



Lib-Action is a library for easy storing and accessing actions (EventHandler<ActionEvent>) in a JavaFX & Maven desktop application.

Image: UML Lib-Action

The UML diagram is created with the Online Modeling Platform GenMyModel.

Current version is 0.6.0 (01.28.2018 / MM.dd.yyyy).


Examples<a name="Examples" />

How to register, use and access an action<a name="HoToReUsAnAcAnAc" />

This example shows how an action can be registered with an actionId and how to trigger the action and receive the event.

public class ApplicationPresenter ... {
    // Register an action with the actionId ACTION__APPLICATION__OPEN_EXERCISE
    private void registerOnActionOpenExercise() {
        LoggerFacade.getDefault().debug(this.getClass(), "Register on action open [Exercise]"); // NOI18N
                (ActionEvent event) -> {
                    final TransferData transferData = (TransferData) event.getSource();
                    final Optional<Long> exerciseId = transferData.getLong();
                    if (exerciseId.isPresent() {
    // The above defined action will be executed when a user click on the exericse
    // in the navigation.
    private void initializeNavigationTabTopics() {
        lvFoundedNavigationEntities.setOnMouseClicked(event -> {
            if (
                    event.getClickCount() == 2
                    && !lvFoundedNavigationEntities.getSelectionModel().isEmpty()
            ) {
                final NavigationEntity navigationEntity = lvFoundedNavigationEntities.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
                final long exerciseId = navigationEntity.getNavigation().getEntityId();

                final TransferData transferData = TransferDataBuilder.create()

public interface IActionConfiguration {

Usage from the builder TransferDataBuilder<a name="UsFrTheBuTr" />

The interface TransferData is a simple readonly POJO to store optional values in an ActionEvent. An implementation from this interface can be generated with the builder class TransferDataBuilder.
The following code snippet shows how to use the TransferDataBuilder to generate an instance from the interface TransferData:

TransferDataBuilderAllowedSteps() {
    The TransferDataBuilder creates an TransferData which can be used to store
    additional data in an ActionEvent.
     - The attribute 'actionId' is mandory. The attribute is needed to identify
       the associated EventHandler which fires the ActionEvent.
     - All other attributes are optional. If not set then Optional<T>.empty()
       will returned.
     - Exception is the method 'disableLogging()' which allowed the developer
       to disable the logging from the 'TransferData' during the ActionEvent.
    final TransferData transferData = TransferDataBuilder.create()
            .actionId("actionId")                 // mandory (NOT NULL && NOT EMPTY)
            .disableLogging()                     // optional (if used, then the logging is disabled)
            .booleanValue(Boolean.FALSE)          // optional
            .characterValue(Character.MIN_VALUE)  // optional
            .doubleValue(Double.NaN)              // optional
            .integerValue(Integer.MIN_VALUE)      // optional
            .longValue(Long.MIN_VALUE)            // optional
            .objectValue(new Point())             // optional
            .stringValue("value")                 // optional
            .responseActionId("responseActionId") // optional
    Examples from diffrent combinations with the builder.
     - The mandory attribute 'actionId' is the first attribute after the 
       method create().
     - The sequence from all optinal attributes aren't fixed.
     - If one optional attribute used twice or more then the last usage will 
       be stored.

Additional informations

Usage from the interface Registerable<a name="UsFrThInReAb" />

In this example we will see how to use the method register() from the interface Registerable.

public class ApplicationPresenter implements Registerable ... {
    public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
        // This method will be executed during the initialization from the class 
        // ApplicationPresenter. So all methods from this method will be executed 
        // during the initialization.
    public void register() {
        LoggerFacade.getDefault().debug(this.getClass(), "Register actions in [ApplicationPresenter]"); // NOI18N
    private void registerOnActionOpenTerm() {
        LoggerFacade.getDefault().debug(this.getClass(), "Register on action open [Term]"); // NOI18N
                (ActionEvent event) -> {
                    final TransferData transferData = (TransferData) event.getSource();
                    final Optional<Long> entityId = transferData.getLong();
                    if (entityId.isPresent()) {

Api<a name="Api" />

com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandlerFacade<a name="AcHaFa" />

