, Delphi 10.1 Berlin and Delphi 10 Seattle.

Support DMVCFramework

Are you using DMVCFramework? Do you want to say "Thanks"? <a href="https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=72182967" data-patreon-widget-type="become-patron-button">Become a Patron!</a>

DelphiMVCFramework Main Features

Install the latest stable version

If you are not involved in development or testing, do not clone the repo! Use the Github release!

The last stable version available here 📥. Just download latest release as a zip file and you are ok. Samples are available as separate zip file downloadable from the same page where you download the release.

Book: "DelphiMVCFramework - the official guide"

The official guide for DMVCFramework is available. DMVCFramework has a lot functionalities and can really help your business. However many developers don't use it at its full potential. Why don't get more when is easily available? The DMVCFramework lead developer and project coordinator Daniele Teti, wrote the official guide for this great framework.

DelphiMVCFramework - the official guide

Buy your copy and improve your DMVCFramework knowledge now! "DMVCFramework - the official guide" is available as e-book and hardcopy, pick what you prefer.

While a huge work has been done by the author and the reviews to make the book and the examples well written, complete and effective, things can be always improved. For any suggestions, complains or requests there is the official Github book project (https://github.com/danieleteti/dmvcframeworktheofficialguide) where you can fill an issue and get in touch directly with the author.

Book translations

Given the success of DMVCFramework in the Delphi community, the official DMVCFramework guide has been translated also in the following languages.

Please, if you use DMVCFramework "star" this project in GitHub! It cost nothing to you but helps other developers to reference the code.

How to partecipate to DMVCFramework development and/or tests

Only if you want to participate to the testing phase (which usually contains brand new features but can sometimes be instable) you can get the development version clonig this repo or downloading the master repository zip file. Take in mind that even if development version is usually very stable, it isn't not ready for production utilization.


While DMVCFramework is born from the head of Daniele Teti from bit Time Professionals, it wouldn't what is now without the support and work of many people all around the world. The following companies sponsored some specific part of DMVCFramework so they wort a special mention.


bit Time Professionals
bit Time Professionals - ITALY
bit Time Software


Centro Software
Delphi Studio ES
Orion Law

What users say about DMVCFramework

"Our wishes are coming true" -- one Delphi programmer after a small dmvcframework demo for an IT department of a very important national research institute

"I'm still amazed by the DelphiMVCFramework code and documentation. Thank you very much and I am amazed by your quick feedback." -- Benjamin Yang (Director of SQLGate)

"DMVCFramework and the Entity utility are fantastic!" -- Roberto

"DMVCFramework is a great framework. It's very intuitive, fast, easy to use, actually there is nothing more to ask for." -- Samir

"Wow! To do that in J2EE it takes 2 days" -- a training participant after a 5 minutes demo.

"I'm starting with the DMVCFramework and I'm finding it fantastic, congratulations for the project!" -- Rafael

"I'm looking at DMVCFramework project in it works great - for my use case scenarios is much better than 'Similar commercial product'." -- Luka

"It's fantastic! Just define your entities and you are up and running in 5 minutes. Nothing comparable on the market." -- Marco

"The best framework for creating web servers with Delphi! It is very easy to create Delphi servers and publish APIs and Rest resources. Congratulations to Daniele Teti and all the staff for the excellent work!" -- Marcos N.

We started the process of migrating our systems to micro services and are loving the DMVCFramework "DMVCFramework is definitely part of our lives right now". -- E. Costa

"Thank you for the great framework! We are very happy with this!" -- Andreas

"I managed to generate an API for my application thanks to this framework, it is truly useful and efficient!" -- J. Urbani

What's New in DMVCFramework-3.4.2-magnesium-rc2 (release candidate 2 version)

👉 A deep analisys of what's new in DelphiMVCFramework-3.4.2-magnesium is available on [Daniele Teti Blog] https://www.danieleteti.it/post/delphimvcframework-3-4-2-magnesium/

What's New in DMVCFramework-3.4.1-sodium (stable version)

👉 A deep analisys of what's new in DelphiMVCFramework-3.4.1-sodium is available on Daniele Teti Blog 👈

Older Versions

What's New in DMVCFramework-3.4.0-neon

👉 Deeper analisys of what's new in DelphiMVCFramework-3.4.0-neon is available on Daniele Teti Blog 👈

What's New in DMVCFramework-3.3.0-fluorine

What's New in DMVCFramework-3.2.3-radium

Bug Fix in 3.2.3-radium

More details about dmvcframework-3.2.3-radium fixes here

What's new in DMVCFramework-3.2.2-nitrogen

Bug Fixes in 3.2.2-nitrogen

Breaking Changes in 3.2.2-nitrogen

What's New in DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.1-carbon

This version is the version referenced by the DelphiMVCFramework - The Official Guide book (available in english, portuguese and spanish).

