

Learning Representations on the Unit Sphere: Application to Online Continual Learning

This repository is the official implementation of our paper "Learning Representations on the Unit Sphere: Application to Online Continual Learning". This paper has been accepted in the AAAI 2024.

Method illustration

Our techniques fixes means direction on the unit sphere for continual training illustrated here.

Project structure

├── README.md
├── config
│   ├── all                 # All config files used to train the methods are here
│   └── parser.py           # Argument parser
├── illustration.png
├── main.py                 # Entrypoint of the project
├── requirements.txt        
├── results                 # results will be stored here as .csv
├── src                     # all the useful code is here
│   ├── buffers             
│   │   ├── buffer.py
│   │   ├── logits_res.py
│   │   └── reservoir.py
│   ├── datasets
│   ├── learners            # All methods are implemented here and inherit from base.py
│   │   ├── base.py
│   │   ├── baselines
│   │   │   ├── agem.py
│   │   │   ├── derpp.py
│   │   │   ├── dvc.py
│   │   │   ├── er.py
│   │   │   ├── er_ace.py
│   │   │   ├── gdumb.py
│   │   │   ├── lump.py
│   │   │   ├── ocm.py
│   │   │   └── scr.py
│   │   ├── ce.py
│   │   └── fd.py
│   ├── models
│   │   └── resnet.py
│   └── utils
│       ├── data.py
│       ├── losses.py       # Losses are implemented here
│       ├── metrics.py
│       ├── name_match.py   # Correspondance between learner, buffer and naming conventions
│       ├── tensorboard.py
│       └── utils.py
└── sweeps                  # Sweep configurations for HP search


It is recommended to use a virtualenv or docker to run this code. Corresponding dependencies can be found in requirements.txt. In you use pip you can run pip install -r requirements.txt to install required packages.


Command line usage of the current repository is described here.

usage: main.py [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--train] [--test] [--epochs N]
               [--start-epoch N] [-b BATCH_SIZE] [--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE]
               [--momentum M] [--weight-decay W] [--optim {Adam,SGD}] [--save-ckpt]
               [--seed SEED] [--tag TAG] [--tb-root TB_ROOT] [--logs-root LOGS_ROOT]
               [--results-root RESULTS_ROOT] [--tensorboard] [--verbose]
               [--ckpt-root CKPT_ROOT] [--resume] [--model-state MODEL_STATE]
               [--buffer-state BUFFER_STATE] [--head HEAD] [--proj-dim PROJ_DIM]
               [--nb-channels NB_CHANNELS] [--eval-proj] [--pretrained]
               [--supervised] [--dim-int DIM_INT] [-nf NF]
               [--data-root-dir DATA_ROOT_DIR] [--min-crop MIN_CROP]
               [--dataset {mnist,fmnist,cifar10,cifar100,tiny,sub,yt}]
               [--training-type {uni,inc,blurry}] [--n-classes N_CLASSES]
               [--img-size IMG_SIZE] [--num-workers NUM_WORKERS] [--n-tasks N_TASKS]
               [--labels-order LABELS_ORDER [LABELS_ORDER ...]]
               [--blurry-scale BLURRY_SCALE] [--temperature T] [--mem-size MEM_SIZE]
               [--mem-batch-size MEM_BATCH_SIZE] [--buffer BUFFER]
               [--drop-method {random}] [--mem-iters MEM_ITERS] [--learner LEARNER]
               [--debug] [--eval-mem] [--eval-random] [--lab-pc LAB_PC]
               [--n-runs N_RUNS] [--start-seed START_SEED] [--run-id RUN_ID]
               [--kornia] [--no-kornia] [--n-augs N_AUGS] [--tf-type {full,partial}]
               [--var VAR] [--fd-loss FD_LOSS] [-mu MU] [--derpp-alpha DERPP_ALPHA]
               [--derpp-beta DERPP_BETA] [--no-wandb] [--wandb-watch] [--sweep]