 * The facade {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandlerFacade} 
 * provides access to the default {@code Implementation} from the methods in the 
 * {@code Interface} {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandler}.
 * @author Naoghuman
 * @see    com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandler
public final class ActionHandlerFacade implements ActionHandler
 * Returns a singleton instance from the class {@code ActionHandlerFacade}.
 * @return a singleton instance from the class {@code ActionHandlerFacade}.
public static final ActionHandlerFacade getDefault()

com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandler<a name="AcHa" />

 * With this interface the developer have access to all methods in context from 
 * store, access and manage {@link javafx.event.EventHandler}s mapped to a specific 
 * {@code actionId}.
 * The implementation from this interface {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.internal.DefaultActionHandler}
 * can be access over the facade {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandlerFacade}.
 * @author Naoghuman
 * @see    com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandlerFacade
 * @see    com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.internal.DefaultActionHandler
 * @see    javafx.event.EventHandler
public interface ActionHandler
 * Fires an {@link javafx.event.ActionEvent} with the associated {@code actionId}.
 * <p>
 * <b>Hint:</b><br>
 * The {@code actionId} and its associated {@link javafx.event.EventHandler} 
 * must registered before during the method 
 * {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandler#register(java.lang.String, javafx.event.EventHandler)}.
 * @param actionId The actionId which allowed access to the assoziated action.
 * @see            com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandler#register(java.lang.String, javafx.event.EventHandler) 
 * @see            javafx.event.ActionEvent
 * @see            javafx.event.EventHandler
public void handle(final String actionId);
 * Fires an {@link javafx.event.ActionEvent} with the associated {@code actionId} 
 * and the given parameter {@code value}.
 * <p>
 * Internal the parameter {@code data} will be stored in a 
 * {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData}. The data can 
 * be access via:<br>
 * public void handleOnAction(ActionEvent event) {<br>
 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;final TransferData transferData = (TransferData) event.getSource();<br>
 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;final long data = transferData.getLong();<br>
 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&frasl; &frasl; do anything with the data<br>
 * }
 * <p>
 * <b>Hint:</b><br>
 * The {@code actionId} and its associated {@link javafx.event.EventHandler} 
 * must before registered during the method 
 * {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandler#register(java.lang.String, javafx.event.EventHandler)}.
 * @param actionId The actionId which allowed access to the assoziated action.
 * @param value    The long parameter which should be stored and transfered by this event.
 * @see            com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandler#register(java.lang.String, javafx.event.EventHandler)
 * @see            com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData
 * @see            javafx.event.ActionEvent
 * @see            javafx.event.EventHandler
public void handle(String actionId, long value);
 * Fires an {@link javafx.event.ActionEvent} with the associated {@code actionId} 
 * defined in the {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData}.
 * <p>
 * The {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData} will be 
 * stored in the executed {@code ActionEvent} and can reached with the method 
 * {@code event.getSource(): Object} in the overriden {@code ActionEvent}.
 * <p>
 * <b>Hint:</b><br>
 * The {@code actionId} and its associated {@link javafx.event.EventHandler} 
 * must before registered during the method 
 * {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandler#register(java.lang.String, javafx.event.EventHandler)}.
 * @param transferData A {@code TransferData} which contains the actionId and additional parameters.
 * @see                com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandler#register(java.lang.String, javafx.event.EventHandler)
 * @see                com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData
 * @see                javafx.event.ActionEvent
 * @see                javafx.event.EventHandler
public void handle(final TransferData transferData);
 * Fires an {@link javafx.event.ActionEvent} for every {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData} 
 * with the associated {@code actionId} in the specific {@code TransferData}.
 * <p>
 * The {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData} will be 
 * stored in the executed {@code ActionEvent} and can reached with the method 
 * {@code event.getSource(): Object} in the overriden {@code ActionEvent}.
 * <p>
 * <b>Hint:</b><br>
 * All {@code actionId}s and its associated {@link javafx.event.EventHandler} 
 * must before registered during the method 
 * {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandler#register(java.lang.String, javafx.event.EventHandler)}.
 * @param transferDatas A List with {@code TransferData} which contains the actionIds and additional parameters.
 * @see                 com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandler#register(java.lang.String, javafx.event.EventHandler)
 * @see                 com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData
 * @see                 javafx.event.ActionEvent
 * @see                 javafx.event.EventHandler
public void handle(final ObservableList<TransferData> transferDatas);
 * Checks if the specific {@code actionId} is registered.
 * @param actionId The actionId which should be check if it is exists.
 * @return         {@code true} if the actionId (with associated EventHandler) 
 *                 is registered, otherwise {@code false}.
public boolean isRegistered(final String actionId);
 * Register an {@link javafx.event.EventHandler} with the specific {@code actionId}.
 * @param actionId     The actionId which allowed access to the associated EventHandler.
 * @param eventHandler The assoziated EventHandler which should be registered.
 * @return             {@code true} if the EventHandler is registered, otherwise {@code false}.
 * @see                javafx.event.EventHandler
public boolean register(final String actionId, final EventHandler<ActionEvent> eventHandler);
 * Removes the {@link javafx.event.EventHandler} with the specific specific 
 * {@code actionId}.
 * @param actionId The actionId which should be removed with the associated EventHandler.
 * @return         {@code true} if the EventHandler is removed, otherwise {@code false}.
 * @see            javafx.event.EventHandler
public boolean remove(final String actionId);