This version introduced new features in many different areas (swagger, server side view, MVCActiveRecord, renders etc.) however there is no a single-big-feature. This version contains also a good number of bugfixes. It's not a critical updated, but this is the best version ever (at least, so far...) and is the suggested version for starting new projects. Enjoy!


What's New in 3.2.0-boron

//Now is really easy to add "links" property automatically for each collection element while rendering
Render<TPerson>(People, True,
    procedure(const APerson: TPerson; const Links: IMVCLinks)
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + APerson.ID.ToString)
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json')
        .Add('title', 'Details for ' + APerson.FullName);
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Datasets have a similar anon method to do the same thing
Render(lDM.qryCustomers, False,
  procedure(const DS: TDataset; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString + '/orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Single object rendering allows HATEOAS too!
Render(lPerson, False,
  procedure(const AObject: TObject; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + TPerson(AObject).ID.ToString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
procedure TMy.GetPeople(const Value: Integer);
  if Value mod 2 <> 0 then
    raise EMVCException.Create(HTTP_STATUS.NotAcceptable, 'We don''t like odd numbers');
      ['id', 'message'],
      ['123', 'We like even numbers, thank you for your ' + Value.ToString]
procedure TMainForm.btnDataSetToJSONArrayClick(Sender: TObject);
  lSer: TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer;
  lJArray: TJSONArray;
  lSer := TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer.Create;
    lJArray := TJSONArray.Create;
      lSer.DataSetToJsonArray(FDQuery1, lJArray, TMVCNameCase.ncLowerCase, [],
        procedure(const aField: TField; const aJsonObject: TJSONObject; var Handled: Boolean)
          if SameText(aField.FieldName, 'created_at') then
            aJsonObject.S['year_and_month'] := FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm', TDateTimeField(aField).Value);
            Handled := True;
	  //The json objects will not contains "created_at" anymore, but only "year_and_month".
      Memo1.Lines.Text := lJArray.ToJSON(false);
Delphi VersionProject Group
Delphi 10.4 Sydneypackages\d104\dmvcframework_group.groupproj
Delphi 10.3 Riopackages\d103\dmvcframework_group.groupproj
Delphi 10.2 Tokyopackages\d102\dmvcframework_group.groupproj
Delphi 10.1 Berlinpackages\d101\dmvcframework_group.groupproj
Delphi 10.0 Seattlepackages\d100\dmvcframework_group.groupproj

Breaking Changes in 3.2.0-boron

Bug Fixes in 3.2.0-boron

What's New in 3.1.0-lithium

What's New in 3.0.0-hydrogen

What's New in 2.1.3-lithium

What's New in 2.1.2-helium

What's New in 2.1.1-hydrogen


DelphiMVCFramework roadmap is always updated as-soon-as the features planned are implemented. Check the roadmap here.

Trainings, consultancy or custom development service

As you know, good support on open source software is a must for professional users. If you need trainings, consultancy or custom developments on DelphiMVCFramework, send an email to dmvcframework at bittime dot it. Alternatively you can send a request using the contacts forms on bit Time Professionals website. bit Time Professionals is the company behind DelphiMVCFramework, the lead developer works there.

Samples and documentation

DMVCFramework is provided with a lot of examples focused on specific functionality. All samples are in Samples folder.

Getting Started: 5 minutes guide

DMVCFramework allows to create powerful RESTful servers without effort. You can create a full-flagged RESTful server in a couple of clicks.

DelphiMVCFramework Installation

Sample Controller

Below a basic sample of a DMVCFramework controller with 2 action

unit UsersControllerU;
   TUsersController = class(TMVCController)

    //The following action will be with a GET request like the following
    [MVCDoc('Returns a user as a JSON object')]
    procedure GetUser(id: Integer);

    //The following action will be with a GET request like the following
    [MVCDoc('Returns the users list as a JSON Array of JSON Objects')]
    procedure GetUsers;

    //The following action will be with a PUT request like the following
    //and in the request body there should be a serialized TUser
    [MVCDoc('Update a user')]    
    procedure UpdateUser(id: Integer);

    //The following action will respond to a POST request like the following
    //and in the request body there should be the new user to create as json
    [MVCDoc('Create a new user, returns the id of the new user')]
    procedure CreateUser;


  MyTransactionScript; //contains actual data access code
{ TUsersController }

procedure TUsersController.GetUsers;
  Users: TObjectList<TUser>;
  Users := GetUsers;
procedure TUsersController.GetUser(id: Integer);
  User: TUser;
  User := GetUserById(id);

procedure TUsersController.UpdateUser(id: Integer);
  User: TUser;
  User := Context.Request.BodyAs<TUser>;
  UpdateUser(id, User);
procedure TUsersController.CreateUser;
  User: TUser;
  User := Context.Request.BodyAs<TUser>;

Now you have a performant RESTful server wich respond to the following URLs:

