


Barcode rendering library for LÖVE, based on Zanstra's JS implementation (code128.js).


You can simply download the bar128.lua file from the GitHub repository and include it in your LÖVE project.


Here's an example of how to use the library in a LÖVE program:

local Barcode = require("bar128")

function love.load()
    -- Create a new Barcode object with the code "12345"
    barcode = Barcode("12345")

function love.draw()
    -- Draw the barcode at position (100, 100)
    barcode:draw('notext', 100, 100)

This example will render a barcode with the code "12345" at position (100, 100).

Public Methods


Barcode(code: string|number, barHeight: number, barWidth: number, barcodeType: 'A'|'B'|'C'): Barcode

Creates a new Barcode object with the specified parameters:


draw(text: 'notext'|'text', x: number, y: number)

Draws the barcode on the screen.

ℹ️ Note that the X/Y position accounts for the initial 'quiet zone' of the barcode.

Getters and Setters

getCode(): string|number

Returns the current barcode value.

setCode(code: string|number, barcodeType: 'A'|'B'|'C')

Changes the barcode's value.

⚠️ Warning: changing the value causes the barcode to be re-parsed internally. Don't use this too often.

getBarWidth(): number

Returns the current bar width.

setBarWidth(width: number)

Changes the base width of bars.

getBarHeight(): number

Returns the current barcode height.

setBarHeight(height: number)

Changes the barcode's height.

getFullWidth(): number

Returns total width of the barcode.

getFullSize(): number, number

Returns total size of the barcode.

⚠️ Warning: the result of getFullWidth gets cached, so the first invocation after setCode or setBarWidth will take slightly longer. getFullSize also uses getFullWidth under the hood.


This library is licensed under the MIT License. See the bar128.lua file for details.