com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferDataBuilder<a name="TrDaBu" />

 * With the builder class {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferDataBuilder} 
 * the developer can create an implementation from the {@code Interface} 
 * {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData}.
 * <ul>
 * <li>The first attribute {@code actionId} is mandory to identify the associated 
 * {@link javafx.event.EventHandler}.</li>
 * <li>All other attributes are optional, that means skipping them returned 
 * {@link java.util.Optional#empty()}</li>
 * <li>Exception is the method {@code disableLogging()} which allowed the developer
 * to disable the logging from the {@code TransferData} during the {@link javafx.event.ActionEvent}.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @author Naoghuman
 * @see    com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData
 * @see    com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferDataBuilder
 * @see    java.util.Optional
 * @see    javafx.event.ActionEvent
 * @see    javafx.event.EventHandler
public final class TransferDataBuilder
 * Starts the generation from an implementation from the {@code Interface} 
 * {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData}.
 * @return the first step ActionIdStep.
 * @see    com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData
public static final ActionIdStep create()
 * First step {@code Interface} {@code ActionIdStep}.
public interface ActionIdStep
 * Let the developer set the attribute {@code actionId} which is 
 * associated with an {@link javafx.event.EventHandler}.
 * <p>
 * This attribute is mandory and must {@code not NULL && not EMPTY}.
 * @param  actionId identifier for the associated EventHandler.
 * @return The next {@code Step} {@code Interface}.
 * @see    javafx.event.EventHandler
public Step actionId(final String actionId);
 * The {@code Interface} Step contains all optional attributes in the 
 * {@code Interface}  {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData} 
 * expected the last method {@code build()} in the chain which builds an 
 * {@code Implementation} from the interface {@code TransferData}.
 * @see com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData
public interface Step
 * Let the developer disable the logging from the {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData}
 * during the {@link javafx.event.ActionEvent}.
 * <p>
 * {@code Default} the logging is activated.
 * @return The next {@code Step} {@code Interface}.
 * @see    com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData
 * @see    javafx.event.ActionEvent
public Step disableLogging();
 * Let the developer define an optional {@link java.lang.Boolean} attribute {@code value}. 
 * <ul>
 * <li>If this method is used more then ones, then the last usage will be stored for the 
 * generation from the {@code Implementation}.</li>
 * <li>If not set then the {@code Implementation} from {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData}
 * will returned {@link java.util.Optional#empty()}.
 * </ul>
 * @param  value The {@code Boolean} value which should be stored.
 * @return The next {@code Step} {@code Interface}.
 * @see    java.lang.Boolean
 * @see    java.util.Optional
 * @see    com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData
public Step booleanValue(final Boolean value);
 * Let the developer define an optional {@link java.lang.Character} attribute {@code value}. 
 * <ul>
 * <li>If this method is used more then ones, then the last usage will be stored for the 
 * generation from the {@code Implementation}.</li>
 * <li>If not set then the {@code Implementation} from {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData}
 * will returned {@link java.util.Optional#empty()}.
 * </ul>
 * @param  value The {@code Character} value which should be stored.
 * @return The next {@code Step} {@code Interface}.
 * @see    java.lang.Character
 * @see    java.util.Optional
 * @see    com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData
public Step characterValue(final Character value);
 * Let the developer define an optional {@link java.lang.Double} attribute {@code value}. 
 * <ul>
 * <li>If this method is used more then ones, then the last usage will be stored for the 
 * generation from the {@code Implementation}.</li>
