

Tela Icon Theme

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A flat, colorful icon theme

Tela-dark Tela-light


If you like my project, you can buy me a coffee:

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Usage: ./install.sh [OPTIONS...] [COLOR VARIANTS...]

-aInstall all color versions
-cInstall colorscheme version for KDE plasma(folder color follow colorscheme)
-dSpecify theme destination directory (Default: $HOME/.local/share/icons)
-nSpecify theme name (Default: Tela)
-r, -uRemove/uninstall icon themes (Default: all installed)
-hShow this help
standardStandard color folder version
blackBlack color folder version
blueBlue color folder version
brownBrown color folder version
greenGreen color folder version
greyGrey color folder version
orangeOrange color folder version
pinkPink color folder version
purplePurple color folder version
redRed color folder version
yellowyellow color folder version
manjaroManjaro default color folder version
ubuntuUbuntu default color folder version
nordNord color folder version

By default, only the standard one is selected.

On Snapcraft

<a href="https://snapcraft.io/tela-icons"> <img alt="Get it from the Snap Store" src="https://snapcraft.io/static/images/badges/en/snap-store-black.svg" /> </a>

You can install the theme from the Snap Store оr by running:

sudo snap install tela-icons

To connect the theme to an app run:

sudo snap connect [other snap]:icon-themes tela-icons:icon-themes

On Gentoo Linux

First, you can add Beatussum's overlay by using Layman:

layman --list
layman --add  beatussum-overlay
layman --sync beatussum-overlay

And install the x11-themes/tela-icon-theme package.