

⚠️ ‎‎ Material Shell is in transition to become Veshell and if you are interested in the reasons that motivated this decision you should read this letter from PapyElGringo

Material Shell

<p align="center"> A <b>modern desktop interface</b> for <b>Linux</b> extending <b><a href="https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeShell">GNOME Shell</a></b>. </p> <p align="center"> Providing a <b>unique</b>, <b>simple</b>, <b>productivity-oriented</b>, <b>innovative</b> and <b>automated</b> <b>mouse and keyboard <a href="#workflow">workflow</a></b> which aims to be <b>faster</b> and <b>easier</b> to use and creates a <b>great user experience</b>. </p> <p align="center"> Powered by its unique <b><a href="#spatial-model">spatial model</a></b>, its modern <b><a href="#interface">material design interface</a></b>, its <b><a href="#tiling-engine">tiling engine</a></b> and its <b><a href="#persistence">persistability</a></b>. </p> <table > <td width="2400" border="0"> <h4 align="center" valign="middle"> Get notified about updates and join us at ‎‎<a href="https://discord.gg/vBb7D9a"> <img valign="middle" src="https://img.shields.io/discord/584783412959641716?logo=discord&style=for-the-badge" alt="chat on Discord"> </a> </h4> <p align="center"> <a href="#workflow">Workflow</a> • <a href="#hotkeys">Hotkeys</a> • <a href="#installation">Installation</a> • <a href="#uninstallation-">Uninstallation</a> • <a href="#history">History</a> • <a href="#crypto-funding">Support</a> </p> </td> <td width="1400"> <a href="https://get.trbu.app"> <img valign="middle" src="https://get.trbu.app/assets/promo.png" alt="Discover Tribu"> </a> </td> </table>

Demo GIF


Created to simplify navigation and reduce the need to manipulate windows in order to improve productivity. It's meant to be 100% predictable and bring the benefits of tools coveted by professionals to everyone.

Spatial Model

This is the core of the workflow and what everything is built around and in our case it's one of the simplest: a Grid

<p align="center" valign="middle">  <img align="center" valign="middle" src="./documentation/spatialisation.gif" alt="Spatialisation illustrated"> </p>

A Workspace is an applications container that can be visualized as a row and applications as cells.

Every new application is automatically positioned inside this grid at the end of its workspace row and every new workspaces are appended at the bottom which is very predictable and always sorted automatically.

This allows us to provide intuitive navigation by moving the screen around a larger context. Navigating up and down will change the current workspace and navigating left and right changes the current window(s) on screen.

You can organize your applications by use cases as activities or by applications type as categories.


Designed to represent the state of the workflow and provide navigation capabilities for both a mouse and a touchscreen.


The interface is divided in two parts:

In the left panel everything pertains to the system: workspaces state, current system status, notifications, etc.

On the right of the left panel everything pertains to the active workspace: the windows on the workspace's row, the layout switcher, and the windows themselves.

<p align="center" valign="middle">  <img align="center" valign="middle" src="./documentation/interface_showcase.gif" alt="Interface layout illustrated"> </p>

The two most important components are the system panel (on the left) and the workspace panel (on the top).

System panel

The system panel is the main component of the left side of the interface. It consists of:

Workspace panel

The workspace panel is the main component of the right side of the interface. It consists of:


Made by following the Material Design guidelines - a solid baseline that allows us to provide an aesthetically pleasing and highly accessible interface.


You can choose between 3 different themes:

And there is also a blurry version available for the more fancy ones !

Tiling engine

It's the tool that automatically organize the application's window for you in a predictable and mutually non-overlapping disposition.

<p align="center" valign="middle">  <img align="center" valign="middle" src="./documentation/tiling_showcase.gif" alt="Tiling engine illustrated"> </p>

Choose at any time which tiling layout suit the most for your need:


The best way to configure the desktop layout is to not have to do it.

Material Shell keeps track of every decision relative to the desktop layout: where are windows, in which workspaces, and in which order.

This allows configuration of the layouts on the go while using it.

When opening a new session Material Shell will restore every window previously present with a "window placeholder which allows you to reopen any of the previous windows easily at the same spot you like to have them.


Some hotkeys might already be used by GNOME Shell - please check your keybindings first.

Desktop navigation

Window manipulation

Extra Hotkeys


You can install the extension either using the gnome extensions website, or directly from source.

Get it in two clicks

Get the most up to date version with Git

  1. Check your GNOME Shell version as we only support gnome-shell >= 40.0

  2. Download the extension. Depending on your distribution, there are several ways to acquire it:

Install viaCommand
extensions.gnome.orgNavigate to extensions.gnome.org && switch the toggle ON
sourcegit clone https://github.com/material-shell/material-shell.git && cd material-shell && make install

(We appreciate package maintainers! If you would like to make a package available for your distro please submit a PR so it can be added here!)

  1. Reload GNOME Shell:
    • On X.org: Hit Alt+F2 and type the command r
    • On Wayland: Log out and back in
  2. Open gnome-tweaks and activate the Material Shell extension OR enable it using
gnome-extensions enable material-shell@papyelgringo

Recommended Additional Configuration

For Multi Monitor with different scaling factor to work properly

You need to enable Wayland Fractionnal Scaling capabilities with:

gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "['scale-monitor-framebuffer']"

Note that it current have the downside to make XWayland window to possibly become blurry

Reset Material Shell

Reset the Material Shell persistent state

If you have some weird behavior or a degradation over time, it can be a good idea to try to reset the Material Shell state.

  1. Open Looking Glass tool by pressing Alt + F2 and type lg
  2. Copy and paste the command global.set_persistent_state('material-shell-state',new GLib.Variant('s', '{}'));
  3. Reload the shell by either pressing Alt + F2 and type r (does not work on Wayland), or log out and then log in again.

Reset the Material Shell settings

If you want to discard all the changes of Material Shell settings and reset to default (Including keybindings)

  1. Open a terminal and copy/paste dconf reset -f /org/gnome/shell/extensions/materialshell/

Uninstallation 😢

We're sad to see you go. Before you uninstall, leave us some feedback by opening an issue - it will be very helpful in improving Material Shell.

  1. Open gnome-tweaks and disable the Material Shell extension OR disable it using
gnome-extensions disable material-shell@papyelgringo
  1. Delete the extension directory.
rm -rf ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/material-shell@papyelgringo

if you miss the minimize and maximize button on windows titlebar you can restore them with

/usr/bin/gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout :minimize,maximize,close


The project is based on my earlier work on Material Awesome.

Crypto Funding

If you interested in funding the project throught crypto feel free to use:

Bitcoin 395nVybx6h6CC4sWgGGcvCDxwLvGMFhfiA

Ethereum 0x45360f24f03f2a8a964f7c083815336912cba837