Pytorch UCL, with tensorboard logs.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG       Path to the configuration file for the training to launch.
  --epochs N            number of total epochs to run
  --start-epoch N       manual epoch number (useful on restarts)
  -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                        mini-batch size (default: 10)
  --learning-rate LEARNING_RATE, -lr LEARNING_RATE
                        Initial learning rate
  --momentum M          momentum
  --weight-decay W, --wd W
                        weight decay (default: 0)
  --optim {Adam,SGD}
  --save-ckpt           whether to save chekpoints or not
  --seed SEED           Random seed to use.
  --tag TAG, -t TAG     Base name for graphs and checkpoints
  --tb-root TB_ROOT     Where do you want tensorboards graphs ?
  --logs-root LOGS_ROOT
                        Defalt root folder for writing logs.
  --results-root RESULTS_ROOT
                        Where you want to save the results ?
  --ckpt-root CKPT_ROOT
                        Directory where to save the model.
  --resume, -r          Resume old training. Setup model state and buffer state.
  --model-state MODEL_STATE
  --buffer-state BUFFER_STATE
  --head HEAD
  --proj-dim PROJ_DIM
  --nb-channels NB_CHANNELS
                        Number of channels for the input image.
  --eval-proj           Use projection for inference. (default is representation.)
  --pretrained          Use a pretrained model if available.
  --supervised          Pseudo labels or true labels ?
  --dim-int DIM_INT
  -nf NF                Number of feature for Resnet18. Set nf=20 for reduced
                        resnet18, nf=64 for full.
  --data-root-dir DATA_ROOT_DIR
                        Root dir containing the dataset to train on.
  --min-crop MIN_CROP   Minimum size for cropping in data augmentation. range (0-1)
  --dataset {mnist,fmnist,cifar10,cifar100,tiny,sub,yt}, -d {mnist,fmnist,cifar10,cifar100,tiny,sub,yt}
                        Dataset to train on
  --training-type {uni,inc,blurry}
                        How to feed the data to the network (incremental context or
  --n-classes N_CLASSES
                        Number of classes in database.
  --img-size IMG_SIZE   Size of the square input image
  --num-workers NUM_WORKERS, -w NUM_WORKERS
                        Number of workers to use for dataloader.
  --n-tasks N_TASKS     How many tasks do you want ?
  --labels-order LABELS_ORDER [LABELS_ORDER ...]
                        In which order to you want to see the labels ? Random if not
  --blurry-scale BLURRY_SCALE
  --temperature T       temperature parameter for softmax
  --mem-size MEM_SIZE   Memory size for continual learning
  --mem-batch-size MEM_BATCH_SIZE, -mbs MEM_BATCH_SIZE
                        How many images do you want to retrieve from the memory/ltm
  --buffer BUFFER       What buffer do you want ? See available buffers in
  --drop-method {random}
                        How to drop images from memory when adding new ones.
  --mem-iters MEM_ITERS
                        Number of iterations on memory
  --learner LEARNER     What learner do you want ? See list of available learners in
  --lab-pc LAB_PC       Number of labeled images per class to use in unsupervised
  --n-runs N_RUNS       Number of runs, with different seeds each time.
  --start-seed START_SEED
                        First seed to use.
  --run-id RUN_ID       Id of the current run in multi run.
  --n-augs N_AUGS
  --tf-type {full,partial}
                        Data augmentation sequence to use.
  --var VAR             Variance for fd loss. kappa=1/var for VMF and kappa=1/2*var
                        for AGD.
  --fd-loss FD_LOSS     vmf or agd loss
  -mu MU                mu value for FD model.
  --derpp-alpha DERPP_ALPHA
                        Values of alpha un der++ loss
  --derpp-beta DERPP_BETA
                        Values of beta un der++ loss
  --wandb-watch         Watch the models gradient and parameters into wandb (can be
  --sweep               Run the code with sweep for HP search.


Command line only

Training can be done by specifying parameters in command line, for example:

python main.py --results-root ./results/tiny/ --data-root /data/dataset/torchvision --learner FD --dataset tiny --batch-size 10 --fd-loss agd --optim Adam --learning-rate 0.0005

Using a configuration file (recommended)

When using a configuration file, parameters specified in the .yaml cannot be overriten by command line arguments. However, other parameters like --data-root can be adapted to the users' need.

python main.py --data-root /Volumes/SSD2/data/dataset/torchvision --config config/all/ER,cifar10,m1000mbs64sbs10,blurry1500.yaml

output example

Output of the command above should contain performances like this.

root - INFO - --------------------FORGETTING--------------------
root - INFO - ncm     0.0000   nan      nan      nan      nan      0.0000
root - INFO - ncm     0.2885   0.0000   nan      nan      nan      0.2885
root - INFO - ncm     0.2935   0.2225   0.0000   nan      nan      0.2580
root - INFO - ncm     0.4615   0.3190   0.0370   0.0000   nan      0.2725
root - INFO - ncm     0.5815   0.2155   0.1795   0.0250   0.0000   0.2504
root - INFO - --------------------ACCURACY--------------------
root - INFO - ncm     0.7750   nan      nan      nan      nan      0.7750
root - INFO - ncm     0.4865   0.5260   nan      nan      nan      0.5062
root - INFO - ncm     0.4815   0.3035   0.5150   nan      nan      0.4333
root - INFO - ncm     0.3135   0.2070   0.4780   0.2875   nan      0.3215
root - INFO - ncm     0.1935   0.3105   0.3355   0.2625   0.3045   0.2813


#https://github.com/vlomonaco/core50# CIFAR10 and CIFAR100

These datasets are automatically downloaded if not present.




Download cropped_128x128_images.zipfrom the official website or do run:

    wget http://bias.csr.unibo.it/maltoni/download/core50/core50_128x128.zip

then exatract and rename make the changes so that you have the following file architecture:

├── test
│   ├── s10
│   ├── s3
│   └── s7
└── train
    ├── s1
    ├── s11
    ├── s2
    ├── s4
    ├── s5
    ├── s6
    ├── s8
    └── s9


  author       = {Nicolas Michel and
                  Giovanni Chierchia and
                  Romain Negrel and
                  Jean{-}Fran{\c{c}}ois Bercher},
  title        = {Learning Representations on the Unit Sphere: Investigating Angular
                  Gaussian and Von Mises-Fisher Distributions for Online Continual Learning},
  booktitle    = {Thirty-Eighth {AAAI} Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
  pages        = {14350--14358},
  year         = {2024},