


This is a Visual Basic SourceGenerator built for generating strongly-typed references to controls with x:Name (or just Name) attributes declared in XAML (or, in .axaml). The source generator will look for the xaml (or axaml) file with the same name as your partial Visual Basic class that is a subclass of Avalonia.INamed and parses the XAML markup, finds all XAML tags with x:Name attributes and generates the Visual Basic code.

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NuGet version (Nukepayload2.SourceGenerators.AvaloniaUI)

The VB template pack has been released! It uses this source generator in project templates.

VB-specific features

System requirements

Minimum requirements

Highest tested environment

Avalonia compatibility

Package 1.0.0 and its prerelease versions

It's guaranteed to be compatible with 11.0.9. Other versions may work, but they are not tested.

How to use it

Install the Nukepayload2.SourceGenerators.AvaloniaUI package to a VB Avalonia project.

You can use demo projects as your project template collection. If you need to create a new project, just copy a demo project to your solution, then install the Nukepayload2.SourceGenerators.AvaloniaUI package.



Embedded 3rd-party components: