


A swift library for fast read and write CSV file. This library supports all Apple platform and Linux.

Carthage compatible Plafrom

List to do



Swift Package Manager(Support Ubuntu)

If you want to use this package on Ubuntu, you shounld install with Swift Package Manager

In Package.swift file

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  name: "YourProject",
  dependencies: [
    .Package(url: "https://github.com/Nero5023/CSVParser",
        majorVersion: 1),

Run command

$ swift build


To integrate CSVParser into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "Nero5023/CSVParser" ~> 2.0.0

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built CSVParser.framework into your Xcode project.



let csv = try CSVParser(filePath: "path/to/csvfile")

//catch error
do {
	let csv = try CSVParser(filePath: "path/to/csvfile")
}catch {
	// Error handing

// Custom delimiter
do {
	let csv = try CSVParser(filePath: "path/to/csvfile", delimiter: ";")
}catch {
	// Error handing

// init from elements
let csv = try CSVParser(elements: [["a", "b", "c"], ["1", "2", "3"]])

Read data

do {
	let csv = try CSVParser(filePath: "path/to/csvfile")
	// get every row in csv
	for row in csv {
        print(row) // ["first column", "sceond column", "third column"]
    // get row by int subscript 
    csv[10] // the No.10 row
    // get column by string subscript
    csv["id"] // column with header key "id" 
}catch {
	// Error handing

Write data

do {
	let csv = try CSVParser(filePath: "path/to/csvfile")
	// get every row in csv
	csv[0] = ["test0", "test1", "test2"]
	csv.wirite(toFilePath: "path/to/destination/file")
}catch {
	// Error handing


// get row by int subscript 
csv[10] // the No.10 row
// get column by string subscript
csv["id"] // column with header key "id" 

Get dictionary elements

for dic in csv.enumeratedWithDic() {
	print(dic) // dic is [String: String]	


The result json type is [{"header0": "a","header1": "b"},{"header0": "a", "header1": "b"}]

do {
	let jsonStr = try csv.toJSON()
}catch {
	// Error handing

JSON to CSV string

Now only support this json type [{"header0": "a","header1": "b"},{"header0": "a", "header1": "b"}]

do {
	let csvString = try CSVParser.jsonToCSVString(jsonData: jsonData) // jsonData is the Data type ot json
}catch {
	// Error handing