


NVIDIA Isaac Transport for ROS package for hardware-acceleration friendly movement of messages.

<div align="center"><a class="reference internal image-reference" href="https://media.githubusercontent.com/media/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/.github/main/resources/isaac_ros_docs/repositories_and_packages/isaac_ros_nitros/image5-1.gif/"><img alt="image" src="https://media.githubusercontent.com/media/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/.github/main/resources/isaac_ros_docs/repositories_and_packages/isaac_ros_nitros/image5-1.gif/" width="600px"/></a></div>


Isaac ROS NITROS contains NVIDIA’s implementation of type adaptation and negotiation in ROS 2. To learn more about NITROS, see here.

Isaac ROS NITROS is composed of a number of individual packages, each with either a functional or structural purpose:

isaac_ros_gxf: : This package serves as a container for precompiled GXF extensions used by other Isaac ROS packages. While a number of GXF extensions used by Isaac ROS are provided with source, the extensions contained in isaac_ros_gxf are license constrained and are thus shipped as .so binaries.

isaac_ros_managed_nitros: : This package contains the wrapper classes that enable developers to add NITROS-compatible publishers and subscribers to third-party CUDA-based ROS nodes. For more information about CUDA with NITROS, see here.

isaac_ros_nitros: : This package contains the base NitrosNode class and associated core utilities that serve as the foundation for all NITROS-based ROS nodes.

isaac_ros_nitros_interfaces: : This package contains the definitions of the custom ROS 2 interfaces that facilitate type negotiation between NITROS nodes.

isaac_ros_nitros_topic_tools: : This folder contains a NITROS based implementation of some of the nodes in the topic_tools package.

isaac_ros_nitros_type: : This folder contains a number of packages, each defining a specific NITROS type and the associated type adaptation logic to convert to and from a standard ROS type.


Please visit the Isaac ROS Documentation to learn how to use this repository.



Update 2024-05-30: Add support for NITROS message filters