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A command line tool to build & watch MiniProgram. Not a Framework, just a tool.

小程序命令行构建工具。 不是开发框架,只是自动化的增强工具和开发流程。

template project 模板项目

task flow

注: 自动预览功能需要安装微信开发工具并打开端口设置

使用 Usage

立即尝试 quick start

查看全部命令 show all commands (需要 npm >= 5.2)

npx miniprogram-build -h

作为开发依赖项 install as devDependence

npm i miniprogram-build -D

命令参数 CLI

miniprogram-build [command...] [--option]

Short Alias [短名称]: mpmp-build

命令 Commands:

dev         build and watch <构建和检测文件修改>
init        create config file <创建配置文件>
build       clean and compile <清理和编译所有文件>
watch       watch file changes <监测文件变化>
compile     compile all source files to dist <编译所有源文件>
clean       remove all files in dist <清理dist>

upload      upload current project <上传项目>
open        open project in devtool <打开项目>
autopreview auto-preview project <当前项目发布自动预览>
close       close dist in Wechat devtool <开发工具中关闭项目>
quit        quit Wechat devtool <退出微信开发工具>

js          compile ts/js files to `.js` <编译生成js>
wxs         compile wxts/wxs files to `.wxs` <编译生成wxs>
wxss        compile scss/sass/css/wxss to `.wxss` <编译生成wxss>
wxml        compile html/wxml files to `.wxml` <编译生成wxml>
json        compile all json/jsonc files to `.json` <编译生成json>
image       compresse all images in source to dist <压缩所有图片>
copy        copy all files match `copy` to dist <复制需要复制的文件>
npm         build npm dependencies to dist <编译npm依赖>

参数 Options:

  --version     show version number <查看本版号>                       [boolean]
  --production  production mode <发布模式会优化压缩>  [boolean] [default: false]
  --src         source folder <源文件目录>           [string] [default: "src"]
  --dist        output folder <编译输出目录>        [string] [default: "dist"]
  --exclude     ignored files <编译忽略文件(夹)>                         [array]
  --tsconfig    typescript config file <TS配置,未设置会自动查找tsconfig.json>
  --copy        files to copy <复制的文件>
  --assets      assets folder under src/ for compling style, wont put to dist
                                                    [string] [default: "assets"]
  --var         KEY value pair to replace in js/json <替换JS和JSON中的变量>
  -c, --config  JSON config file <配置置文件,命令参数优先级高于配置>
  -h, --help    show help <显示帮助信息>                               [boolean]

例子 examples

npx miniprogram-build --config=config.dev.json

如果 production 参数未指定, 环境变量中 NODE_ENV 为 productionprod时同样置为 true

npx miniprogram-build build --config=./config.prod.json --production
npx miniprogram-build compile --var.APP_ID=1234567

默认配置文件 default config

    "production": false,
    "src": "src",
    "dist": "dist",
    "assets": "assets",
    "copy": "",
    "exclude": [],
    "tsconfig": "tsconfig.json",
    "var": {
        "APP_ID": "all {{APP_ID}} in json/ts files will replaced by this value"


npx miniprogram-build init

完整命令和参数 commands & options

commands & options




test examples

see test

npm i
npm start

[21:31:41] config: v0.0.0 load config .mpconfig.jsonc
[21:31:41] 0.clean: dist
[21:31:41] ↓↓↓↓↓↓ start compile: src → dist ↓↓↓↓↓↓
[21:31:42] 3.wxss: [►] app.scss → app.wxss
[21:31:42] 4.json: [►] app.jsonc → app.json
[21:31:42] replace: √ {{APP_ID}} → 123456 (app.json)
[21:31:42] 5.typescript: [►] app.ts → app.js
[21:31:42] replace: √ {{APP_ID}} → 123456 (app.ts)
[21:31:42] inline: assets\images\arrow-up.svg → (app.css)
[21:31:42] 6.image: icons\uEA01-arrow-down.svg  (saved 586 B - 76.8%)
[21:31:42] 2.npm: [►] <miniprogram-image(component)> → miniprogram_npm\miniprogram-image\index.js
[21:31:42] 2.npm: [►] <miniprogram-network> → miniprogram_npm\miniprogram-network\index.js
[21:31:42] 1.wxts: [►] wxs\comm.wxts → wxs\comm.wxs
[21:31:42] 7.javascript: [►] lib\t.js → lib\t.js
[21:31:42] replace: √ {{APP_ID}} → 123456 (lib\t.js)
[21:31:42] 3.wxss: [►] pages\index\index.scss → pages\index\index.wxss
[21:31:42] 5.typescript: [►] lib\test.ts → lib\test.js
[21:31:42] 2.npm: [►] <miniprogram-image(component)> → miniprogram_npm\miniprogram-image\index.json
[21:31:42] 1.wxts: [►] wxs\x.wxts → wxs\x.wxs
[21:31:42] 4.json: [√] app.json (40 B)
[21:31:42] 6.image: √ All 1 file done! (177 B)[1.06秒]
[21:31:42] 5.typescript: [►] pages\index\index.ts → pages\index\index.js
[21:31:44] 7.javascript: [√] lib\t.js (286 B)
[21:31:44] 2.npm: [►] <miniprogram-image(component)> → miniprogram_npm\miniprogram-image\index.wxml
[21:31:44] 3.wxss: [√] app.wxss (1.02 kB)
[21:31:44] 8.wxml: [√] pages\index\index.wxml (360 B)
[21:31:44] 2.npm: [►] <miniprogram-image(component)> → miniprogram_npm\miniprogram-image\index.wxss
[21:31:44] 3.wxss: [√] pages\index\index.wxss (562 B)
[21:31:44] 3.wxss: √ All 2 files done! (1.59 kB)[2.44秒]
[21:31:44] 5.typescript: [√] app.js.map (431 B)
[21:31:44] 5.typescript: [√] app.js (269 B)
[21:31:44] 2.npm: √<miniprogram-image(component)> All 4 files done! (6.99 kB)[2.05秒]
[21:31:44] 5.typescript: [√] lib\test.js.map (162 B)
[21:31:44] 5.typescript: [√] lib\test.js (130 B)
[21:31:44] 5.typescript: [√] pages\index\index.js.map (235 B)
[21:31:44] 5.typescript: [√] pages\index\index.js (178 B)
[21:31:44] 5.typescript: √ All 6 files done! (1.41 kB)[2.19秒]
[21:31:44] replace: √ {{APP_ID}} → 123456 (wxs\comm.wxs)
[21:31:44] 1.wxts: [√] wxs\comm.wxs (16.2 kB)
[21:31:44] 2.npm: √<miniprogram-network> All 1 file done! (28.3 kB)[2.48秒]
[21:31:44] 1.wxts: [√] wxs\x.wxs (66 B)
[21:31:44] 1.wxts: √ All 2 files done! (16.3 kB)[2.52秒]
[21:31:44] ↑↑↑↑↑↑ √ All compilation tasks done! ↑↑↑↑↑↑