 * <li>If not set then the {@code Implementation} from {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData}
 * will returned {@link java.util.Optional#empty()}.
 * </ul>
 * @param  value The {@code Double} value which should be stored.
 * @return The next {@code Step} {@code Interface}.
 * @see    java.lang.Double
 * @see    java.util.Optional
 * @see    com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData
public Step doubleValue(final Double value);
 * Let the developer define an optional {@link java.lang.Integer} attribute {@code value}. 
 * <ul>
 * <li>If this method is used more then ones, then the last usage will be stored for the 
 * generation from the {@code Implementation}.</li>
 * <li>If not set then the {@code Implementation} from {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData}
 * will returned {@link java.util.Optional#empty()}.
 * </ul>
 * @param  value The {@code Integer} value which should be stored.
 * @return The next {@code Step} {@code Interface}.
 * @see    java.lang.Integer
 * @see    java.util.Optional
 * @see    com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData
public Step integerValue(final Integer value);
 * Let the developer define an optional {@link java.lang.Long} attribute {@code value}. 
 * <ul>
 * <li>If this method is used more then ones, then the last usage will be stored for the 
 * generation from the {@code Implementation}.</li>
 * <li>If not set then the {@code Implementation} from {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData}
 * will returned {@link java.util.Optional#empty()}.
 * </ul>
 * @param  value The {@code Long} value which should be stored.
 * @return The next {@code Step} {@code Interface}.
 * @see    java.lang.Long
 * @see    java.util.Optional
 * @see    com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData
public Step longValue(final Long value);
 * Let the developer define an optional {@link java.lang.Object} attribute {@code value}. 
 * <ul>
 * <li>If this method is used more then ones, then the last usage will be stored for the 
 * generation from the {@code Implementation}.</li>
 * <li>If not set then the {@code Implementation} from {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData}
 * will returned {@link java.util.Optional#empty()}.
 * </ul>
 * @param  value The {@code Object} value which should be stored.
 * @return The next {@code Step} {@code Interface}.
 * @see    java.lang.Object
 * @see    java.util.Optional
 * @see    com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData
public Step objectValue(final Object value);
 * Let the developer define an optional {@link java.lang.String} attribute {@code value}. 
 * <ul>
 * <li>If this method is used more then ones, then the last usage will be stored for the 
 * generation from the {@code Implementation}.</li>
 * <li>If not set then the {@code Implementation} from {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData}
 * will returned {@link java.util.Optional#empty()}.
 * </ul>
 * @param  value The {@code String} value which should be stored.
 * @return The next {@code Step} {@code Interface}.
 * @see    java.lang.String
 * @see    java.util.Optional
 * @see    com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData
public Step stringValue(final String value);
 * Let the developer define an optional {@link java.lang.String} attribute {@code responseActionId}. 
 * <ul>
 * <li>If set then the attribute can't be {@code NULL} or {@code EMPTY}.</li>
 * <li>If this method is used more then ones, then the last usage will be stored for the 
 * generation from the {@code Implementation}.</li>
 * <li>If not set then the {@code Implementation} from {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData}
 * will returned {@link java.util.Optional#empty()}.
 * </ul>
 * @param  responseActionId The {@code String} value which should be stored.
 * @return The next {@code Step} {@code Interface}.
 * @see    java.lang.String
 * @see    java.util.Optional
 * @see    com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData
public Step responseActionId(final String responseActionId);
 * Returns an implementation from the {@code Interface} {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData}.
 * @return an implementation from the {@code Interface} {@code TransferData}.
 * @see com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData
public TransferData build();