How to create a dmvcframework servers container

If you don't plan to deploy your DMVCFramework server behind a webserver (apache or IIS) you can also pack more than one listener application server into one single executable. In this case, the process is a bit different and involves the creation of a listener context. However, create a new server is a simple task:


  LServerListener: IMVCListener;
  LServerListener := TMVCListener.Create(TMVCListenerProperties.New


If you want to add a layer of security (in its WebModule you should add the security middleware):


procedure TTestWebModule.WebModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
  FMVCEngine := TMVCEngine.Create(Self);
  // Add Yours Controllers
  // Add Security Middleware
		procedure(const AUserName, APassword: string;
		  AUserRoles: TList<string>; var IsValid: Boolean; 
		  const ASessionData: TDictionary<String, String>)
		  IsValid := AUserName.Equals('dmvc') and APassword.Equals('123');

In stand alone mode you can work with a context that supports multiple listeners servers:


  LServerListenerCtx: IMVCListenersContext;

  LServerListenerCtx := TMVCListenersContext.Create;




RQL Introduction

Resource Query Language (RQL) is a query language designed for use in URIs with object style data structures. DMVCFramework supports RQL natively and the included MVCActiveRecord micro-framework, implement a large subset of the RQL specs.

RQL can be thought as basically a set of nestable named operators which each have a set of arguments. RQL is designed to have an extremely simple, but extensible grammar that can be written in a URL friendly query string. A simple RQL query with a single operator that indicates a search for any resources with a property of "foo" that has value of 5 could be written:


A more complex filter can include an arbitrary number of chained functions


Which is translated (details depends from the RDBMS) in the following SQL.

	name, surname {other fields} 
  (name = "daniele" and surname = "teti") 
  (name="peter" and surname = "parker")
order by
  name asc

RQL as Implemented by DMVCFramework

RQL is designed for modern application development. It is built for the web, ready for NoSQL, and highly extensible with simple syntax.

Here is a definition of the common operators as implemented in DMVCFramework' ActiveRecord:

eq(<property>,<value>) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is equal to the provided value
lt(<property>,<value>) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is less than the provided value
le(<property>,<value>) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is less than or equal to the provided value
gt(<property>,<value>) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is greater than the provided value
ge(<property>,<value>) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is greater than or equal to the provided value
ne(<property>,<value>) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is not equal to the provided value
and(<query>,<query>,...) - Applies all the given queries
or(<query>,<query>,...) - The union of the given queries
sort(<+|-><property) - Sorts by the given property in order specified by the prefix (+ for ascending, - for descending)
limit(count,start,maxCount) - Returns the given range of objects from the result set
contains(<property>,<value | expression>) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is an array and the array contains any value that equals the provided value or satisfies the provided expression.
in(<property>,<array-of-values>) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is in the provided array
out(<property>,<array-of-values>) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is not in the provided array

Not Yet Availables

select(<property>,<property>,...) - Trims each object down to the set of properties defined in the arguments
values(<property>) - Returns an array of the given property value for each object
aggregate(<property|function>,...) - Aggregates the array, grouping by objects that are distinct for the provided properties, and then reduces the remaining other property values using the provided functions
distinct() - Returns a result set with duplicates removed
excludes(<property>,<value | expression>) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is an array and the array does not contain any of value that equals the provided value or satisfies the provided expression.
rel(<relation name?>,<query>) - Applies the provided query against the linked data of the provided relation name.
sum(<property?>) - Finds the sum of every value in the array or if the property argument is provided, returns the sum of the value of property for every object in the array
mean(<property?>) - Finds the mean of every value in the array or if the property argument is provided, returns the mean of the value of property for every object in the array
max(<property?>) - Finds the maximum of every value in the array or if the property argument is provided, returns the maximum of the value of property for every object in the array
min(<property?>) - Finds the minimum of every value in the array or if the property argument is provided, returns the minimum of the value of property for every object in the array
recurse(<property?>) - Recursively searches, looking in children of the object as objects in arrays in the given property value
first() - Returns the first record of the query's result set
one() - Returns the first and only record of the query's result set, or produces an error if the query's result set has more or less than one record in it.
count() - Returns the count of the number of records in the query's result set

dotEnv syntax

Since 3.4.0-neon dmvcframework supports dotEnv configuration files.

TL:DR "Read key-value pairs from a .env file and set them as environment variables"

The format is not formally specified and still improves over time. That being said, .env files should mostly look like Bash files.

Keys can be unquoted or single-quoted. Values can be unquoted, single- or double-quoted. Spaces before and after keys, equal signs, and values are ignored. Values can be followed by a comment.

Variable expansion dmvcframework' dotEnv can interpolate variables using POSIX variable expansion.

This is a valid .env file:



#DB Name

#The DB username

#The DB password (in this example is read from an EnvVariable)

#DB Hostname

#user preferences

email_template="This is a ${mode} email template
second template email line
third template email line"


 var dotEnv := NewDotEnv


Feel free to ask questions on the "Delphi MVC Framework" facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/delphimvcframework).