

Avalonia VB Templates for dotnet new

For more information about dotnet new templates see here.

Installing the templates

Dev packages

Run install-dev-templates.ps1

Install from NuGet

NuGet version (Nukepayload2.Templates.Avalonia)

Run from a command line (.NET 7+):

dotnet new install Nukepayload2.Templates.Avalonia

For .NET 6, the argument is --install:

dotnet new --install Nukepayload2.Templates.Avalonia

The templates should now be available in dotnet new list:

Template Name                        Short Name                 Language  Tags
-----------------------------------  -------------------------  --------  -----------------------------------------
Avalonia .NET App                    avalonia.app.vb               VB     Desktop/Xaml/Avalonia/Windows/Linux/macOS
Avalonia .NET MVVM App               avalonia.mvvm.vb              VB	  Desktop/Xaml/Avalonia/Windows/Linux/macOS
Avalonia UserControl                 avalonia.usercontrol.vb       VB	  Desktop/Xaml/Avalonia/Windows/Linux/macOS
Avalonia Window                      avalonia.window.vb            VB	  Desktop/Xaml/Avalonia/Windows/Linux/macOS
Avalonia TemplatedControl            avalonia.templatedcontrol.vb  VB	  Desktop/Xaml/Avalonia/Windows/Linux/macOS

The "Avalonia Cross Platform Application" template is not planned to be converted to VB. Because it has some limitations in pure VB solutions. It's recommended to create the Android and iOS parts with C# templates and use VB in other parts.

Avalonia compatibility

Package 1.0.0 and its prerelease versions

It's guaranteed to be compatible with 11.0.9. Other versions may work, but they are not tested.