com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData<a name="TrDa" />

 * The interface {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData} is a 
 * simple readonly POJO to store optional values in an {@link javafx.event.ActionEvent}.
 * An implementation from this interface can be generated with the builder class 
 * {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferDataBuilder}.<br>
 * All optional attributes if not set will returned {@link java.util.Optional#empty()}.
 * <p>
 * For additional information how to use the {@code TransferDataBuilder}
 * plz see 'TODO add link to example in readme'.
 * @author Naoghuman
 * @see    com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferDataBuilder
 * @see    java.util.Optional
 * @see    javafx.event.ActionEvent
public interface TransferData
 * Get the stored {@link java.lang.String} {@code actionId}.
 * @return The {@code actionId}.
 * @see    java.lang.String
public String getActionId();
 * Get a stored {@link java.lang.Boolean} {@code value} as an {@link java.util.Optional}.
 * @return The stored value as an Optional&lt;Boolean&gt; or Optional.empty().
 * @see    java.lang.Boolean
 * @see    java.util.Optional
public Optional<Boolean> getBoolean();
 * Get a stored {@link java.lang.Character} {@code value} as an {@link java.util.Optional}.
 * @return The stored value as an Optional&lt;Character&gt; or Optional.empty().
 * @see    java.lang.Character
 * @see    java.util.Optional
public Optional<Character> getCharacter();
 * Get the stored {@link java.lang.Double} {@code value} as an {@link java.util.Optional}.
 * @return The stored value as an Optional&lt;Double&gt; or Optional.empty().
 * @see    java.lang.Double
 * @see    java.util.Optional
public Optional<Double> getDouble();
 * Get the stored {@link java.lang.Integer} {@code value} as an {@link java.util.Optional}.
 * @return The stored value as an Optional&lt;Integer&gt; or Optional.empty().
 * @see    java.lang.Integer
 * @see    java.util.Optional
public Optional<Integer> getInteger();
 * Get the stored {@link java.lang.Long} {@code value} as an {@link java.util.Optional}.
 * @return The stored value as an Optional&lt;Long&gt; or Optional.empty().
 * @see    java.lang.Long
 * @see    java.util.Optional
public Optional<Long> getLong();
 * Get the stored {@link java.lang.Object} {@code value} as an {@link java.util.Optional}.
 * @return The stored value as an Optional&lt;Object&gt; or Optional.empty().
 * @see    java.lang.Object
 * @see    java.util.Optional
public Optional<Object> getObject();
 * Get the stored {@link java.lang.String} {@code value} as an {@link java.util.Optional}.
 * @return The stored value as an Optional&lt;String&gt; or Optional.empty().
 * @see    java.lang.String
 * @see    java.util.Optional
public Optional<String> getString();
 * Get the stored {@link java.lang.String} {@code responseActionId} as an {@link java.util.Optional}.
 * @return The stored value as an Optional&lt;String&gt; or Optional.empty().
 * @see    java.lang.String
 * @see    java.util.Optional
public Optional<String> getResponseActionId();
 * This flag allowed the developer to verify if the logging from the 
 * {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.TransferData} during the 
 * {@link javafx.event.ActionEvent} is disabled or not.
 * <p>
 * {@code Default} the logging is enabled.
 * @return {@code TRUE} if the logging from the {@code TransferData} disabled
 *         during the handling from the {@code ActionEvent} otherwise {@code FALSE}.
 * @see    javafx.event.ActionEvent
public boolean isLoggingDisabled();

com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.Registerable<a name="ReAb" />

 * With this interface the developer have an {@code official} method to register all methods in 
 * the implementing classes which will {@code register} {@link javafx.event.ActionEvent}s during the method
 * {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandler#register(java.lang.String, javafx.event.EventHandler) }
 * with an specific {@code actionId}.
 * @author Naoghuman
 * @see    com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandler#register(java.lang.String, javafx.event.EventHandler)
 * @see    javafx.event.ActionEvent
public interface Registerable
 * Implementing this method alloweds the developer to {@code register} all methods in the 
 * implementing class which will {@code register} {@link javafx.event.ActionEvent}s during the method
 * {@link com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandler#register(java.lang.String, javafx.event.EventHandler) }.
 * @author Naoghuman
 * @see com.github.naoghuman.lib.action.core.ActionHandler#register(java.lang.String, javafx.event.EventHandler)
 * @see javafx.event.ActionEvent
public void register();

Download<a name="Download" />

Current version is 0.6.0. Main points in this release are:

Maven coordinates
In context from a Maven project you can use following maven coordinates:



An overview about all existings releases can be found here:

Requirements<a name="Requirements" />

In the library are following libraries registered as dependencies:

Installation<a name="Installation" />

Install the project in your preferred IDE

Documentation<a name="Documentation" />

Contribution<a name="Contribution" />

License<a name="License" />

The project Lib-Action is licensed under General Public License 3.0.

Autor<a name="Autor" />

The project Lib-Action is maintained by me, Peter Rogge. See Contact.

Contact<a name="Contact" />

You can reach me under peter.rogge@yahoo.de.