

<div align="center"> <img src="assets/logo.png" alt="AutoMate, made by PGS Software" /> <br /> <img src="assets/made-with-love-by-PGS.png" /> <p> <b>AutoMate</b> &bull; <a href="https://github.com/PGSSoft/AutoMate-AppBuddy">AppBuddy</a> &bull; <a href="https://github.com/PGSSoft/AutoMate-Templates">Templates</a> &bull; <a href="https://github.com/PGSSoft/AutoMate-ModelGenie">ModelGenie</a> </p> </div>


AutoMate is a Swift framework containing a set of helpful XCTest extensions for writing UI automation tests. It provides strongly typed, extensible wrapper around launch arguments and environment variables, which can be used for language, locale and keyboard type configuration on the device. With the AutoMate-AppBuddy it can also disable animations in the application and manage events, reminders and contacts.

Swift 5 Travis CocoaPods Compatible Documentation Carthage Compatible SwiftPM Compatible Platform License



There are three convinient ways to install AutoMate:


Full documentation is available at https://pgssoft.github.io/AutoMate/.

  1. Create a new UI test case class.

  2. Import AutoMate framework to UI tests files:

    import AutoMate
  3. Use TestLauncher in the setup() method to configure application settings and launch the application:

    let app = XCUIApplication()
    TestLauncher(options: [
        SystemLanguages([.English, .German]),
        SystemLocale(language: .English, country: .Canada),
        SoftwareKeyboards([.EnglishCanada, .GermanGermany])
  4. Use AutoMate's extensions in your tests. For example:

    func testSomething() {
        let app = XCUIApplication()
        let button = app.button.element
        // helper for waiting until element is visible
        waitForVisibleElement(button, timeout: 20)
        // isVisible - helper to check that element both exists and is hittable

Features (or ToDo)

Example application

Repository contains example application under AutoMateExample directory. Structure of the application is simple, but the project contains extensive suite of UI tests to showcase capabilities of the library.


Full documentation is available at https://pgssoft.github.io/AutoMate/.

If you want to provide your custom launch argument or launch environment you have to implement LaunchOption protocol or one of its extensions, such as LaunchArgumentWithSingleValue:

enum CustomParameter: String, LaunchArgumentWithSingleValue, LaunchArgumentValue {
    var key: String {
        return "AppParameter"
    case value1
    case value2

Then, you can pass it to the TestBuilder:

let launcher = TestLauncher(options: [


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/PGSSoft/AutoMate.


The project is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


The project maintained by software development agency PGS Software. See our other open-source projects or contact us to develop your product.

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